How To Call Plays in NBA 2K21

Wondering how you can call plays in NBA 2K21? Look no further than this helpful blog post that will walk you through the process step by step!


In NBA 2K21, there are two playcalling menus: one for calling offensive plays and one for calling defensive plays. Each menu has a different layout and different options, so it’s important to know which menu to use when.

To call an offensive play, go to the Playcalling menu and select “Offensive Playcalling.” Here, you will see a list of all the offensive plays in the game. Select the play you want to run and press the “Call Play” button.

To call a defensive play, go to the Playcalling menu and select “Defensive Playcalling.” Here, you will see a list of all the defensive plays in the game. Select the play you want to run and press the “Call Play” button.

Basic Playcalling

In NBA 2K21, there are two ways to call plays. The first way is to press and hold the “Call Play” button, which is the right stick by default. This will bring up the playcalling menu, where you can then choose from a list of pre-selected plays. The second way to call plays is to use the d-pad to cycle through plays. This can be done either while you are on offense or defense.

Complex Playcalling

In NBA 2K21, there are two types of playcalling: simple and complex. Simple playcalling is great for quick pick-up games or when you want to get the ball to your best scorer in a hurry. Complex playcalling is perfect for when you want to run a specific play with specific player movements. In this article, we’ll show you how to call complex plays in NBA 2K21.

To call a complex play in NBA 2K21, press and hold the left bumper ( LB) on your controller. This will open up the Playcall menu. From here, you can scroll through all of the available plays by pressing up or down on the left joystick. When you find a play you like, press X on your controller to select it.

Once you’ve selected a play, you’ll see a diagram of it on the screen with all of the player’s names and positions highlighted. You can press X again to confirm that you want to run this play, or you can use the joystick to adjust any of the players’ positions before confirming.

Once you’ve confirmed the play, all of your players will automatically move into position and the ball will be given to whichever player is highlighted in green. From here, it’s up to you to make the shot!


In conclusion, calling plays in NBA 2K21 is a crucial part of the game. If you want to be successful, you need to make sure that you are calling the right plays at the right time. By following the tips and tricks in this guide, you should be well on your way to becoming an NBA 2K21 play-calling master!

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