How Tennis Scores Work

How Tennis Scores Work – The Basics You Need to Know to Understand the Game


While the Wimbledon tournament is going on, you might be hearing a lot about tennis scores. Of all the games in the world, tennis scoring can seem some of the most confusing. With all of itsLove-15-30-40 jargon, it’s tough to follow if you don’t know how it works.

Here’s a quick primer on tennis scoring. The basic idea is simple: Players earn points by winning rallies, and they win rallies by either forcing their opponents to make errors or by hitting shots that their opponents can’t return. The first player to reach four points wins the game, unless both players reach three points, in which case the player who reached three first wins the game.

Scoring goes like this: If one player wins a rally, she earns a point and gets to serve again. If the other player wins the next rally, she evens the score at 1-1 and gets to serve again. This pattern continues until one player wins enough rallies in a row to take a lead of at least two points; at that point, that player has “won” the game and earns a point in the match score.

The first player to win six games wins a set; if both players win five games each, they play a tiebreaker game to determine who wins the set. (More on that later.) The first player to win two out of three sets wins the match.

How points are scored

When playing tennis, the objective is to win more points than your opponent. Points can be won in a number of ways, with the most common being by winning a game, set, or match. Games are won by the first player to reach four points, with set and match point totals being higher. Let’s take a more in-depth look at how points are scored in tennis.

In singles

In tennis, a player scores a point when the opponent fails to return the ball within the prescribed dimensions of the court. Points are usually awarded after every two successful consecutive serves by each player, with the first player to score winning that particular game (also known as ‘frame’). If both players reach four points, then whichever player is leading by two points wins that game. In other words, if one player is leading 4-2, that player wins the game. If both players reach five points, then whichever player is leading by two points wins that game. In other words, if one player is leading 5-3, that player wins the game. This process continues until one of the players has won a total of six games and is declared the winner.

If both players have won six games each, then whichever player is leading by two games is declared the winner. For example, if the score is 6-4, 6-4, then the person leading by two games (in this case it would be Player A) would be declared the winner. If both players have won six games each and the score reaches 6-6, then a tie-break situation arises.

In doubles

In doubles, the situation is a little different. In this case, each player on a team plays his or her own separate game against one of the players on the other team. The games are still played to four points, but each individual game is like a mini-set. The first player or team to win six games wins the set. If the score of the set gets to 6-6, then whoever wins the next game wins the set. There is no tiebreaker in doubles except at 6-6 in a set, when a tiebreaker is used to determine who wins that particular set.

The roles of the umpire and line judges

In tennis, the umpire is the person who makes sure the game is played fairly and that the rules are followed. They also keep score and make sure the players know what the score is. The umpire is in charge of the game and can give out warnings, or even eject players, if they break the rules.

The line judges are there to help the umpire keep track of where the ball lands. They stand at the back of each court and raise their arms to signal when the ball has landed outside of the court boundaries.

The scoring system

In tennis, a player scores a point when the opponent is unable to return the ball within the specified playing area. The game progresses through a series of points, with each player serving alternately. If the score reaches deuce, then the next point scored by either player wins the game.


In tennis, “advantage” (formerly known as “advantage in”) is a game state where one player has a lead over the other. If the leading player’s score then becomes equal to his opponent’s, he is said to have lost his advantage and the score reverts to deuce. If however he wins the next point, he regains advantage as well as winning the game. If a player has ad in but loses another point, that player returns to advantage.

A player who wins a point while his opponent is on ad scores two points in that game and takes ad again. From then on, each time either player wins a point while on ad reflects in their score: if the server wins the point, he scores one point and his opponent stays on ad; if the receiver wins the point, he or she stays on ad but no points are scored and neither player has won or lost anything since last scoring.


In tennis, “deuce” means that the score is tied at 40-40. To win the game, a player must score two consecutive points after deuce, called a “advantage.” If the player who scores the advantage point loses the next point, the score goes back to deuce. The first player to score four points (two more than their opponent) wins the game. However, if both players reach six points, then whichever player scores the seventh point wins the set outright.


In tennis, “no-ad” scoring means that the first player to win four points in a game wins the game, regardless of whether the player is leading by one point or three. No-ad scoring simplifies tennis and can make matches quicker, but it can also be confusing for new players.

Here’s a quick explanation of how no-ad scoring works:

1. A game is won by the first player to win four points.
2. If the score reaches 3-3, then the next point will be a “deciding point.” The player who wins this point will win the game.
3. If the score reaches 4-4 (or higher), then each subsequent point will be a “deciding point.” The player who wins this point will win the game.
4. There is no difference between “regular” points and “deciding” points; they both count towards winning the game.
5. The score is always announced as X-Y, where X is the number of points won by Player 1 and Y is the number of points won by Player 2. For example, if Player 1 wins three points in a row to take a 3-1 lead, then the score would be announced as “three–one.”

No-ad scoring is sometimes used in informal games or exhibition matches, but it is not used in any professional tournaments (including Grand Slams).


Scoring in tennis is a complex system that can be confusing for new players and spectators alike. The basic idea is to score points by hitting the ball into your opponent’s court so they can’t return it, or by forcing your opponent to hit the ball out of bounds. However, there are a number of different ways to score points, and the game can be won in a variety of ways.

Knowing how tennis scoring works will not only help you follow matches more easily, but it will also give you a better understanding of the strategies that players use to win. Once you understand the basic concepts, you’ll be able to appreciate the skills of even the most advanced players.

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