How To Call A Balk In Baseball?

Wondering how to call a balk in baseball? Check out this quick guide for everything you need to know about this important rule.

What is a balk?

In baseball, a balk is an illegal motion by the pitcher while one or more runners are on base. A balk can occur while the pitcher is in the windup or set position. It is a type of wild pitch. A balk can also be called if the pitcher does not come to a complete stop during his delivery and there are runners on base.

How to call a balk?

A balk is called when a pitcher breaks the rules while pitching. When a pitcher breaks the rules, the base runner is awarded the next base. There are many ways a pitcher can break the rules while pitching, so let’s go over them.


An umpire is a person who has the authority to make decisions on the field during a baseball game. These decisions are typically related to whether a pitch is a ball or a strike, whether a batter is safe or out, and whether a baserunner is safe or out.

Balk: A balk is an illegal move by the pitcher with a runner or runners on base. A balk results in the award of one bases to each runner.


According to the Major League Baseball Rulebook, a balk is “an illegal motion by the pitcher when he feints a throw to first base or third base.” In other words, if the pitcher starts his motion toward first or third base, but doesn’t actually throw the ball, it’s a balk. There are also a few other situations that constitute a balk, but those are the most common.

If the catcher is not paying attention and the pitcher commits a balk, the proper way to call it is for the catcher to stand up and yell “Balk!” as loud as he can. The umpire will then call time out and come over to confer with the catcher.

What are the consequences of calling a balk?

A balk can be called if the pitcher does any of the following:
-Throwing to a base
-Picking off a runner
-Faking a pickoff
-Faking a throw to a base
-Steps out of the pitching rubber with the bases loaded

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