How to Become a NBA Mascot

There are a few things you must become before you can don the furry costume and become a NBA Mascot. You must be able to entertain, be athletic, and be willing to work long hours.


Do you want to be a professional NBA mascot? It’s a fun and challenging role that requires fitness, acting, dancing, and tumbling ability. As a mascot, you will be the face of your team and responsible for generating excitement among fans at games and events. If you think you have what it takes to become a NBA mascot, read on for tips on how to make your dream a reality.

What does it take to become a NBA Mascot?

Have you ever wanted to be a professional sports mascot? If so, you’re not alone. Many people dream of having the job of running around in a furry costume and entertaining fans at sporting events. But what does it really take to be a successful sports mascot?

First, you need to be in good physical shape. Mascots typically spend a lot of time running, jumping, and dancing, so it’s important that they be physically fit.

Second, you need to have acting skills. A good mascot is more than just someone in a costume; they are also able to entertain fans and get them engaged in the game. This takes acting ability and the ability to improvise.

Third, you need to be creative. A good mascot is always coming up with new ways to entertain fans and keep them engaged. This requires creativity and the ability to think on your feet.

Fourth, you need to have passion for the team you’re representing. A good mascot doesn’t just show up to work; they are truly passionate about the team they’re cheering for and want to help them win.

If you think you have what it takes to be a successful sports mascot, then don’t hesitate to pursue your dream!


A mascot is more than just someone in a costume. They are athletes and performers that work hard to entertain fans. If you want to become a professional mascot, you will need to be in excellent physical condition and have some performance experience.

There are a few ways to get training to become a professional mascot:

-Take classes at a performing arts school or college
-Work with a professional mascot company
– Attend a workshop or camp specifically for aspiring mascots

In addition to training, you will also need to create a portfolio that includes photos and videos of your performance experience. When you are ready to apply for jobs, contact teams directly or check out job postings on websites like


Performing as a NBA Mascot is much more than just putting on a costume. It requires athleticism, personality, and the ability to improvise and think on your feet. A good mascot must be able to entertain crowds of all ages, both in person and on television.

If you’re interested in becoming a NBA Mascot, the first step is to perfect your performance skills. Take classes in acting, improvisation, and public speaking. Join a local improv group or theater troupe. The more experience you have performing in front of large groups of people, the better your chances of impressing the NBA Mascot judges.

In addition to performing, you must also be able to relate to children and be kid-friendly. NBA Mascots often visit schools and hospitals as part of their community outreach programs. You should be prepared to talk with kids, sign autographs, and pose for pictures.

Finally, remember that being a NBA Mascot is a physically demanding job. You must be in excellent shape and able to endure long hours in a hot costume. If you can handle all of this, then you just might have what it takes to become a NBA Mascot!

What are the benefits of being a NBA Mascot?

Mascots are more than just furry friends; they’re an important part of any sports team. Not only do they get fans pumped up and engaged, but they also help create an overall atmosphere of fun and excitement. NBA mascots are no exception, and there are some pretty great benefits that come with the job.

For starters, NBA mascots are often featured on TV and in other forms of media. This means that they have the opportunity to reach a wide audience and build their personal brand. Additionally, NBA mascots often make appearances at community events, schools, and hospitals. This is a great way to give back to the community and spread some positivity.

Furthermore, NBA mascots usually work with a team of other performers, which can be a lot of fun. These teams typically rehearse together and help each other out with costume changes, props, etc. It’s a great way to make lifelong friends and memories.

Last but not least, being a NBA mascot is a great way to stay in shape! Mascots typically have to perform for long periods of time, which means they need to have a lot of energy. As such, many mascots use their gigs as an opportunity to stay active and healthy.

Overall, being a NBA mascot is a pretty sweet gig! If you’re considering it as a career path, be sure to check out our comprehensive guide on how to become a NBA mascot.


Now that you know what it takes to become a NBA mascot, it’s time to start practicing your dance moves and perfecting your craft. It takes hard work, determination and a whole lot of hustle to make it in this competitive industry. But if you have what it takes, there’s no reason you can’t achieve your dreams of becoming a professional basketball mascot.

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