How to Become a Waterboy for the NFL?

Ever dream of being a part of an NFL team? Well, if you’re passionate about football and want to be close to the action, you can become a waterboy for the NFL! Here’s how:

1. Start by playing football at a young age. This will help you develop the skills and knowledge needed to be a waterboy.

2. Join a football team in high school or college. This will give you experience working with a team and managing equipment


Waterboys in the NFL typically are young men who are in great shape and have a strong interest in football. Playing collegiate football is not a requirement, but it certainly helps your chances of becoming a waterboy at the professional level. The road to becoming an NFL waterboy is not an easy one, but it is possible with persistence and hard work.

The Process of Becoming a Waterboy

Becoming a waterboy for the NFL is not as difficult as one might think. There are a few steps that one must follow in order to become a waterboy for their favorite team. The first step is to find out if the team is hiring waterboys. The next step is to meet the requirements that the team has set for their waterboys. Once you have met the requirements, you can then fill out an application and submit it to the team.

Applying for the Job

Becoming a waterboy for the NFL is a dream job for many young people. If you are interested in pursuing this dream, there are a few things you need to do. The first step is to fill out an application. You can find the application on the NFL website.

Once you have submitted your application, you will be contacted by someone from the team to schedule an interview. During the interview, they will ask you questions about your experience working with children and your availability.

If you are selected for the position, you will be asked to attend a training camp. At training camp, you will learn how to set up and take down the equipment, how to properly hydrate the players, and how to handle any medical emergencies that may arise.

Once you have completed training camp, you will be assigned to a team and asked to sign a contract. The contract will outline your duties and responsibilities as a waterboy.

Becoming a waterboy for the NFL is a great way to get your foot in the door of the organization. It is also a great way to meet people and learn about the inner workings of the organization.

The Interview Process

The interview process for becoming a waterboy is pretty standard. You will have to fill out an application and then usually have an interview with the head coach or another member of the staff. Sometimes they will have you do a short workout to assess your fitness level and see if you are able to handle the demands of the job.

Training and Certification

Want to become an official NFL waterboy? It’s not as simple as just showing up to training camp and hoping for the best. There are actually a few steps you’ll need to take to make your dream a reality.

First things first, you’ll need to get CPR certified. This is essential for any job that involves working with athletes, as they are susceptible to injuries that could lead to cardiac arrest. The American Red Cross offers certification both online and in-person, so you can choose the option that works best for you.

Once you have your CPR certification, you’ll need to complete a brief exam at an NFL training facility. This exam will test your knowledge of the league’s concussion protocol, as well as your ability to properly hydrate and care for athletes during physical activity. The exam is not terribly difficult, but it is important that you study beforehand so that you can pass with flying colors.

Once you’ve completed your exam, you’ll be placed on a list of eligible waterboys for the NFL. When a team is in need of a waterboy, they will reach out to this list and offer the job to someone on it. It’s important to note that becoming an NFL waterboy is not a full-time job – teams only require waterboys during practice and games, so don’t quit your day job just yet.

If you’re interested in becoming an NFL waterboy, follow the steps outlined above and you’ll be one step closer to achieving your goal!

The Perks of the Job

One of the best parts of the job is being on the sidelines of NFL games and getting to see all the action up close. You also get to travel with the team and be a part of a close-knit group. The pay is not bad either. As a waterboy, you can expect to make around $53,000 a year.


One of the best parts of the job is the travel. Not only do you get to see the country, but you also get to see different parts of the world if your team happens to make it to the Super Bowl. You’ll also get some great perks, like free tickets to games and access to exclusive events.

Access to Players and Coaches

One of the best things about being a waterboy for the NFL is that you have access to some of the best athletes and coaches in the world. Not only do you get to see them up close and personal on the sidelines, but you also get to interact with them on a daily basis. If you are lucky, you might even get to travel with the team and see different parts of the country (or even the world!) that you otherwise would never have had the opportunity to visit.

Free Tickets

One of the best perks of being a waterboy for the NFL is that you get free tickets to all of the games! This means that you can bring your family and friends to enjoy the action from the sidelines, and you don’t have to worry about finding affordable seats. If you’re lucky, you might even be able to snag a spot on the field for pre-game warm-ups or other events.

The Drawbacks of the Job

Long Hours

Waterboys typically have long hours during NFL games. They have to be at the stadium several hours before kickoff to set up equipment and make sure everything is working properly. They also have to stay until after the game to clean up and pack everything up. This can be a very long day, especially if the game goes into overtime.

Low Pay

One of the main reasons that the waterboy position is not coveted is because it pays very little. In fact, most waterboys make minimum wage or close to it. This is often not enough to cover the costs of gas and other associated expenses, let alone support a family. For many people, the waterboy position is simply not worth the time and effort required to do it.

Physical Demands

Working as a waterboy for an NFL team is a physically demanding job. You will be required to lift and carry heavy coolers filled with water and ice, sometimes over long distances. In addition, you will be expected to set up and break down equipment, including the often large and unwieldy water coolers. This job also requires a great deal of stamina, as you will be expected to be on your feet for long periods of time.


There are a few things that you will need to do in order to become a waterboy for the NFL. Firstly, you should have a good knowledge about the game of football. Secondly, you should be in good shape and have a strong work ethic. Thirdly, you should be personable and have good people skills. Finally, you should be willing to work long hours and be able to handle strenuous physical activity. If you can meet all of these requirements, then you have a good chance of becoming a waterboy for the NFL.

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