How To Build An Esports Team?

Whether you’re a seasoned gamer looking to get into the competitive scene, or you’re just starting to think about putting together a team, this guide will help you get started on building an esports team that can compete at the highest levels.


It seems like everywhere you look these days, someone is talking about Esports. Whether it’s traditional media outlets like ESPN and The Washington Post, or online publications such as Kotaku and Dot Esports, it seems that Esports has taken the world by storm. With the recent introduction of Overwatch League and the ELEAGUE Major in Boston, it’s only natural that people are interested in getting involved in the competitive scene. But where do you start? How do you build an Esports team?

The first step is to understand the game you want to play. Do your research and make sure you understand the mechanics, objective, and game flow. Once you have a good understanding of the game, it’s time to start thinking about what role you want to play. Each game has specific roles that need to be filled in order to be successful. For example, in League of Legends there are five positions: Top lane, Jungle, Mid lane, ADC (Attack Damage Carry), and Support. Make sure you understand what each position does and what their role is on the team.

Once you have an idea of what game you want to play and what role you want to fill, it’s time to start recruiting players for your team. If you don’t already know people who are interested in playing competitively, there are a few ways to find potential teammates. The first is through online forums such as Reddit or Discord. There are typically dedicated channels for finding teammates in specific games. Another way to find potential teammates is through local gaming events or meetups. These can be found by searching online or asking at your local game store.

Once you have a team assembled, it’s important to start practicing together as much as possible. This will not only help you get better at the game but also help you develop teamwork and communication skills that are essential for success in any competitive environment

The Benefits of Esports

The world of esports is continuing to grow at a rapid pace. More and more people are becoming interested in competitive gaming and the amount of money being injected into the scene is increasing. This has led to the formation of some excellent teams who are able to make a living from playing video games. But how do you go about building an esports team?

Improved mental well-being

It has been scientifically proven that playing video games can have a positive impact on our mental well-being. A study by the University of Texas found that people who play video games have better mental health than those who don’t. They also found that people who play video games are more likely to have higher self-esteem and be more resilient.

Another study by the University of Utah found that people who play action-based video games are better able to multitask and pay attention. They also found that these gamers have better vision and hand-eye coordination.

So, if you’re looking to improve your mental well-being, playing esports might be a good idea!

Improved physical well-being

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the potential health benefits of esports. While there is still much research to be done in this area, initial studies suggest that playing esports can have a positive impact on physical well-being.

For example, one study found that professional gamers who play first-person shooter games have better hand-eye coordination than non-gamers. Another study found that people who play action games have better reaction times and mental flexibility than those who don’t play video games.

Playing esports can also lead to improved physical fitness. One study found that people who played an active video game for 30 minutes a day for eight weeks had better cardiovascular fitness and muscle endurance than those who didn’t play the game.

In addition, playing esports can help reduce stress and improve mood. One study found that people who played an online game for 20 minutes a day for four weeks had lower levels of stress and anxiety and improved moods.

So if you’re looking for a way to improve your physical well-being, consider taking up esports!

Improved social well-being

The appeal of playing video games with others has helped to drive the popularity of esports. In a study of British children and young adults, those who played more video games with others reported higher levels of social well-being than those who played alone or not at all. The same was true for another group of American children.

Improved academic performance

Participation in esports can lead to improved academic performance. A study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania found that students who participated in esports had better grades and were more likely to stay in school than those who didn’t participate. The study also found that students who participated in esports were more likely to report positive social emotions, such as happiness and pride, and less likely to report negative social emotions, such as anxiety and sadness.

The Risks of Esports

The world of esports is one of the most rapidly growing industries in the world. In 2019, the global esports economy was worth $865 million and is expected to grow to $1.1 billion by 2020. While the industry is continuing to grow at an alarming rate, there are still many risks involved in building an esports team. These risks can range from financial to legal to mental health risks. In this article, we will dive into the details of these risks and how to mitigate them.


While there are many benefits to playing organized video games, there are also some risks. These risks include:

-Injuries: Just like any other physical activity, there is a risk of injury when playing video games. Common injuries include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, and repetitive stress injuries.

-Addiction: It is possible to become addicted to playing video games. This can lead to social isolation, sleep problems, and poor grades in school.

-Unhealthy habits: Some people who play video games develop unhealthy habits, such as not getting enough exercise or spending too much time in front of a screen.

While these risks are real, they can be mitigated by taking some precautions. For example, you can avoid injuries by stretching and taking breaks often when playing. And if you or someone you know appears to be addicted to gaming, there are resources available to help.


Cyberbullying is a growing problem in the world of esports. According to a recent study, nearly 60% of professional gamers have been the target of online harassment. This includes threats, name-calling, and persistent trolling.

Cyberbullying can take a toll on a person’s mental health. It can cause anxiety, depression, and fear. It can also lead to isolation and loneliness. In severe cases, it can even lead to suicide.

There are a few things you can do to protect yourself from cyberbullying. First, don’t engage with your harassers. Ignore their messages and block them from your social media accounts. Second, tell someone you trust what’s going on. This could be a friend, family member, or even your coach or team manager. They can offer support and help you take action if necessary. Finally, report any harassment to the proper authorities, such as the police or your gaming platform’s customer service team.

Cyberbullying is a serious problem that needs to be addressed in the esports community. By taking steps to protect yourself and speaking up about harassment, you can help make the scene a safer and more welcoming place for everyone involved.


While the industry of esports is still in its developmental stages, it has begun to show some of the ugly underbelly that is inherent in any large scale, organized sport. One of the most visible problems so far has been cheating. In traditional sports, a player who is caught cheating is usually given a lifetime ban and disgraced. However, in esports, where the games are played online and there is little to no regulation, players who are caught cheating are often simply kicked from their team and then quickly picked up by another. This makes it difficult to police the sport and ensure that all players are competing on a level playing field.

One high-profile example of this occurred in 2014 when a professional League of Legends player named Dyrus was caught using an illegal script during a competitive match. The script allowed him to automatically last-hit minions, which gave him an unfair advantage over his opponents. He was promptly kicked from his team and banned from competitive play for a year. However, he was quickly picked up by another team and continued his career without missing a beat.

This issue was brought into even sharper relief in 2016 when two professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive players were banned for life after they were caught cheating in a major tournament. The two players, Hovik “KQLY” Tovmassian and Simon “smn” Beckerrrcheaterrmannnnnnnnn, had used an aimbot (a program that automatically aims and fires guns for you) to win several matches. This caused a huge uproar in the esports community, with many people calling for stricter regulation and more severe punishments for cheaters.

As esports continues to grow and attract more attention from the mainstream world, it will be interesting to see how it deals with this issue moving forward.

How To Start An Esports Team

Esports teams usually start with just a group of friends who share a common love for gaming. If you’re looking to start an esports team, the first step is to find like-minded individuals who are passionate about gaming. Once you have a group of committed gamers, you’ll need to decide on a game to focus on. There are many different games played at a professional level, so it’s important to choose a game that you’re all passionate about. Once you’ve decided on a game, you’ll need to start practicing and honing your skills. The more practice you put in, the better your chances of becoming a successful esports team.

Choose A Game

An important first step in starting your esports team is deciding which game you want to play competitively. It’s important to choose a game that you and your team are passionate about and have a good amount of experience playing. You should also research the existing competitive landscape for the game to get an idea of the level of competition you’ll be facing and what it will take to be successful. Once you’ve decided on a game, it’s time to start building your team.

Assemble A Team Of Skilled Players
The first step in building your esports team is to assemble a group of skilled players who are passionate about the game you’ve chosen. You can find potential team members by recruiting at local gaming tournaments or searching online for players with a high ranking in the game you’re playing. Once you’ve assembled a group of skilled players, it’s time to start practicing and honing your team’s skills.

Create A Practice Schedule
To ensure that your team is ready for competition, it’s important to create and stick to a practice schedule. How often and for how long you practice will depend on the game you’re playing and the level of competition you hope to achieve. Regardless of the game, practicing as a team is essential for developing teamwork and communication skills that will be needed in order to be successful in esports competitions.

Set Some Goals
Before you start competing, it’s important to set some goals for your team. This will help keep everyone focused and motivated as you work towards becoming a successful esports team. Your goals should be specific, achievable, and relevant to the level of competition you hope to achieve. For example, if you’re just starting out, a goal might be to win one local tournament. Or if you have aspirations to go pro, a goal could be to qualify for the next major tournament in your region. Whatever goals you set, make sure they are realistic and attainable so that your team can stay motivated as you work towards achieving them

Find Players

The best way to start is to find other passionate gamers who want to join your team. Once you have found a few others who are as excited as you are, it’s time to start planning and building your team.

There are a few ways to go about finding players for your team. You can hold open auditions, post ads online, or reach out to people you know who are into gaming. Look for people who have complementary skillsets and who would make good team members. It’s also important to find players who are committed and who will take the time to practice and improve their skills.

Once you have a few potential players lined up, it’s time to start building your team.

Train Together

The best way to train together as an esports team is to use a gaming house. A gaming house is where all the team members live and train together. This allows for more hours of training and also lets the team bond with each other. It is important for an esports team to be able to communicate well with each other and have good teamwork. If you do not have a gaming house, you can still train together by playing online games together and practicing in offline tournaments.

How To Manage An Esports Team

The thing with esports is that it is still a very young industry. As such, there are a lot of things that are still being figured out. Among these things is how to properly manage an esports team.

Set Expectations

Before anything else, you need to be clear about what it is you hope to achieve as an esports team. Without a goal, it’ll be hard to measure success and keep everyone on the same page.

This might seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people try to avoid setting expectations. It’s often because they’re afraid of failure or they don’t want to limit their options. But if you don’t know what you’re aiming for, it’s very easy to get sidetracked.

There are a few things you need to consider when setting expectations for your team:
-How much time and effort are you willing to put in?
-What is your budget?
-What is your level of experience?
-How many people do you want on your team?
-What kind of commitment are you looking for from your team members?

Remember, these don’t have to be set in stone – they can (and probably will) change over time. But it’s important to have a starting point so everyone knows what they’re working towards.

Communicate Regularly

It’s important to communicate regularly with your team, especially if you’re in a remote location. Set up daily or weekly check-ins so everyone is on the same page. This is also a good time to give feedback, both positive and constructive.

Promote A Positive Team Culture

A positive team culture starts with the way you treat your players and employees. As the manager, you need to be the one setting the tone for how everyone should be treated. This includes things like how you communicate with each other, how you handle wins and losses, and what the team’s goals are.

It’s important to remember that everyone on your team is different and will respond to different things. Some players might prefer more structure while others might prefer more freedom. It’s up to you to find out what works best for your team and then promote that kind of environment.

One of the best ways to promote a positive team culture is to make sure everyone feels like they are a valuable part of the team. This means giving everyone a role that they are responsible for and making sure they have the opportunity to contribute to the team’s success. It’s also important to give people opportunities to learn and grow so they can continue to improve as players and employees.

Finally, it’s important to have some fun! A positive team culture doesn’t have to be all work and no play. Make sure you take some time out of each day or week for things like team bonding activities or just casual down time so everyone can relax and enjoy being around each other.


In conclusion, in order to build a successful esports team there are several key ingredients that are important to take into account. First and foremost, it is important to have a passionate and dedicated team of players who are willing to put in the hard work and dedication needed to be successful. Secondly, it is vital to have a strong coaching staff who can help guide and lead the team to victory. Finally, having a supportive and engaged community of fans is essential in order to create a winning environment for your esports team.

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