How to Beat a Lobber in Tennis?

A lob in tennis is a defensive shot used to create time and space on the court. It is not an easy shot to beat, but it is possible with the right strategy. This blog post will show you how to beat a lobber in tennis.

Understand the lob

A lob in tennis is a defensive shot used to create a deep high arc with lots of backspin over the opponent’s head, who is at or near the net. The shot is usually used when the opponent is positioned at or near the net and is looking to volley the serve or approach shot.

What is a lob?

A lob in tennis is a high-arcing ballsaying goodbye to your hopes of getting the point. It is one of the hardest shots to hit, and when done correctly, can be very frustrating for your opponent.

There are two types of lobs: the defensive lob and the offensive lob. The defensive lob is used when you are cornered and need to get the ball over your opponents head and back onto your side of the court. The offensive lob is used when you want to make your opponent run and tire them out.

Lobbing is not an easy shot, and takes practice to master. Here are a few tips on how to beat a lobber in tennis:

– First, know that you have time! Most people panic when they see a lob coming their way, but you need to remember that it takes time for the ball to travel from one side of the court to the other. Use this time wisely by positioning yourself so that you can reach the ball easily.
– Second, be patient! One of the worst things you can do is swing at the ball too early. This will only give your opponent an easy put away point. Instead, let the ball come into your sweet spot before making contact. This way, you will have more control over where the ball goes.
– Third, don’t be afraid to hit it hard! A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that they need to take it easy on a lob because it’s such a highShot. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth! If you want to win the point, you need to put some power behind your shot. So go for it!

Lobbing can be frustrating, but if you keep these tips in mind, you’ll be sure to beat any lobber out there!

Why do players use the lob?

The lob can be used both offensively and defensively. When used offensively, the goal is to hit the ball over the opponent’s head and into their backcourt, forcing them to back up or even run backwards to retrieve the ball. This can give the player time to move up to the net for a possible volley. The lob can also be used as a defensive shot when an opponent is at the net and trying to put away a short ball. By hitting a deep lob, the player forces their opponent to retreat back to the baseline, hopefully giving themselves time to get back into position.

Anticipate the lob

Lobbers are one of the most frustrating opponents in tennis. They hit the ball high and deep, making it difficult to reach. The key to beating a lobber is to anticipate their shot and get to the ball early. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to beat a lobber in tennis.

Watch the player’s body language

One of the best ways to anticipate a lob is to watch the player’s body language. If they are leaning back and looking up, they are probably going to lob the ball. Another good clue is if they take a big backswing. If they do either of these things, get ready to run backwards and hit the lob!

Listen for the sound of the ball hitting the racket

Come to the net only when your opponent is lobbing. Look up and be sure to anticipate where the ball is going to land. If your opponent hits a deep lob, back up quickly so that you will be in position to hit a volley.

React quickly

Lobbers try to catch you off guard with their slow, loopy shots. But you can beat them at their own game by being patient and reacting quickly. Here are a few tips on how to beat a lobber in tennis.

Use your quickness to your advantage

There are a number of ways to beat a lobber in tennis, but one of the most effective is to use your quickness to your advantage.

Lobbers are often trying to take advantage of their opponent’s slower pace, so by being quick on your feet, you can negate their strategy.

Try to get to the ball early and hit it on the rise. This will make it harder for your opponent to get under the ball and will also give you more time to prepare for your shot.

If you find yourself being lobbed often, it may be worth practicing your volleys. This way, you can take control of the rally and put pressure on your opponent.

Be aggressive and take the initiative

Lobbers are people who hit high, soft balls that land just over the net. They’re annoying because they make it difficult to hit an aggressive shot. But don’t worry, there are things you can do to beat them.

The key is to be aggressive and take the initiative. You want to control the point by dictating the pace and hitting shots that force your opponent to defend. Here are some tips on how to do that:

-Hit your groundstrokes deep. Lobbers love short balls because they can put them away easily. By hitting deep, you force them to hit higher over the net, which makes it harder for them to put away their shots.

-Take the ball early. If you wait too long, your opponent will have time to adjust and hit a great lob. But if you take the ball early, you’ll catch them off guard and they won’t be able to hit such a good shot.

-Be patient. It can be tempting to go for winner after winner against a lobber, but that’s often not the best strategy. It’s better to wait for a mistake or an opportunity where you can put away an easy shot.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to beat most lobbers and have more fun on the tennis court!

Be patient

Lobbers are one of the most frustrating opponents in tennis. They hit the ball high and deep, making it difficult to get to. The key to beating a lobber is to be patient. Wait for them to make a mistake and then pounce. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to beat a lobber.

Don’t go for the winner too early

Remember, the key is to be patient. If you go for the winner too early, you may miss the ball altogether or hit it long. Instead, wait for your opponent to make the first move. If they hit a lob, they will most likely be out of position. This is your opportunity to take control of the point and put pressure on them by hitting a deep shot.

Wait for the right opportunity

Lobbers often win matches because they frustrate their opponents. When you are playing a lobber, you need to be patient and wait for the right opportunity to attack. If you try to hit too many winners, you will make errors and give the lobber the upper hand.

Here are some tips to help you beat a lobber:

– Stay patient and wait for your opportunity. Don’t try to force the issue.
– Attack when the lobber is out of position. This is usually after they have hit a lob.
– Use your own lobs wisely. You can often surprise the lobber with a well-placed shot.
– Keep the Pressure on. If you can stay aggressive, the lobber will make more mistakes.


In order to beat a lobber in tennis, you must first understand their game plan. A lobber’s strategy is to hit the ball high and deep, making it difficult for you to get to. Therefore, you must be patient and wait for your opportunity to hit a winner. If you can do this, you will be able to beat a lobber in tennis.

Use a backboard

If you’re playing a lobber, you’ll want to use a backboard. A backboard is a wall that you can hit the ball against to practice your strokes. By using a backboard, you can control the trajectory and spin of the ball, which will help you return lobs more effectively. You can also use a backboard to practice your volleys and overhead strokes.

Use a lob machine

If you’re serious about improving your tennis game, one of the best investments you can make is in a lob machine. Lob machines allow you to hit hundreds of high-arching practice shots without needing a partner. This is an ideal way to work on your lob game, as well as your stamina and endurance.

Lob machines come in a variety of styles and price ranges, so it’s important to do your research before making a purchase. You’ll also want to consider where you’ll be using the machine; some models are designed for indoor use only, while others can be used both indoors and outdoors.

Once you’ve selected the right lob machine for your needs, set it up in a location that allows you to hit practice shots without interruption. Then, start hitting balls and focus on perfecting your technique. Remember, the key to beating a lobber is to keep the ball in play!

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