How to Be a Ball Boy in Tennis

Have you ever wanted to be a ball boy or girl in tennis? It’s a great way to get close to the action and see some of the world’s best players up close. Here’s how you can make it happen.

How to Be a Ball Boy in Tennis


ball boy or girl is a young person who retrieves balls from the court during a tennis match. Ball boys and girls are a common sight at all levels of the game, from local tournaments to professional events such as Wimbledon. Being a ball boy or girl is a great way to get involved in tennis, and can be a lot of fun. It can also be hard work, so it’s important to be prepared before you take on the role. Here’s what you need to know about being a ball boy or girl in tennis.

What Does a Ball Boy Do?

Ball boys and girls are a vital part of any tennis match. They retrieve balls that have gone out of play and keep the players supplied with fresh balls during the match. They also help keep the court clean and tidy. If you’re interested in becoming a ball boy or girl, here’s what you need to do.

Retrieving balls

One of the most important duties of a ball boy or girl is retrieving balls from around the court. This involves paying attention to where the balls go and quickly fetching them so that play can resume. Depending on the level of competition, ball boys or girls may also be responsible for cleaning the balls before they are put back into play.

Assisting players

While the game of tennis is always the main event, ball boys and girls are an important part of making sure the match runs smoothly. They keep players supplied with fresh balls and towels between points, and they help retrieve balls that go out of play.

Being a ball boy or girl is a gig that takes quick reflexes, good hand-eye coordination, and the ability to pay close attention to the action on the court. If you think you have what it takes to be a ball boy or girl, read on for tips on how to make your dream a reality.


Being a ball boy or girl in tennis is a great way to get close to the action and see some of the world’s best players up close. It’s also a paying gig, which is a bonus. If you’re interested in becoming a ball boy or girl, there are a few things you need to know. First, you need to be between the ages of 12 and 18. You also need to be able to run quickly and be in good physical shape.


To be a ball boy or girl in tennis, you must meet the following age requirements:
-You must be at least 12 years old to work at a USTA tournament.
-You must be at least 13 years old to work at an ATP/WTA tour event or Grand Slam tournament.
-You must be at least 16 years old to work as a chair umpire at a USTA tournament.
However, keep in mind that each tournament has the right to set its own age requirements, so it’s always best to check with the tournament director before applying.

Athletic ability

In order to be a ball boy or girl in tennis, you must have good athletic ability. This means being able to run quickly and endure long hours of standing. You must also be able to keep your focus during long matches and not get distracted by the crowd or the players. You will need to be able to react quickly when a ball is hit in your direction so that you can catch it and return it to the player.

Other qualifications

In addition to being physically fit, ball boys and girls must have excellent hand-eye coordination. They must also be able to think quickly and react quickly to the changing game play. Being able to stay calm under pressure is also important, as ball boys and girls are often put in high-pressure situations.

How to Apply to Be a Ball Boy

There are many aspiring young tennis players out there who would love to have the opportunity to be a ball boy or girl at their local tennis tournament. Being a ball boy or girl is a great way to get close to the action and see some of your favorite players up close. If you are interested in applying to be a ball boy or girl, here is what you need to do.

Research tournaments

The first step in becoming a ball boy or girl is finding out which tennis tournaments are coming to your area. Most of the bigger tournaments will have a website where you can find out this information along with how to apply to be a ball boy or girl. If you live near smaller, lower-level tournaments, you can try contacting the tournament director directly to inquire about open positions.

Submit an application

To have a chance at becoming a ball boy or ball girl, the first step is to submit an application. Many professional tennis tournaments, both on the ATP and WTA Tours, as well as in Davis Cup and Fed Cup, use an online application process.

For example, to apply to be a ball boy or girl at the US Open, you must first fill out an online form with basic information such as your name, address, phone number, email address, gender and date of birth. You will also be asked to list your previous work experience (if any), as well as any skills or qualifications that you think would make you a good candidate for the job.

Once your application has been reviewed and accepted, you will be contacted by the tournament organizers to schedule an interview. This is usually a brief meeting where you will have a chance to ask any questions that you might have about the job, and it will also give the organizers an opportunity to get to know you better and assess your suitability for the role.


If you want to be a ball boy or girl in tennis, you will need to train for it. You will need to have good stamina and reflexes, and you will need to be able to think quickly on your feet. There are a few different ways that you can train for this. You can join a tennis club and participate in their junior program, or you can hire a private coach. You can also try to find a local tennis tournament that you can volunteer at.

On-court training

On-court training for ball boys and girls typically happens during the week leading up to the tournament. You’ll work with a group of other ball people, and a coach will put you through drills. The drills will be similar to what you would do if you were playing tennis, except that instead of hitting the ball over the net, you’ll be retrieving it. The coach will also give you tips on how to improve your footwork and arm movement.

Off-court training

In order to be a successful ball boy or girl, you need to be constantly aware of the game and have excellent hand-eye coordination. While on the court, you will have to move quickly and gracefully to retrieve balls, often while running at full speed. This means that you need to be in top physical condition.

To improve your speed and agility, you should focus on short bursts of cardiovascular activity, such as sprints or stair climbing. You should also do exercises that improve your balance and coordination, such as playing catch or riding a bike.

It is also important to be in good mental condition. This means being able to focus on the task at hand and blocking out any distractions. You should practice your concentration by playing a game or solving a puzzle while someone talks to you or tries to distract you.


In conclusion, being a ball boy or girl in tennis is a great way to get involved in the game and to earn a little extra money. It is important to be attentive and quick on your feet, and to have good hand-eye coordination. If you are able to follow these guidelines, then you will be sure to have a successful experience as a ball boy or girl in tennis.

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