How to Become an NBA Waterboy

The NBA is a world-renowned basketball league with many talented players. However, these players wouldn’t be able to perform at their best without the help of waterboys. If you’re interested in becoming an NBA waterboy, read this blog post to learn how.

How to Become an NBA Waterboy

Job Description

Waterboys are one of the most important positions in the NBA. They are responsible for making sure the players have enough water to stay hydrated during games. They also have to know how to properly mix the Gatorade so that the players can drink it without getting sick. Waterboys also have to be able to keep up with the players during practices and games.

What do waterboys do?

Waterboys are responsible for providing water and towels to athletes during sporting events. They typically work with professional or collegiate level teams, although some high schools also employ waterboys. The job is physically demanding and requires long hours, but it can be a great way to get involved in the world of sports.

Waterboys typically have several duties, including setting up and breaking down the equipment before and after games, practices, and other events. They also need to keep the area clean and organized. During games and practices, waterboys must make sure that athletes stay hydrated by bringing them water and towels as needed. They may also be responsible for handing out other items, such as Gatorade or energy drinks. In some cases, waterboys may also be responsible for running errands or performing other tasks for the team.

What are the job requirements?

To become an NBA waterboy, you must first meet the minimum age requirement of 18. You must also have a high school diploma or equivalent. Most waterboys have some experience playing basketball, but it is not required. In addition, you must be able to lift and carry 50-pound buckets of ice and water and have a basic knowledge of first aid. Finally, you must be able to pass a background check.

How to become an NBA waterboy

Do you want to become an NBA waterboy? You’re in luck. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about becoming an NBA waterboy. From the requirements to the training, we’ll cover it all. Let’s get started.

Steps to take

To become an NBA waterboy, you will need to have a high school diploma or equivalent. You will also need to be at least 18 years of age and have a valid driver’s license. You will need to pass a background check and drug test, as well as a physical examination. Once you have met all of these requirements, you will need to complete an online application.

What to expect

When you become an NBA waterboy, you can expect to travel with the team, have a flexible schedule, and make good money. You will also be responsible for providing the players with water and other drinks during games and practices.

Perks of the job

Although being an NBA waterboy may not seem like the most glamorous job, it does have its perks. For starters, you get to be close to some of the biggest names in basketball. You also get to travel with the team and see some amazing places. And, of course, you get to stay hydrated!

Access to NBA players

One of the biggest perks of the job is the access to NBA players. Waterboys have the opportunity to interact with some of the best basketball players in the world on a daily basis. They also get to travel with the team and see some amazing places.

Travel opportunities

One of the best things about being an NBA waterboy is the travel. NBA teams travel a lot, both within the United States and internationally. While it’s true that you won’t be racking up any frequent flier miles, you will get to see a lot of different places. You may even get to go on some road trips with the team. Travel can be a great perk of the job, especially if you love to see new places.


Waterboys in the NBA make a average salary of $58,000. They often get paid more than the starting salary of a rookie player. You might think that being a waterboy is an easy job, but it’s not. Waterboys have to be in excellent physical condition and be able to handle a lot of responsibility.

How much do waterboys make?

An NBA waterboy is an entry-level position for those looking to enter the sports industry. As a waterboy, you will be responsible for ensuring that players and coaches have access to clean water during games and practices. While the job may seem like a small, menial task, it is actually a highly sought-after position within the NBA.

Waterboys are typically paid an hourly wage of $10-$15 per hour. However, some team owners may choose to pay their waterboys a salary instead. Salaries for waterboys can range from $20,000-$50,000 per year. In addition to their base salary, waterboys may also receive benefits such as health insurance and a 401k plan.

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