How Often Should You Restring Your Tennis Racquet?

How often you restring your tennis racquet depends on a few factors. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what those factors are and how they affect when you should restring your racquet.


How often you restring your tennis racquet depends on various factors such as how often you play, the type of string you use, the tension of the string, etc. Generally speaking, though, you should restring your racquet every 3-6 months if you play frequently (3-4 times a week) and every 6-12 months if you play occasionally (1-2 times a week). If you are unsure whether your racquet needs to be restrung, bring it into your local tennis shop and they will be able to help you.

How often to restring?

How often you restring your tennis racquet is dependent on how often you play tennis. If you are an avid player, you will likely need to restring your racquet more often than someone who only plays a couple times a week. The type of string you use can also affect how often you need to restring.

Depending on how often you play

How often you restring your tennis racquet depends on how often you play. The general rule is to restring once per month if you play three times per week, every six weeks if you play once per week, and every two to three months if you are a casual player or play only doubles. Tennis players who are hard hitters or string their racquets very tightly may need to restring more often.

Depending on the string material

The frequency of restringing also depends on the string material. Natural gut strings, for example, break down much faster than synthetic strings. Therefore, players who use natural gut generally restring more often – typically after every 5 to 6 hours of playing time. Conversely, players who use synthetic strings can often play without restringing for several weeks or longer.

Depending on the string gauge

The rule of thumb is that you should restring your tennis racquet every 4-6 weeks if you are a casual player. If you play tennis frequently or competitively, you will likely need to restring more often, maybe every 2-3 weeks.

The string gauge (thickness) that you use will also affect how often you need to restring. Thinner strings (16 gauge) breaking sooner than thicker strings (15L or 15 gauge). So, if you are using thinner strings, you may need to restring more frequently.

How to tell when your racket needs restringing?

If you play tennis regularly, you should restring your racket every few months to keep it performing at its best. But how can you tell when your racket needs restringing? Here are a few signs to look out for:

Signs that your racket needs restringing

While there is no precise time frame, most experts suggest that you should restring your tennis racket every 3-6 months, depending on how often you play. But other factors, such as string gauge and playing style, can affect how often you need to restring your racket.

Here are some signs that your racket needs to be restrung:
-Your strings have lost their elasticity and snap.
-Your strings have started to fray or break.
-Your strings have lost their color.
-You’re not getting the same level of spin or power that you used to.

How to test your racket’s string tension

There are three ways to test your racket’s string tension: by feel, by sound, or with a tension gauge.

By feel:
One way to tell if your racket’s strings have loosened is by simply feeling them. Pluck each string near the middle of the racket’s face. If the string produces a dull “thud” sound, then it has probably lost some tension and needs to be tightened or replaced. Conversely, if the string produces a high-pitched “twang” sound, then it is too tight and needs to be loosened.

By sound:
Another way to test your racket’s string tension is by listening to the sound it makes when you hit a tennis ball with it. If you hear a “ping” or “snap” sound, then the strings are too tight and need to be loosened. If you hear a dull thud sound, then the strings have likely lost tension and need to be tightened or replaced. The optimum racket string tensions for producing a crisp “thwack” without being too sluggish are between 46 and 60 pounds (21 and 27 kilograms) for synthetic gut strings and between 50 and 65 pounds (23 and 29 kilograms) for multifilament strings. natural gut strings should be strung between 55 and 70 pounds (25 and 32 kilograms).

With a tension gauge:
The most accurate way to test your racket’s string tension is with a special tool called a tension gauge. This gadget measures how much force is required to depress the racket’s strings at various points along their length. Most professional tennis players have their rackets strung within 3 pounds (1 1/2 kilograms) of their desired tensions, so if you’re consistently hitting your targets with a particular string setup, there’s no need to make any drastic changes.


If you play tennis recreationally, you should restring your racket every 2 to 3 months. If you play tennis competitively or frequently, you should restring your racket every month or more frequently.

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