How To Become An Esports Commentator?

Do you love gaming and have a passion for commentating? Or maybe you’ve always been good at play-by-play and want to give it a shot in the world of esports. Either way, becoming an esports commentator is a great way to get involved in the gaming industry.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to become an esports commentator:

1. Choose the game you want to commentate.

2. Start commentating on lower

How To Become An Esports Commentator?


To become an esports commentator, you will need to have a strong knowledge of the game or games you wish to commentate on, as well as good play-by-play instincts and the ability to entertain an audience. You should also be able to remain calm under pressure and think quickly on your feet. While there is no one specific route to becoming an esports commentator, there are a few steps you can take to increase your chances of success.

What does an Esports commentator do?

An esports commentator is the voice of the game, providing live commentary and analysis of the on-screen action during an esports tournament. They are also known as shoutcasters or casters. Esports commentators are usually fans of the game themselves and have a deep understanding of the mechanics, strategies and history of the game.


Before a show, commentators will often have a meeting with the tournament organizer to discuss the format of the event, who they will be commentating with, and any other relevant details. They will also spend some time researching the teams and players that will be competing. This research includes looking at match footage and statistics to help them prepare for the event.

During the show

An Esports commentator, also known as a shoutcaster, is a play-by-play or color commentator for video game competitions. They commentate on live and recorded broadcasts of gaming competitions, usually in front of a large audience or viewers at home.

The commentator’s role is to enhance the viewing experience by providing play-by-play analysis of the ongoing action, as well as color commentary and interviews with players and other personalities involved in the tournament. A good commentator will have a deep knowledge of the game being played, as well as the players and teams involved.

While commentating, a commentator will often be joined by one or more co-commentators, who will provide additional analysis or color commentary. In some cases, the commentators will be joined by an observer, who will provide even more detailed analysis of the game.

How to become an Esports commentator?

So you want to become an esports commentator? You’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know in order to become an esports commentator. We’ll discuss the benefits of becoming a commentator, the skills you’ll need to develop, and how to get started in the industry.

Find your game

The first step in becoming an esports commentator is finding the game that you want to commentate. There are many different games in the world of esports, so take some time to explore and find the one that you’re most passionate about. If you’re not sure where to start, consider some of the most popular games being played today, such as League of Legends, Dota 2, Overwatch, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Once you’ve found your game, it’s time to start watching. Start by finding some professional matches online and see how the commentators call the action. As you watch, take note of what you like and don’t like about their commentary style. Do they use a lot of hype? Do they downplay the action? Are they informative or more laid back? Consider what elements you would like to bring to your own commentary style.

In addition to professional matches, you should also familiarize yourself with the game itself. If you don’t already know how to play the game, it will be difficult to commentate on matches effectively. Learn all about the different characters, map layouts, objectives, and strategies that are commonly used in professional play. The more you know about the game, the better prepared you’ll be to call matches accurately.

Get to know the scene and the community

The first step is to get to know the scene and the community. There are a few ways to do this. The easiest way is to simply start watching esports matches and observing commentators. Try to take note of what they do that you like and don’t like. You should also try to participate in the community as much as possible. Join forums, Reddit threads, and social media groups related to the games you want to commentate. Not only will this help you get a feel for what the community is like, but it will also help you make connections with people in the scene who could potentially help you in your career.

Create a reel

The first step to becoming an esports commentator is creating a reel. A reel is a montage of your best commentating moments. It should be around five minutes long and showcase yourcommentating style and personality. You can use clips from your favorite games, or you can even commentate over clips of other commentators. Once you have your reel, you can start submitting it to esports organizations and tournaments.

Get a job in Esports

To become an esports commentator, you need to have excellent communication skills, quick reflexes, and a strong knowledge of the game you’re commentating on. While there are no set qualifications, many commentators have a background in journalism, broadcasting, or another form of commentary.

The first step to becoming an esports commentator is to find a job in esports. There are many different ways to do this, but the most common is to start out as a freelancer. This means that you’ll work for multiple different organisations on a contract basis. To find work as a freelancer, you can search online job boards or contact esports organisations directly.

Once you’ve secured some work as a freelancer, the next step is to start building up your experience. This can be done by commentating on smaller tournaments and events, or by creating content for YouTube or other social media platforms. The more experience you have, the more chances you’ll have of being hired by larger organisations.

As your career progresses, you may also want to start specialising in a particular game or genre of games. This will make you more attractive to potential employers who are looking for commentators with expertise in specific areas. To do this, you can focus on commentating on only one game or type of game, and learn everything you can about it. You can also look into taking courses or attending training workshops to improve your commentary skills.


In conclusion, if you want to become an eSports commentator, it takes hard work, dedication, and a lot of practice. But if you love the game and have a passion for commentating, it can be a very rewarding experience. There are many different ways to get involved in eSports commentary, so find the path that works best for you and go for it!

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