How To Be An NFL Waterboy: Tips and Tricks

Are you looking to become an NFL waterboy? It’s a great way to get close to the action and be a part of a team. Here are some tips and tricks to help you make the most of your experience.


Are you interested in becoming an NFL waterboy? It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you land the gig.

NFL waterboys are responsible for keeping players hydrated during practices and games. They must have a strong work ethic and be able to handle physically demanding tasks. They must also be able to keep up with the fast-paced lifestyle of an NFL player.

If you think you have what it takes to become an NFL waterboy, here are a few tips and tricks to help you get the job:

1. Get in shape. NFL waterboys must be able to handle physically demanding tasks. They must also be able to keep up with the fast-paced lifestyle of an NFL player. To increase your chances of being hired, make sure you’re in top physical shape.

2. Know your stuff. It’s important that you know a lot about football if you want to become an NFL waterboy. Be sure to brush up on your knowledge of the game before applying for the job.

3. Be a people person. As an NFL waterboy, you’ll be interacting with players and coaches on a daily basis. It’s important that you have strong social skills and are able to build relationships easily.

4. Have a positive attitude.NFL teams are looking for waterboys who are enthusiastic and have a positive attitude. If you’re not a people person, this job is probably not for you.

5 .Be willing to work long hours .NFL waterboys often have to work long hours, especially during game days . If you’re not prepared to work long hours, this job is probably not for you

What Does an NFL Waterboy Do?

If you want to be an NFL waterboy, you need to know what your responsibilities will be. As an NFL waterboy, you will be responsible for providing water to the players and staff during practices and games. You will also be responsible for cleaning the equipment and keeping the locker room organized. To be an NFL waterboy, you must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma.

sideline support

The waterboy for an NFL team has a demanding job, but it can also be a lot of fun. If you have a passion for football and want to be involved in the action without having to put on pads, then working as a waterboy may be the perfect job for you.

As a waterboy, your primary responsibility will be to provide sideline support for the players and coaches. This means that you will need to have a steady supply of cold water and towels on hand at all times. You will also need to keep track of which players or coaches need which type of drink and make sure that they always have what they need.

In addition to keeping everyone hydrated, you will also be responsible for cleaning up any messes that are made on the sidelines. This may include picking up discarded cups or towels, cleaning up spills, and more. It is important to always keep the sidelines clean so that the players can focus on playing their best.

If you are interested in becoming an NFL waterboy, there are a few things that you will need to do. First, you should contact your local NFL team and inquire about open positions. You may also want to look online or in your local newspaper for job listings. Once you find a position that interests you, be sure to follow the application instructions carefully.

In order to be successful as an NFL waterboy, it is important that you are passionate about football and able to stay calm under pressure. You should also be physically fit enough to keep up with the players and coaches on the sidelines and have a positive attitude at all times. If you can do all of these things, then you may just have what it takes to become an NFL waterboy!


As an NFL waterboy, your primary responsibility is to keep players hydrated during practices and games. You will need to have a strong working knowledge of the importance of hydration and how to properly mix and deliver sports drinks. You will also be responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of all team hydration equipment. In addition to yourhydration duties, you may also be asked to perform other tasks such as laundry duty or equipment set-up/break-down.

NFL waterboys are paid hourly employees of the team they work for. Salaries vary by team, but most waterboys make between $23,000 and $30,000 per year.

other duties

In addition to making sure the players have plenty of water during the game, waterboys are also responsible for filling up Gatorade jugs and taking them out to the field, keeping towels on the sidelines dry and clean, and collecting used towels and sweaty jerseys for laundry. They also might deliver playbooks and other papers to players and coaches on the sidelines.

How to Become an NFL Waterboy

There are many people who dream of working in the NFL, but don’t know how to go about it. One of the best ways to get your foot in the door is by becoming an NFL waterboy. This can be a great way to see all the action up close, while also getting paid to do it. If you’re interested in becoming an NFL waterboy, here are a few tips and tricks to help you out.

have the right qualifications

In order to become an NFL waterboy, you must have the right qualifications. There are a few things that you must have in order to even be considered for the job.

You must be at least 18 years old, although most waterboys are in their early-20s. You must also have a high school diploma or equivalent. While not required, it is beneficial to have some experience working with a sports team or in a customer service capacity.

It is also important that you are physically fit and able to handle the demands of the job. Being an NFL waterboy is not easy. You will be on your feet for long periods of time and will need to be able to lift heavy jugs of water and ice.

have the right connections

The most important thing you can do if you want to become an NFL waterboy is to have the right connections. It helps to know someone who knows someone who works for an NFL team. If you have a relative or friend who works for an NFL team, that’s a great start.

Another way to get connected is to volunteer at NFL events, like training camp or the NFL combine. You can also try to get a job working for an NFL team in some capacity, like as a security guard or in the ticket office. Once you’re connected to an NFL team, you’ll have a much better chance of becoming a waterboy.

Even if you don’t have any connections, you can still try to become an NFL waterboy by writing a letter or email to the head coach of your favorite team expressing your interest in the position and why you would be a good fit. You never know, your letter just might get you an interview!

Tips and Tricks for Being a Great NFL Waterboy

Every football fan has dreamed of being a waterboy for their favorite team at some point. It looks like a pretty easy job, but it’s actually a lot harder than it looks. If you want to be a great NFL waterboy, there are a few things you need to know. This article will give you some tips and tricks for being a great NFL waterboy.

be passionate about the job

In order to be a great NFL waterboy, you have to be passionate about the job. It’s not enough to simply show up and do the bare minimum. You have to want to be there, and you have to be excited about your role. Be enthusiastic when you’re handing out water, and make sure that you always have a smile on your face. If you can do this, then you’re well on your way to becoming a great NFL waterboy.

be professional

No matter what, always be professional. This means being on time for work, being respectful to those around you, and working hard. Even if you’re just fetching water for the players, remember that you’re representing the NFL and should always act accordingly.

be in shape

You need to be in top physical shape to be an effective waterboy. This means being able to run fast and far, as well as having the endurance to work long hours in hot conditions. NFL waterboys must also be able to lift heavy coolers filled with water and ice.


We hope you enjoyed our guide on how to be an NFL waterboy. Remember, the key things to remember are to be enthusiastic, helpful and in good shape. If you can do all of those things, then you’ll be well on your way to a successful career as an NFL waterboy.

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