How to Block in Mario Tennis Aces

If you’re looking to add another level of challenge to your Mario Tennis Aces game, try blocking. Blocking can be a great way to defend against your opponent’s hardest shots, and can also give you an opportunity to score some points of your own. Here’s a quick guide on how to block in Mario Tennis Aces.

How to Block in Mario Tennis Aces


In Mario Tennis Aces, blocking is a very important part of the game. If you can’t block properly, your opponent will just hit the ball past you and you’ll lose the point. In this tutorial, we will teach you everything you need to know about blocking in Mario Tennis Aces.

First of all, let’s talk about the different types of blocks. There are three types of blocks in Mario Tennis Aces: backhand blocks, forehand blocks, and overhead blocks. Backhand blocks are used to block balls that are coming at you from behind, forehand blocks are used to block balls that are coming at you from the front, and overhead blocks are used to block balls that are coming at you from above.

Now that you know about the different types of blocks, let’s talk about how to actually execute them. To do a backhand block, simply press the L button on your Switch controller. To do a forehand block, press the R button on your Switch controller. And to do an overhead block, press both the L and R buttons on your Switch controller simultaneously.

It’s important to note that you can only block balls that are coming towards you; you cannot block balls that have already passed you by. Also, keep in mind that your opponent can fake shots, so don’t be fooled! Pay attention to their body language and watch the ball carefully to see where it’s really going.

Blocking is a difficult skill to master, but if you practice and get good at it, it will give you a big advantage in matches against other players. So get out there and start practicing!

The Different Types of Blocks in Mario Tennis Aces

In Mario Tennis Aces, there are four different types of blocks that you can use to defend yourself from your opponent’s shots. The four different types of blocks are the return block, the charge block, the topspin block, and the slice block. Each type of block has its own unique properties that you can use to your advantage in a match.

Standard Block

In Mario Tennis Aces, there are four different types of blocks you can perform. The first and most basic of these is the Standard Block. To do a Standard Block, all you need to do is hold the ZR button. This will put your character into a blocking stance, and they will automatically block any incoming shots that are not Tricky Shots.

Defensive Block

In Mario Tennis Aces, there are three different types of blocks you can use to defend yourself from your opponent’s shots. Here’s a quick guide on how each one works.

The first type of block is the defensive block. This is the most basic type of block and it will defend against most shots. To use a defensive block, simply press the X button on your controller.

The second type of block is the counter block. This block will not only defend against your opponent’s shots, but it will also send the ball back with extra power. To use a counter block, press the Y button on your controller.

The third and final type of block is the superblock. This is the strongest type of block and it will reflect your opponent’s shots back at them with double the power. To use a superblock, press the B button on your controller.

Offensive Block

The Offensive Block, also known as the Lob Block, is used to defend against high-flying balls that would otherwise sail over your head. It’s executed by pressing and holding the L Button while standing close to the ball’s trajectory. If timed properly, your character will knock the ball back with their racket extended overhead.

This move is perfect for dealing with sudden enemy volleys or Spinshots that would be difficult to return otherwise. It can also be used to send the ball sailing back over the net for a tactical lob of your own, giving you an opportunity to put some distance between you and your opponent. Just be careful not to use it too often, as your character will become momentarily stunned if they miss the timing on an Offensive Block attempt.

How to Block in Mario Tennis Aces

You can block in Mario Tennis Aces by pressing the L button on your Nintendo Switch. This will make your character put their racket up in the air and block the ball. You can also press the R button to lob the ball.

Standard Block

To perform a standard block in Mario Tennis Aces, you’ll need to time your button press perfectly so that your racket connects with the ball just as it’s about to hit the ground. If you manage to do this, your character will automatically block the ball and send it flying back in the opposite direction.

You can also use a standard block to deflect enemy shots that are headed towards your character’s body. However, this is a bit more difficult to do and requires impeccable timing. If you’re not confident in your ability to pull off a successful body block, it’s best to stick with blocking incoming shots that are headed towards the ground.

Defensive Block

In tennis, the defensive block is used to defend against an opponent’s power shot. To execute a defensive block, hold the left control stick in the direction of the ball and press the A button when the ball is about to hit your character. Your character will automatically block the ball and return it back to your opponent.

If you time your block correctly, you will “charge” your block. A charged block will not only defend against your opponent’s power shot, but it will also return the ball with more power, making it difficult for your opponent to defend. To charge your defensive block, hold down the A button while blocking. You will see a pink aura around your character when your block is fully charged.

Offensive Block

Blocking in tennis is a bit different than in other sports. You can’t just put your hands up and hope to deflect the ball – you need good timing and technique to properly execute a block.

In Mario Tennis Aces, there are two different types of blocks: the offensive block and the defensive block. The offensive block is performed by pressing and holding the ‘A’ button on your Nintendo Switch controller. This will cause your character to lunge forward and attempt to block the incoming shot.

The defensive block is performed by pressing the ‘B’ button on your controller. This will cause your character to back up and attempt to block the incoming shot.

Both of these blocks have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to know when to use each one. The offensive block is best used when you are close to the net and need to make a quick reflexive save. The disadvantage of this move is that if you miss the timing, you will leave yourself wide open for a lob or an easy winner.

The defensive block is best used when you are far from the net and need to give yourself time to recover. The disadvantage of this move is that it takes longer for your character to recover, so if you miss the timing, you may find yourself out of position for the next shot.


Now that you know how to block in Mario Tennis Aces, you can start using this important defensive technique to help you win matches. Blocking can be the difference between winning and losing, so make sure to practice and perfect your blocking technique. With a little practice, you’ll be a blocking master in no time.

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