How To Add Padding To A Baseball Glove?

If your baseball glove is too small, you can add padding to make it fit better. Follow these steps to add padding to your baseball glove.


Whether you are trying to improve the feel of your glove or just trying to break it in, adding padding is a process that can be completed at home with a few items that you may already have around the house. The key is to remember that you can always add more padding, but you can’t take it away, so start small and work your way up. In this article, we will show you how to add padding to a baseball glove in four easy steps.

Materials Needed

In order to add padding to a baseball glove, you will need the following materials:
-One sheet of closed-cell foam
-One sheet of open-cell foam
-(Optional) one sheet of fabric
-A sharp knife
-A strong adhesive
-A baseball glove

First, you will need to cut the closed-cell foam into strips that will fit inside the baseball glove. Next, you will need to cut the open-cell foam into strips that are slightly larger than the closed-cell foam strips. If you are using fabric, you will need to cut it into strips that are slightly larger than the open-cell foam strips.

Next, you will need to glue the closed-cell foam strips to the inside of the baseball glove. Make sure that the adhesive is evenly distributed. Once the closed-cell foam is in place, you will need to glue the open-cell foam strips on top of the closed-cell foam. Again, make sure that the adhesive is evenly distributed. Finally, if you are using fabric, you will need to glue it on top of the open-cell foam.

Once all of your materials are in place, you will need to allow the adhesive to dry completely before using your baseball glove.

Step One

Padding a baseball glove is a great way to add extra protection, comfort and durability to your glove. While you can purchase special padding for your glove, it is easy to make your own using items that you may already have around the house. This project requires only a few materials and can be completed in an afternoon.

Step One
Measure the area of the glove that you want to add padding to. Using a tape measure, measure the length and width of the area. Cut a piece of foam rubber or neoprene that is slightly larger than the measured area.

Step Two
Apply adhesive to one side of the foam rubber or neoprene. There are a variety of adhesives that can be used for this project, including contact cement, spray adhesive or double-sided tape. Be sure to read the labels on the adhesive products and choose one that is appropriate for use with foam rubber or neoprene. Apply the adhesive to the entire surface of the foam rubber or neoprene.

Step Three
Press the foam rubber or neoprene onto the glove, aligning it with the edge of the area that you are padding. Apply pressure to secure the padding in place. Allow time for the adhesive to dry completely before using the glove.

Step Two

The second step is to take your chosen padding material and cut it into strips that will fit comfortably inside the glove. You can use any type of padding, but foam is often used because it is easy to work with and provides a good level of protection. Once you have cut the strips to size, gently insert them into the glove, taking care not to damage the leather.

Step Three

After you have chosen the right size and fit for your glove, it is time to add the padding. Padding will help to protect your hand from the hard ball and will also help to absorb some of the shock when you make a catch. Most gloves come with some padding already in place, but you may want to add more depending on your preference.

There are two main types of padding that you can use in your glove – foam and wool. Foam is generally considered to be the more effective option as it offers more protection, but it can also be more expensive. Wool is a cheaper option but it does not offer as much protection. You will need to experiment with both types of padding to see which one works best for you.

To add padding to your glove, start by tracing around the edges of your hand onto the padding material. Cut out this shape from the padding, making sure that it is slightly smaller than your hand so that it fits snugly inside the glove. Next, place the padding inside the glove and position it so that it covers the area where your hand will make contact with the ball. Finally, secure the padding in place using adhesive tape or Velcro strips.

Step Four

Size also matters when it comes to adding extra padding to your baseball glove. You don’t want the padding to be too thick or too thin. If it’s too thick, it will make the glove cumbersome to use. If it’s too thin, it won’t provide enough protection. You’ll need to experiment a bit to find the right balance for you.

Step Five

Lay the new piece of padding on top of the old one, and trace around it with a permanent marker. Cut out the new shape with scissors, and remove the old padding.


There are a few things to keep in mind when adding padding to a baseball glove. First, make sure that the padding is not too thick or too thin. Second, be sure to add the padding evenly across the glove. Finally, be sure to add the padding in a way that will not interfere with the natural movement of the glove.

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