How To Become An Esports Manager?

A look into what it takes to become an Esports Manager and the different responsibilities they have.


The esports industry is still in its infancy, which means there are plenty of opportunities for those looking to get involved. And with the global esports economy expected to top $1 billion by 2019, now is the time to get started.

One of the most popular positions in the industry is that of an esports manager. While the role can differ from organization to organization, an esports manager is generally responsible for the business side of things, such as sponsorship deals and marketing initiatives.

If you’re wondering how to become an esports manager, here are five tips to get you started:

1. Get a degree in business or marketing.

While a degree isn’t required to become an esports manager, it will give you a strong foundation on which to build your career. A business or marketing degree will teach you the basics of running a successful organization, including financials, strategy, and analytics.

2. Start working in the industry.

There’s no substitute for experience when it comes to becoming an esports manager. Start by interning or working part-time for an organization in the industry. This will give you first-hand experience of what it takes to run an esports team or tournament.

3. Build your network.

Like any industry, networking is key to success in esports. Get connected with other professionals in the space and attend industry events like gaming conventions and expos. This will help you meet potential employers and learn more about what it takes to be successful in esports management.

4. Be passionate about gaming.
Nerd Street Gamers} finally managed to pull one over on Cloud9} by signing HenryG} as their CS:GO general manager.} #ESPORTS

While a love of gaming isn’t required to become an esports manager, it will certainly help you succeed in the role. As the industry grows, there will be more opportunities for those with a genuine passion for gaming and esportsto succeed.”}

5. Keep up with trends and developments.”}

The esports industry is constantly evolving, so it’s important that you stay up-to-date with current trends and developments . Read trade publications , follow influencers on social media , and attend industry events . This will help ensure that you’re always ahead of the curve when it comes to Opportunity in Esports Management.}

What Does an Esports Manager Do?

An esports manager is responsible for the administrative and business operations of an esports organization or team. They are also responsible for the management and development of players and staff. If you’re interested in becoming an esports manager, read on to learn more about what the job entails.

Find and Hire Players

The first step to becoming an esports manager is finding players for your team. You can find players by scouring online forums and message boards for talent, or by attending local tournaments and events.

Once you’ve found a few players you’re interested in, the next step is to reach out to them and see if they’re interested in joining your team. This can be done by sending them a private message on their forum account, or by emailing them directly.

If you’re able to get a response from the player, the next step is to set up an interview so you can get to know them better and see if they’re a good fit for your team. During the interview, be sure to ask questions about their gaming experience, their goals as a professional gamer, and their availability for practice and tournaments.

After the interview, it’s time to make a decision on whether or not to hire the player. If you decide to move forward with the hiring process, the next step is to draft up an agreement that outlines the terms of their contract with your team. This agreement should include things like their salary, how long their contract will last, and any other benefits they’ll receive as part of being on your team.

Manage Players

As an esports manager, you’ll be responsible for the well-being and training of your team’s players. This includes making sure they’re sticking to a strict practice and nutrition schedule, as well as coordinating with other team members to help them improve their skills. You’ll also be in charge of booking travel and accommodation for tournaments, as well as arranging any necessary visas.

Promote the Team

As the head of an esports team, one of the primary duties of an esports manager is to find ways to promote the team. This can involve social media outreach, working with sponsors, and organizing events. In some cases, the manager may also be responsible for creating content, such as videos or articles featuring the team.

How to Become an Esports Manager

If you have a passion for gaming and want to take your career to the next level, you may be wondering how to become an esports manager. While there is no one specific path to becoming an esports manager, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of landing a job in this growing field.

Get a Degree

In order to become an esports manager, you will need to get a degree in sports management, business, or a related field. There are many excellent programs available at colleges and universities across the country. Once you have completed your studies, you will be well prepared to take on the challenges of managing an esports team.

Get Experience

While there are no specific educational requirements to become an esports manager, many in the field have a background in business, marketing, or communications. esports managers need to be able to effectively communicate with and manage a team of gamers, so experience working with teams is also beneficial.

There are a number of ways to get experience in the esports field, including working as a volunteer or intern with an esports organization, organization, or team. You can also join an amateur esports league or team to get some experience managing gamers. If you have the opportunity to work with a professional team or organization, that experience will be invaluable when you’re ready to apply for manager jobs.

Get Certified

There are currently no specific certification programs for esports managers, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get certified in something related. There are a few areas you could focus on to make yourself a more attractive candidate for an esports manager position.

Some examples include:
-Business administration
-Sports management
-Event management

You could also get certified in a particular game or games that you’re interested in managing for. For instance, if you want to be an esports manager for a League of Legends team, you could get certified as a League of Legends coach through the game’s official website. This would show potential employers that you have the knowledge and skills necessary to manage a team of players for this particular game.


In conclusion, becoming an esports manager requires a specific skill set and mind-set. If you have the ability to lead and motivate a team as well as the business skills to market and manage an organisation, then a career in esports management could be for you.

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