How to Block Dunks in NBA Playgrounds 2?

Do you want to know how to block dunks in NBA Playgrounds 2? There are a few different ways that you can do this, and we’ll walk you through all of them.

How to Block Dunks in NBA Playgrounds 2?


Whether you’re new to the NBA Playgrounds series or a seasoned vet, one thing is for sure – blocking dunks is essential. Not only does it stop your opponent from gaining easy points, but it also builds up your own turbo meter, allowing you to pull off some of the game’s more spectacular moves. In this guide, we’ll show you how to perfect your timing and blocking technique so that you can stuff dunk attempts with ease.

The problem with blocking dunks

One of the biggest problems with trying to block dunks in NBA Playgrounds 2 is that the game doesn’t give you a whole lot of leeway. If you’re not in the perfect position, you’re simply not going to be able to block the shot.

This can be incredibly frustrating, especially if you’re up against a player who loves to dunk the ball. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to improve your chances of blocking dunks.

First, make sure you’re paying attention to where your opponent is on the court. If they’re too far away from the basket, there’s no way they’re going to be able to dunk the ball.

Second, pay attention to their body language. If they’re leaning forward or coiling their body up, they’re probably getting ready to dunk the ball. If you see this happening, quickly move into position and get ready to block the shot.

Finally, don’t be afraid to foul your opponent if they’re driving to the basket. Although it’s not ideal, it’s better than giving up an easy dunk. Just make sure you don’t foul too hard or you could end up getting called for a flagrant foul.

How to block dunks

In order to block dunks in NBA Playgrounds 2, you will need to have good timing and be in the right position. You will also need to be quick and have good reflexes. There are a few things you can do to improve your chances of blocking a dunk. Let’s take a look at some of those things now.


In order to block dunks in NBA Playgrounds 2, you’ll need to have impeccable timing. If you time your jump correctly, you’ll be able to swat the ball away and prevent your opponent from getting an easy basket.

To time your jump correctly, you’ll need to watch your opponent carefully. As they go up for the dunk, press the jump button at the same time. If you time it correctly, your player will jump and block the dunk attempt.

If you find yourself struggling to time your jumps correctly, there is a practice mode in NBA Playgrounds 2 that can help you hone your skills. In practice mode, you’ll be able to specifically work on blocking dunks. Try to get as much practice as possible so that you can become a master of timing your jumps!


Positioning is key when trying to block dunks in NBA Playgrounds 2. You want to be in between the offensive player and the basket, with your body facing the baseline so you can jump straight up. If the offensive player is driving to your right, you want to be on their left side, and vice versa. Your arms should also be up in the air, ready to swat the ball away if necessary.

Once you’re in position, timing is everything. You need to wait until the offensive player is about to take off before jumping, otherwise you’ll just end up fouling them or getting posterized. If done correctly, you should be able to block most dunk attempts without too much trouble. Just make sure not to get too aggressive, as this can lead to easy points for the other team.


When a player goes up for a dunk, their body is perpendicular to the ground. If you time your block just right, you can match their angle and swat the ball away with ease. To do this, simply stand in front of the player and jump when they leave the ground. You don’t need to jump too high, just enough to get your hand in front of their chest.


In conclusion, blocking dunks in NBA Playgrounds 2 requires quick reflexes and timing. Pay attention to your opponent’s movements and position yourself accordingly. Be patient and wait for the right moment to jump. With practice, you’ll be able to stuff those dunks with ease!

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