How the NBA Lottery Works? Everything You Need to Know

The NBA Draft Lottery is an annual event that takes place in May, in which the 14 non-playoff teams receive draft picks for the upcoming NBA season.

How the NBA Lottery Works? Everything You Need to Know


With the 2019 NBA Draft Lottery set to take place on May 14, here’s a look at how the event works and what you need to know.

The NBA Draft Lottery is an annual event in which the 14 non-playoff teams in the league are given a chance to earn the right to select first overall in the NBA draft.

The lottery process has undergone several changes over the years, but the current system has been in place since 2015. In this system, the 14 non-playoff teams are each given a certain number of combinations (or “chances”) to win the top pick based on their record.

The team with the worst record is given the most combinations (250), while the team with the best record is given just five. The other 12 teams are given varying numbers of combinations based on their records.

Under this system, it is impossible for the team with the worst record to fall below No. 5 in the draft order.

The lottery process begins with four balls being drawn from a hopper containing 14 numbered ping-pong balls. The four balls drawn correspond to those same numbered ping-pong balls contained within another hopper.

The team represented by that numbered ball receives what’s called a “chance,” which gives them a shot at winning one of three possible outcomes — first overall pick, second overall pick or third overall pick.

If one or more of those three results have already been determined by previous picks, then those teams will instead be assigned picks fourth through sixth (or worse) accordingly.

What is the NBA Lottery?

The NBA Lottery is a system that was implemented in 1985 in order to give all NBA teams a fair and equal chance at obtaining the first overall pick in the NBA draft. In the past, the team with the worst record in the league would automatically get the first pick, but this created a situation where teams were sometimes tanking games at the end of the season in order to get a better chance at getting that first pick. The lottery system prevents this from happening by giving all teams a chance at getting that top pick, regardless of their record.

Here’s how it works:

• There are 14 balls, numbered 1 through 14.
• The balls are placed in a machine and mixed up.
• During the lottery, four balls are drawn out of the machine. The four balls are placed in a separate room where they cannot be seen or touched by anyone.
• A representative from each team is present in the room when the balls are drawn.
• The number on each ball corresponds to a specific team. The team that has the ball with their number on it will receive the first overall pick in the draft.
• If more than one team has the same number on their ball, then those teams will have to share the first overall pick (more on this later).

How does the NBA Lottery Work?

The National Basketball Association (NBA) draft lottery is an annual event held by the NBA, in which the teams who did not make the playoffs the previous year participate in a lottery process to determine the draft order in the NBA draft.

The NBA draft lottery started in 1985. In its current format, it gives the 14 teams who did not make the playoffs that year, a chance at winning the first overall pick. The odds of winning the first overall pick are not equal for all 14 teams. The team with the worst record has the best chance at getting the first overall pick and thus, selecting first overall in that year’s NBA draft.

What are the odds of winning the NBA Lottery?

To determine the odds of each team winning the Lottery, the NBA uses a weighted system that gives the lowest-seeded team the best chance (14 percent) of receiving the No. 1 pick, while increasing the odds (and reducing the chances) for each subsequent club. The odds for each seed are as follows:

-Team with worst record: 14 percent
-Team with second-worst record: 12.5 percent
-Team with third-worst record: 11.1 percent
-Team with fourth-worst record: 9.4 percent
-Team with fifth-worst record: 7.5 percent
-Team with sixth-worst record: 6 percent
-Team seventh worst record: 4.5 percent
-Team eighth worst record: 3.2 percent
(These are the teams that make the playoffs)

In addition to those eight teams, there are also two other wild card teams that each have a 0.5 percent chance at receiving the No. 1 draft pick.

What are the benefits of winning the NBA Lottery?

The benefits of winning the NBA Lottery are many and varied. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that the team that wins the lottery will have the first overall pick in the NBA Draft. This means that the team will have their choice of any player who is eligible for the draft, including potential superstars who could change the fortunes of the franchise for years to come.

In addition to having the first overall pick, the team that wins the lottery will also have a greater chance of getting one of the top two picks in the draft. This is because, in addition to being awarded the first overall pick, the team that wins the lottery will also be given an extra pick in either the second or third round of the draft.

Another benefit of winning the lottery is that it can help a team to improve its standing in future seasons. This is because, in addition to getting a high draft pick, teams that win the lottery are often given a larger share of revenue from television contracts and other sources. This extra revenue can be used to attract free agents and make other improvements to the team, which can help them to compete for championships in future seasons.


In conclusion, the NBA draft lottery is a weighted system that gives the teams with the worst records the greatest chance of receiving the number one overall pick. The lottery also determines the order of selection for picks two through fourteen. The lottery balls are drawn by chance, and the whole process is conducted in a room that is closed off to the public. In recent years, changes have been made to the lottery system in order to discourage tanking, but it remains to be seen if these changes will be successful.

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