How Often Should I Replace My Tennis Shoes?

A common question we get here at the Tennis Shop is, “How often should I replace my tennis shoes?” Here’s a blog post that will help answer that question!

How Often Should I Replace My Tennis Shoes?


It’s common knowledge that we should replace our running shoes every 300 to 500 miles. But, how often should we replace our tennis shoes? Surely they must last longer than running shoes since we don’t run in them as much. Right? Well, not necessarily. In this article, we’ll explore how often you should replace your tennis shoes and the factors that contribute to their lifespan.

Factors to Consider When Replacing Tennis Shoes

Generally, it’s a good idea to replace your tennis shoes every 6 months to a year, depending on how often you play. But there are other factors to consider as well, such as the type of court you’re playing on and your personal playing style. In this article, we’ll go over all the factors you should consider when replacing your tennis shoes.

The Type of Shoe

The type of shoe is the primary factor to consider when determining how often to replace your tennis shoes. If you frequently play on hard courts, you will need to replace your shoes more often than if you play only on softer surfaces like clay or grass. The harder the surface, the more wear and tear on your shoes and the faster they will break down.

If you only play tennis occasionally, you can probably get away with replacing your shoes less often. However, if you are a regular player, it is important to keep an eye on the condition of your shoes and replace them when necessary to avoid injury.

Other factors that can affect how often you should replace your tennis shoes include your weight, footstrike (how you land on your feet when playing) and playing style (aggressive vs. defensive). Generally speaking, heavier players and players with aggressive styles of play will need to replace their shoes more frequently than lighter players or those with more defensive styles.

How Often You Play

How often you play tennis is one of the biggest factors in deciding how often to replace your shoes. The rule of thumb is to replace them every six months, but that may not be realistic for everyone. If you only play a few times a year, you can probably get away with replacing them once a year or every other year. If you play multiple times a week, you may need to replace them more frequently.

Your Playing Surface

The first factor to consider when replacing tennis shoes is the playing surface. If you frequently play on concrete, asphalt, or other hard surfaces, your shoes will wear out more quickly and will need to be replaced more often. On the other hand, if you mostly play on softer surfaces such as clay or grass, your shoes will last longer.


In conclusion, depending on how often you play tennis, you should replace your shoes every 3-6 months. If you start to experience any pain in your feet or legs, be sure to get new shoes as soon as possible. Wearing shoes that don’t fit correctly can cause a lot of problems, so always make sure your shoes are comfortable and in good condition.

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