How To Build A Baseball Bat Rack?

Check out this quick and easy guide on how to build a baseball bat rack! This is a great project for anyone looking to get into woodworking, or for anyone who just wants a nice place to store their bats.

How To Build A Baseball Bat Rack?


Do you have a lot of baseball bats lying around your house? If so, you may want to consider building a baseball bat rack to store them. A bat rack is a great way to keep your bats organized and out of the way. Plus, it can also be a great conversation starter when friends or family come over!

Building a baseball bat rack is not as difficult as it may sound. In fact, it can be a fun and easy project that you can do in just a few hours. All you need is some basic woodworking skills and a few tools.

In this article, we will walk you through the process of building a baseball bat rack step-by-step. We will also provide some tips on customizing your rack to better suit your needs. So if you’re ready to get started, let’s get building!

Materials Needed

After you have determined where to put your baseball bat rack, you will need to gather the materials needed to construct it. You will need:

– 1” x 12” x 8’ pine boards (2)
– Drill
– 1 ¼” hole saw
– Safety glasses
– Jigsaw
– 120 grit sandpaper
– Tack cloth
– Paint or stain (optional)
– Polyurethane (optional)

Tools Needed

-2×4 lumber
-1 inch hole saw
-Paint or stain

With just a few tools and some basic lumber, you can build a baseball bat rack to keep all your bats organized and in one place. This rack can be hung on the wall in your garage or shed, or even in your home if you have the space. If you have young children, it is a good idea to put the rack high up out of their reach.

Step One – Cut the Wood

Use a chop saw or hand saw to cut the 2×4 lumber into six even pieces. If you are using a hand saw, be sure to use a straight edge to ensure that your cuts are accurate. You can also have the lumber cut for you at most hardware stores.

Step Two – Drill the Holes
Use a drill and 3/4″ drill bit to create two holes in each piece of wood, about one inch from each end. These holes will be used to attach the wooden dowels that will hold the bats.

Step Three – Paint or Stain the Wood
Now is the time to paint or stain your wood, if desired. If you are planning on hanging your rack outdoors, be sure to use a paint or stain that is suitable for outdoor use. Otherwise, any type of paint or stain will do.

Step Four – Cut the Wooden Dowels
Use a hand saw or power saw to cut six pieces of wooden dowel, each about 12″ long. These dowels will be inserted into the holes drilled in step two in order to hold the bats in place.

Step Five – Insert the Dowels
Carefully insert the wooden dowels into the holes drilled in step two. If they are too tight, sand them down until they fit snugly but can still be removed easily if needed.
Now your baseball bat rack is complete!

Step Two – Assemble the Rack

Now that you have all of your materials, it is time to start building your baseball bat rack! Begin by attaching the two wooden boards together using the L-brackets. Once the boards are attached, use the power drill to screw in the eye hooks along the top edge of the backboard, spacing them evenly apart. Next, take the dowel rods and cut them into six equal pieces using the saw.

Step Three – Attach the Rack to the Wall

Now that the support piece is dry, you can attach it to the wall using screws and wall anchors. The specific method will depend on what type of wall you’re working with. If you’re not sure, ask a worker at your local hardware store for guidance.

Once the support is in place, you can begin attaching the bat rack itself. Start by screwing in the top two screws, then work your way down the rack until all six screws are in place.


Now that you know how to build a baseball bat rack, you can display your collection with pride. This project is simple and doesn’t require many materials. With a little time and effort, you can create a beautiful and functional piece that will be enjoyed for years to come.

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