How to Become an NFL Team Owner

There are many ways to become an NFL team owner. You can purchase an existing team, or you can start a new team. You can also become an owner by investing in a team’s stadium.


In order to become an NFL team owner, you must first become a billionaire. Then, you must purchase an NFL franchise. The cost of an NFL franchise ranges from $1 billion to $4 billion. The most recent franchise to be sold was the Carolina Panthers, which sold for $2.2 billion.

How to buy an NFL team

So you want to become an NFL team owner? That’s a lofty goal, but it’s not impossible. Here’s what you need to know. The first step is to have deep pockets. NFL teams are not cheap. You’re looking at an investment of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars. So, do your homework and make sure you have the financial resources to make a serious bid on a team.

NFL team ownership requirements

If you have a passion for football and want to get involved with an NFL team, you may be wondering how to become an NFL team owner. Though it may seem like a daunting task, there are a few requirements you’ll need to meet before you can start the process of becoming an owner.

First and foremost, you’ll need a significant amount of capital. According to Forbes, the average NFL team is worth around $2.5 billion, so you’ll need to have the financial resources to purchase a team. In addition, you’ll also need to be approved by 24 of the 32 NFL owners.

To be approved by the other owners, you’ll need to demonstrate that you have the financial stability to own an NFL team and that you’re committed to running the team in a way that upholds the values of the NFL. You’ll also need to pass a background check conducted by the league.

If you meets all these requirements, then you can begin the process of purchasing an NFL team!

Financing an NFL team purchase

Bank loans are out of the question for most people when it comes to buying an NFL team. Not only do you need to be a millionaire or a billionaire to have a chance at becoming an owner, but you also need to be able to prove to a bank that you have the ability to pay back a loan that could cost upwards of $1 billion. That’s why most people who want to buy an NFL team need to finance their purchase with debt and equity.

Debt is usually in the form of a loan from a group of investors, while equity is money that is invested in the team in exchange for a share of ownership. The amount of debt and equity that an owner uses to finance their purchase depends on how much they’re willing to risk and how much money they have available.

For example, if someone has $1 billion and they’re willing to risk half of it, they could borrow $500 million and use $500 million of their own money as equity. This would give them a 50% stake in the team and 50% debt financing. On the other hand, someone who only has $100 million might put all of it into the team as equity, giving them a 100% stake but no debt financing.

The important thing to remember is that both debt and equity come with risks. If the team doesn’t perform well, the value of the franchise could go down and the owner could end up owing more money than the team is worth. That’s why it’s important to make sure you have enough cash flow to cover any losses that might occur.

The NFL team auction process

In order to become an NFL team owner, you must first go through a lengthy and complicated auction process. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this process:

1. Find a group of wealthy investors who are interested in owning an NFL team. This can be difficult, as there are only 32 teams in the league and the majority are already spoken for.

2. Once you have found a group of potential investors, begin contacting the NFL owners who are interested in selling their team. This process can be very difficult, as many owners are not interested in selling their teams.

3. If you are able to find an owner who is interested in selling their team, begin negotiating a purchase price. Keep in mind that NFL teams typically sell for over $1 billion.

4. Once a purchase price has been agreed upon, submit your bid to the NFL owners for approval. This process can take several months, as the owners must vote unanimously to approve any sale of an NFL team.

5. If your bid is approved by the NFL owners, you will then need to complete the purchase of the team and pay any applicable taxes and fees.Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of an NFL team!

How to start an NFL team

It takes a lot of money and effort to become an NFL team owner. You need to have a lot of capital, as well as a good business plan. You also need to be prepared to handle a lot of paperwork and be able to navigate the NFL’s complex structure.

Applying for an NFL expansion team

If you’re interested in becoming an NFL team owner, your first step should be to contact the Commissioner of the National Football League. You will need to submit a formal application, including a non-refundable application fee, as well as a deposit of $100 million. This deposit is refundable if your application is not approved.

In your application, you will need to outline your plans for the team, including where you would like to located, what kind of stadium you would like to build, and how you plan to finance both the team and the stadium. You will also need to show that you have the financial resources to sustain a team over the long term.

Once your application is received, it will be reviewed by a committee of NFL owners. If your application is approved, you will then be required to purchase at least 30 percent of the team’s stock and pay a $725 million expansion fee. This fee is used to finance new stadiums and other league initiatives.

After you have been approved and have purchased your stake in the team, you will then need to work with the league office on a number of issues, including team naming, logo development, and player personnel decisions. Once all of these things have been ironed out, you will finally be ready to take ownership of your very own NFL team!

Financing an NFL expansion team

It costs a lot of money to buy an NFL team. As of 2019, the going rate for an expansion team is $2.2 billion. That’s not pocket change. To finance an NFL expansion team, you’ll need to tap into a variety of sources, including personal savings, investments, loans, and lines of credit.

You’ll also need to demonstrate that you have the financial resources to sustain an NFL team over the long haul. That means showing that you can cover the costs of things like player salaries, stadium operations, and coaching staff salaries. NFL owners are also responsible for paying a portion of league-wide expenses, such as television contracts and other shared revenue streams.

If you’re serious about becoming an NFL owner, you’ll need to start by assembling a financial team that can help you navigate the process. You’ll also need to start making some key relationships within the NFL community. The best way to do that is by attending NFL games and meeting people who work in the front office of NFL teams.


In order to become an NFL team owner, you must have a net worth of at least $1 billion and be able to secure financing for the purchase price of the team, which is typically around $2.5 billion. You must also be approved by three-fourths of the NFL’s 32 team owners.

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