How To Become An Nfl Referee?

If you love football and want to be involved in the game in a professional capacity, you may be wondering how to become an NFL referee. It is a process that requires dedication and commitment, but it is possible to achieve your goal with the right approach. Here is a look at what you need to do to become an NFL referee.


Few people know what it takes to become an NFL referee. In fact, most people don’t even know how many officials there are in an NFL game. There are seven officials in every NFL game: the referee, umpire, head linesman, line judge, back judge, side judge, and field judge.

The NFL strives to have the best officials in all of football. They want their officials to be not only knowledgeable about the rules of the game, but also well-rounded individuals with good character.

When it comes to character, the NFL looks for officials who have integrity, are impartial, and are committed to fair play. Officials must also be able to handle the pressure of making split-second decisions that can often times make or break a game.

In terms of being knowledgeable about the rules of football, officials must take and pass a written test administered by the NFL Referee Association (NFLRA). The test covers everything from rule changes to player safety.

Once an official has been selected by the NFLRA, they will undergo a training program that lasts several weeks. During this time they will be tested on their knowledge of the rules and their ability to make quick decisions.

Once they have successfully completed training camp and passed all of their tests, they will be assigned to officiate games in preseason, regular season, and hopefully postseason.


There are multiple credentials NFL referees must have before being eligible to officiate professional football games. Some of these include but are not limited to: a bachelor’s degree, extensive knowledge of football rules and game mechanics as well as officiating experience at lower levels such as high school or collegiate football. NFL officials must also undergo an annual physical examination to maintain their eligibility.


In order to become a referee for the NFL, you must first meet certain physical qualifications. You must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or equivalent. You must also be able to pass a physical examination, which includes a vision test.

You will also need to pass a written test that covers the rules of football. The test is not difficult if you have a good understanding of the game. Finally, you will need to attend a training camp where you will learn the mechanics of being an NFL referee.


In order to become an NFL referee, you must have excellent mental skills. You must be able to stay calm under pressure and make quick, efficient decisions. You must also be able to keep a clear head and remember all of the rules of the game.

You will also need to be in excellent physical condition. You must be able to run up and down the field keeping up with the players. You must also have good vision and hearing in order to properly officiate the game.


To become an NFL referee, you must complete the following educational requirements:

-You must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university or college
-You must have worked as a referee for high school, collegiate or professional level games for at least five years
-You must complete the NFL referee training program
-You must pass a physical examination given by an NFL doctor


To become an NFL referee, you must complete the training program administered by the NFL. The training program is designed to teach you the rules of the game and to prepare you for the physical demands of being an NFL referee. The training program consists of two parts: the online training course and the on-field training.


To become an NFL referee, you must complete a training program and pass a rules exam. Once you are certified, you may officiate games at the high school, college, or professional level.

The training program is conducted by the NFL Officials Association (NFLOA) and takes place over the course of several months. It includes online coursework, classroom instruction, and on-field training. The program covers all aspects of officiating, from mechanics to game management.

To be eligible for the training program, you must be at least 18 years old and have experience officiating football at the high school or collegiate level. You must also pass a physical examination and background check.

The NFLOA offers two certification levels: Level 1 and Level 2. Level 1 certification is required to officiate games at the high school level. Level 2 certification is required to officiate games at the collegiate or professional level.

To become certified, you must first pass an online rules exam with a passing score of 80%. Once you have passed the exam, you will be able to register for the training program. Upon successful completion of the training program, you will be able to take the on-field exam. This exam is divided into two parts: written and practical.

The written portion tests your knowledge of NFL rules and regulations. The practical portion assesses your ability to properly apply these rules in live game situations. To pass the on-field exam, you must earn a passing score of 80% on both parts

Officiating Experience

In order to become an NFL referee, you must have officiating experience at the high school or college level. You must also be registered with the Officiating Development Program (ODP) through USA Football, which is the governing body for amateur football in the United States.

You will need to submit an application to the ODP, which will be reviewed by a panel of current NFL officials. If you are selected to move forward in the process, you will be invited to attend a regional training camp. At the camp, you will receive instruction on NFL rules and officiating mechanics. You will also have the opportunity to scrimmage and officiate live game action.

The final step in becoming an NFL referee is to attend the annual NFL Officiating Development Program Camp. At this Camp, the top officials from each region are brought together to receive additional training and evaluation. The officials who perform best at this camp are then selected to advance to the NFL ranks.

The NFL Referee Process

In order to become an NFL referee, you must go through a multi-step process that includes attending a training camp, passing a physical fitness test, and passing an on-field exam.

The first step is to attend a training camp. At the camp, you will be taught the rules of the game and officiating mechanics. You will also be evaluated on your ability to officiate games.

The next step is to pass a physical fitness test. This test includes a timed run, Sit and Reach flexibility test, and vertical jump.

The last step is to pass an on-field exam. This exam will test your knowledge of the rules and your ability to officiate games.

If you are interested in becoming an NFL referee, please follow the steps outlined above.


-How many years of experience do I need?

-There is no set amount of years of experience required, but most NFL referees have several years of officiating experience at the high school or college level.

-How do I become eligible?

-You must first become a registered game official with the National Football League. To do so, you must fill out an application and pass a written exam.

-What is the selection process like?

-The selection process varies depending on the year and the number of vacancies, but it usually involves an evaluation of your officiating experience, an interview, and a physical fitness test.

-What are the physical requirements?

-You must be at least 21 years old, have a high school diploma or equivalent, and pass a physical fitness test.

-What is the training like?

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