How NFL Overtime Works?

How NFL Overtime Works? If a game is tied at the end of regulation, each team has an opportunity to possess the ball. The team that scores first wins the game.

How NFL Overtime Works

In the NFL, if the score is tied at the end of regulation, the game will go into overtime. Each team will get one possession to score, and if the score is still tied, the game will go into sudden death. In sudden death, the first team to score wins the game. Let’s take a look at how NFL overtime works.

Sudden death

In sudden death, the first team to score wins, regardless of how many points the other team has scored. Sudden death is used in the regular season and in most preseason and postseason games. In the regular season, if the score is tied at the end of regulation time, each team gets one possession to score. The order of these possessions is decided by a coin toss before overtime starts. If one team scores a touchdown on its first possession, it wins; if it scores a field goal, the other team gets a chance to score. If neither team scores on its first possession or if both teams score field goals, the game continues with each team getting alternate possessions until one team either scores a touchdown or takes the lead with a field goal after both teams have had an equal number of possessions.

In sudden death, if both teams have had an equal number of possessions and the score is still tied at the end of overtime, each team gets one additional possession to try and score. This process is repeated until one team either scores or fails to gain a first down when it has the ball.

First possession

In NFL overtime, the team that wins the coin toss gets the first possession (barring a safety on the opening kickoff). From there, each team gets two possessions unless one team scores a touchdown on its first series and the other team doesn’t. This is what’s known as sudden death. In sudden death, whoever scores next (be it a field goal or touchdown) wins the game.

How the NFL’s New Overtime Rules Will Impact the Game

The National Football League’s overtime rules are changing for the 2017 season, and the new rules could have a big impact on the game. In the past, the overtime period was just 10 minutes long, but now it will be 15 minutes long. This change is designed to reduce the number of players who are injured during overtime, and it will also give teams more time to score.


In the past, NFL teams have tried to avoid injuries by resting their starters in the fourth quarter when the game is no longer in question. However, with the new overtime rules in place, starters will have to stay on the field for an extra period, which could lead to more injuries.

In addition, the new rules could lead to more players getting “garbage time” snaps, which are snaps that occur when the game is no longer in question and one team is clearly going to win. These snaps are often when players sustains injuries because they are not playing as hard as they would be if the game was still in doubt.


With the new NFL overtime rules in place, both teams will have the opportunity to possess the ball at least once in overtime, regardless of who scoring first. In the past, if the team that received the overtime coin toss scored a touchdown on their first drive, the game was over. Now, if that team scores a field goal on their first drive, the other team will get a chance to either score a touchdown to win or tie the game with a field goal of their own. If neither team scores, or if both teams score field goals on their first drives, then the game will proceed in sudden death fashion. In sudden death OT, whichever team scores first (by any means) wins the game.

The new NFL overtime rules are clearly designed to add more excitement and strategy to the overtime period. In the past, many games were decided by a simple coin toss, which didn’t seem fair. Now, with both teams guaranteed at least one possession, there will be more opportunities for comebacks and big plays. This should make for a more exciting and interesting brand of football.

Player fatigue

In the NFL, each team is allowed to have 53 players on its active roster. However, during the game, each team is only allowed to have 11 players on the field at one time. This leaves a lot of room for player rotation, which is necessary to avoid player fatigue.

Under the new overtime rules, each team will be required to have at least one player on the field who has not played in the previous three offensive or defensive snaps. This will prevent teams from being able to just run their starters out there for the entire overtime period.

In addition, each team will only be allowed to use one timeout during overtime. This is designed to keep games from becoming too long and drawn-out.

The new overtime rules are likely to have a significant impact on how NFL games are played. In particular, they will place a greater emphasis on player rotation and fatigue management.

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