How to Become an Official Esports Team

Learn how to become an official esports team by following these best practices. You’ll need to register with a governing body, create a team website, and recruit players.


A number of companies and organizations have picked up on the popularity of esports and have created professional teams that compete in tournaments for cash prizes. While it may seem like a simple process to create an esports team, there are actually a number of things that need to be considered in order to be successful. In this article, we will give you a step-by-step guide on how to become an official esports team.

1) Choose your game
The first step is to choose the game that you want to compete in. There are a number of popular games out there, so it is important to choose one that you are good at and that you enjoy playing. Once you have chosen your game, you will need to find a way to stand out from the other teams in the competitive scene. This can be done by finding a niche within the game or by having exceptional players on your team.

2) Create a name and logo
The next step is to come up with a name and logo for your team. This is important as it will be how people identify you in the competitive scene. Try to come up with something that is catchy and easy to remember.

3) Find players for your team
Once you have chosen your game and created a name and logo, it is time to start finding players for your team. There are a number of ways to do this, but the most effective way is to hold tryouts. This will allow you to see which players are the best fit for your team.

4) Train and practice together
Once you have your team assembled, it is time to start training and practicing together. This is important as it will allow you to work on strategies and tactics as well as build teamwork between players. A good way to do this is by attending LAN events or online tournaments.

5) Seek out sponsorship
In order to compete at the highest levels, it is important to seek out sponsorship from companies or organizations. This can provide you with the funds necessary to cover expenses such as travel and tournament fees. It can also give your team exposure which can help attract more fans and followers.

What is an Esports Team?

An Esports team is a group of competitive players who all play the same game together in tournaments or matches. Most teams have a coach, manager, or static roster of players who frequently play with each other to refine their skills and strategies. Players typically specialize in one game and do not play others competitively.

The term “esports” covers a wide range of video games, including first-person shooters (FPS), real-time strategy (RTS), multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games, and more. Popular examples of esports games include Fortnite, League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Dota 2, and Overwatch.

The Different Types of Esports Teams

Depending on what game you want to go Pro in, the type of team you need to look for will be different. For some games, there are specific types of teams, such as 1v1 or 5v5 teams. These teams are composed of a certain number of players who compete against another team of the same size in that game format. For other games, such as MOBAs (multiplayer online battle arenas) and FPSs (first-person shooters), there are generalist teams which field players who are good at multiple game modes within that genre, giving them a better chance at success in tournaments which often have multiple formats.

In addition to the format of the team, you also need to consider the region in which the team operates. Just like traditional sports, there are local, national, and international competitions in esports. Depending on your skill level and goals, you may want to look for a team that competes mostly in your region or country so you can more easily attend events and practices. Or, if you’re aiming to go pro at the highest level, you’ll need to find a team that competes internationally so you can get exposure to the best players in the world.

How to Become an Esports Team

Some aspiring esports professionals believe that the only way to make it to the big leagues is by being recruited by an organization. However, this is not the only—or even the most common—path to professional play. In fact, most professional gamers start their careers by building their own teams.

Find a Game

To become an esports team, you’ll first need to choose a game to specialize in playing. Think about what games you and your friends already enjoy playing together. Do you have a shared interest in any particular games? Games that are popular among professional esports teams include Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), League of Legends (LoL), Overwatch, and Dota 2. However, there are many other viable options – the key is to choose a game that you’re all passionate about and willing to commit significant time to mastering.

Once you’ve settled on a game, it’s time to start honing your skills. Play as often as you can, and try to get better every day. Watch professional players stream their gameplay online, and learn from their strategies and techniques. If possible, find a local esports team or club that you can join, so you can get some experience playing in organised competitions. The more practice you can get, the better prepared you’ll be for the challenges of professional esports.

Find Players

There are a few ways that you can go about finding players for your team. You can post notices in online communities related to the game you want to play, or reach out to friends or acquaintances who may be interested. You can also look for players who are already part of teams and see if they’re interested in joining yours.

Once you have a few potential players lined up, it’s time to start practicing together. This will help you gauge each player’s skill level and dedication, as well as give you a opportunity to work on strategies as a team. It’s important that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal, so make sure to communicate openly with your team members.

When you feel like your team is ready, it’s time to start competing in tournaments. There are often tournaments happening regularly in online communities related to popular games, so do some research and see if there are any that your team can participate in. If you do well in these tournaments, it will help raise your profile and increase your chances of attracting sponsors.

Create a Schedule

Creating a schedule is one of the most important aspects of becoming an esports team. By creating a schedule, you will be able to determine what times are best for practicing and playing matches. You will also be able to see how much time each member can commit to the team. Creating a schedule will help you keep your team organized and on track.

To create a schedule, you will need to first decide what days and times are best for practicing and playing matches. Once you have decided on these days and times, you will need to find a way to keep track of your team’s progress. There are many ways to do this, but one of the easiest ways is to create a Google Calendar.

Once you have created a Google Calendar, you will need to add your team’s practice and match times. To do this, simply click on the “+” sign in the upper-left corner of the screen and then select “Event.” From here, you will be able to enter in all of the relevant information about your team’s practice and match times. Be sure to include the location, duration, and any other important details.

Once you have entered all of this information, you will then need to share the calendar with your team members. To do this, simply click on the “Share” button in the upper-right corner of the screen and then enter in your team members’ email addresses. Be sure to set their permissions so that they can only view the calendar and not edit it.

Now that you have created a schedule for your team, it is important that you stick to it. This means that if practice is scheduled for Tuesday at 7 PM, everyone on the team should be there at 7 PM sharp. If someone cannot make it, they should let the team know as soon as possible so that someone can take their place.

The same goes for matches. If a match is scheduled for Saturday at 3 PM, everyone on the team should be available to play at that time. If someone cannot make it, they should again let the team know as soon as possible so that someone can take their place.

By sticking to a schedule, you will be able ensure that everyone on your team is doing their part in practicing and playing matches. This is essential for becoming an esports team.

Train and Practice

Esports teams are just like any other sports team: they train and practice to become the best at their game. Some players on an esports team may already be good enough to compete at a professional level, but they still need to practice with their team to learn how to work together and come up with strategies. Training usually involves playing the game against others online or in person.

In order to make sure they are always improving, many esports teams have coaches who help them devise strategies and give feedback on their performances. Coaches can be former professional players, or simply people who are very knowledgeable about the game.

Join a League or Tournament

The simplest way to get your team official is to join an existing league or tournament. Some leagues, such as the National Association of Collegiate Esports (NACE) and the Esports Collegiate Conference (ECC), are exclusively for college students and staff. Others, like High School Star League (HSSL), are for high school students only.

You can find a full list of collegiate esports leagues and tournaments here. For high school esports leagues and tournaments, check out this massive list compiled by PlayVS. If you’re looking for a more general list of esports competitions, you can find that here.

Once you’ve found a league or tournament that you’re interested in joining, the next step is to reach out to the organization running it and inquire about registration.


Now that you know what it takes to become an official esports team, it’s time to get started. Assemble your team of gamers and make sure you have all the required equipment. If you need help with branding or marketing, be sure to reach out to an experienced agency that can assist you. With hard work and dedication, you can make your dream of becoming an esports team a reality.

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