How To Block Finger Rolls In Nba Playgrounds 2?

Have you been trying to figure out how to block finger rolls in NBA Playgrounds 2? Well, we’ve got you covered! Read on to find out the best way to stop those pesky finger rolls from getting past you and ruining your game.


Finger rolls are one of the most effective ways to score in NBA Playgrounds 2, but they can be very difficult to block. In this guide, we’ll show you how to block finger rolls in NBA Playgrounds 2 so that you can keep your opponents from scoring.

NBA Playgrounds 2 is a basketball game for the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One. It is the sequel to the 2017 game NBA Playgrounds.

What is a finger roll in NBA Playgrounds 2?

A finger roll is a type of layup shot in basketball. The player takes the ball in their shooting hand and dribbles towards the basket. As they get close to the basket, they extend their arm and lay the ball off the backboard and into the basket.

How to do a finger roll in NBA Playgrounds 2?

In order to do a finger roll in NBA Playgrounds 2, you will need to use the left analog stick and the R2 button on your controller. First, you will need to position your player under the hoop. Then, you will need to press down on the left analog stick and hold the R2 button. While holding down on the R2 button, you will need to move the left analog stick in a circular motion. Doing this will cause your player to do a finger roll.

Why is blocking a finger roll important in NBA Playgrounds 2?

Finger rolls are one of the most difficult shots to block in NBA Playgrounds 2, and they can be particularly frustrating if you’re trying to defend against them. Unfortunately, there’s no sure-fire way to guarantee a block every time, but there are certain things you can do to increase your chances of success.

For starters, make sure you’re in good position when your opponent goes up for the shot. Adjust your feet so you’re directly underneath the basket, and be prepared to jump as soon as they release the ball. It’s also important to time your jump correctly – if you jump too early, you’ll likely miss the block entirely; if you jump too late, you may still get a piece of the ball but it’ll probably go in anyway.

Once you’re in the air, it’s all about hand-eye coordination. Try to get your hand close to the ball as it’s coming off of your opponent’s finger, and swat at it firmly but controlled. If you make contact, there’s a good chance you’ll send the ball flying in the opposite direction; even if you don’t get a clean blocks, though, disrupting the shot can be just as effective.

Blocking finger rolls takes practice and perseverance, but with enough time and effort it can be done. Keep these tips in mind next time you’re on the court, and hopefully you’ll start seeing more success against those pesky shooters.

How to block finger rolls in NBA Playgrounds 2?

There are a couple of ways to defend against finger rolls in NBA Playgrounds 2. The first is to stay close to your man and try to swipe at the ball as they’re releasing it. The second way is to back off and give yourself some space so you can jump up and block the shot.

If you’re close to your man, you’ll want to time your swipe so that you hit the ball just as they’re releasing it. If you get the timing right, you can swat it away and avoid giving up an easy layup.

If you decide to back off and give yourself some space, you’ll need to be quick enough to jump up and block the shot before it gets off. This can be tough, but if you time your jump right you can make it happen.


The concept behind blocking finger rolls in NBA Playgrounds 2 is fairly simple. By using the right stick, you can contest the shot and make it more difficult for your opponent to score. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind in order to be successful.

First, you need to make sure you time your jump correctly. If you jump too early, your opponent will simply adjust and shoot over you. If you jump too late, you won’t be able to contest the shot at all. You need to find a happy medium in order to be successful.

Second, you need to make sure you are aggressive when contesting the shot. Don’t just lightly tap the right stick, but really put some force behind it. The more aggressive you are, the more likely you are to disrupt your opponent’s shot.

Finally, don’t forget that blocking finger rolls is all about anticipation. If you can anticipate where your opponent is going to shoot, you’ll be much more successful in contesting the shot. Pay attention to their tendencies and try to anticipate their next move.

By following these tips, you should be well on your way to becoming a finger roll blocking machine in NBA Playgrounds 2!

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