How To Backhand In Tennis?
A backhand is a stroke in which the ball is hit with the reverse side of the racket to the backhand side of the court.
The Backhand in Tennis
The backhand is a tennis stroke used to hit a ball that is already in the air and already behind the player. The backhand is often used when the player does not have time to turn their body around to hit a forehand shot. It can also be used as a defensive shot when the player is being forced to hit the ball from behind them.
The grip
In order to properly execute a backhand in tennis, it is important to first understand and identify the different types of grips. The grip is the way in which you hold the racket and it affects everything from the power of your strokes to the spin you impart on the ball. The most common backhand grips in tennis are the Continental Grip and the Eastern Grip.
The Continental Grip is perhaps the most popular grip for a backhand stroke, as it allows for a great deal of control and power. To place your hand in this grip, simply position your hand so that the V formed by your thumb and forefinger points towards the bottom of the racket head. This grip is often used by professional players when they need to place a precise shot.
The Eastern Grip is another popular choice for backhand strokes. To place your hand in this grip, simply position your hand so that the V formed by your thumb and forefinger points towards the top of the racket head. This grip provides less power than the Continental Grip but gives players more topspin, which can be helpful when hitting balls that are high over the net.
The stance
Assuming a right-handed stance, the backhand is executed by holding the racquet in the left hand and drawing the racket back to the right hip. The player then bends their knees and shifts their weight to the right foot as they bring the racket forward and up, hitting the ball with a sideways motion. The left arm is extended straight, and the elbow held close to the body. Follow-through consists of extending one’s arm towards the net.
The stroke
The backhand is a tennis stroke in which the ball is hit with the back of the hand facing the ball at the moment of contact. It can be executed both one-handed and two-handed. The backhand is considered the weaker of all strokes and is usually hit by novice players as they have not yet developed the other strokes in their game. Because of this, many players try to use other strokes such as forehands or overheads to hit the ball instead.
The Backhand in Tennis – Topspin
One of the most important strokes in tennis is the backhand. And of the backhand strokes, the topspin backhand is the most powerful. A topspin backhand is hit with an overhand grip and an open stance. The racket is swung up and around the body, and the racket face is kept perpendicular to the ground. The ball hits the racket face above the center, and the racket is then swung up and around the body to complete the stroke.
The grip
There are three commonly used grips for the backhand, each providing different strokes:
-The Continental Grip: The most popular choice among professional players, the continental grip allows a player to hit a variety of strokes with moderate topspin. It is also the best grip for hitting a slice backhand.
-The Eastern Grip: The eastern grip produces a flatbackhand stroke with moderate topspin. It is not as versatile as the continental grip, but it provides more power.
-The Western Grip: The western grip is rarely used in modern tennis. It produces a very flat backhand stroke with little topspin.
To execute a backhand using the continental grip, start by positioning the ball in your hand so that you are holding it with your palm and fingers (as opposed to your thumb and fingers). Your racket face should be pointing towards the sky, and your arm should be extended out in front of you. As you swing your racket back, rotate your hand so that the palm faces downwards and the racket face points towards the ground. This will give your stroke topspin. Finally, snap your wrist as you make contact with the ball to add extra power.
The stance
When hitting a backhand, you need to have the correct tennis stance. For a right-handed player, this means having your left foot slightly ahead of your right foot and pointing toward the net. Your weight should be on the balls of both feet, and your knees should be bent. For a left-handed player, the opposite is true. Both feet should be pointing toward the net with your weight on the balls of both feet and your knees bent.
The stroke
The backhand is a tennis stroke executed by swinging the racquet behind one’s body, across the player’s non-dominant shoulder, and hitting the ball with the opposite side of the racquet. It is considered one of the most versatile strokes in the game, as both right-handed and left-handed players can effectively use it; additionally, both one-handed and two-handed backhands can be used.
There are two main types of backhands: the one-handed backhand and the two-handed backhand. Each can be played either on the forehand or backhand side of the court. The one-handed version is generally used by players with quick reflexes who want to increase their reach; it requires less energy to execute than the two-handed backhand, but can be more difficult to control. The two-handed backhand is generally used by players who want more power and topspin; it is easier to control than a one-handed backhand, but requires more effort to execute.
Players typically use a semi-western or eastern grip for their two-handed backhands, which gives them more versatility when hitting different kinds of shots (e.g., topspin, slice). The one-handed backhand can be hit using an eastern or continental grip; the latter is typically used when hitting slice shots.
The Backhand in Tennis – Slice
The backhand is one of the most important strokes in tennis. It can be either a forehand or a backhand, but most people prefer the backhand. A backhand is a very powerful stroke and can be used to hit the ball hard and fast. It is also a very accurate stroke and can be used to placement the ball into the corners of the court.
The grip
There are two main grips for a backhand slice ā the eastern backhand grip and the continental backhand grip. Both of these grips will result in a backhand slice.
The eastern backhand grip is the more common of the two grips and is used by most professional players. To adopt this grip, simply place your hand on the racket as if you were going to shake hands with it. Your index finger should be touching the bevel right above where the strings intersect. Your other three fingers should be touching the strings.
The continental backhand grip is a bit less common, but still used by some professional players. To adopt this grip, place your hand on the racket as if you were going to shake hands with it. Your index finger and your middle finger should be touching the bevel right above where the strings intersect. Your ring finger and your pinky finger should be touching the strings below where your index finger and middle finger are positioned.
The stance
When learning how to backhand in tennis, the stance is the first thing you need to get right. For a right-handed player, the left foot should be placed behind the baseline, and the right foot should be positioned slightly to the right of centre. For a left-handed player, vice versa. The weight should be balanced evenly across both legs, with a slight bend at the knees.
The racket should be held in the non-dominant hand ā for a right-handed player, this would be the left hand. The grip you use is important and affects both the power and direction of your backhand. For a slice backhand, use an eastern backhand grip, which is where you position your hand on the racket so that your palm faces away from you and your thumb and forefinger form a āvā shape.
The stroke
The backhand stroke in tennis is usually hit with the player’s back to the net, and is considered the weaker of the two strokes. However, with the modern game being so focused on topspin and players taking the ball earlier, many players now hit very effective backhands. The backhand can be hit either one handed or two handed, although most professional players now prefer to hit two handed backhands. There are several different types of backhand strokes, but the most common is the slice.
The backhand slice is a very effective stroke and can be used both offensively and defensively. It is struck with an open racket face, giving it spin and making it dip quickly. This makes it very difficult for opponents to generate power on their shots and easier for you to defend your court position. To hit a backhand slice, start by positioning your feet sideways on the baseline, then bring your racket back low behind your legs. As you start to swing forward, brush up on the ball from low to high, keeping your elbow close to your body. Hit the ball just before it reaches its highest point, using a continental grip. This will give it spin and make it dip quickly.
The Backhand in Tennis – Volley
The backhand volley is one of the most important strokes in tennis. It can be used both as an attacking shot and a defensive shot. When executed properly, it can be very effective. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind when performing this stroke. In this article, we will take a look at the backhand volley and how you can execute it properly.
The grip
The backhand volley is a shot that is hit with theracquet’s back face, or the side of the racquet that doesnot have the logo. For right handed players, this would bethe left side of the racket. Backhand volleys are gentyou hit them with an open stance and keep your racquethand low. When you make contact with the ball, you want tobe sure to snap your wrist so that the ball goes up over thenet quickly.
The stance
When preparing to hit a backhand, the player should take a closed stance, meaning the feet should be aligned parallel to the net. For a right-handed player, this means the right foot should be forward and the left foot back. The feet should be shoulder-width apart, with the weight balanced evenly between them. The knees should be slightly bent, and the bodyweight should be shifted onto the balls of both feet.
The stroke
A backhand is a tennis stroke in which the ball is hit with the back of the hand facing the ball at the moment of contact. It is considered one of the easiest strokes to master. The backhand can be played either one-handed or two-handed. It is possible to hit a backhand as either an offensive or defensive stroke, although most backhands are defensive.
The backhand is often used by beginners because it is easier to control than a forehand and requires less hand-eye coordination. However, more advanced players may use a backhand to take advantage of an opponent’s poor footwork or to surprise an opponent who is expecting a forehand.
There are several different types of backhands, including the flat backhand, topspin backhand, andslice backhand. Players may also hitsome shots cross-court or down the line.