How to Choose an NFL Team

If you’re looking to start following the NFL, but don’t know where to start, this guide is for you. We’ll go over how to choose an NFL team that’s right for you, based on your interests and preferences.


With so many great options available, it can be tough to decide which NFL team to root for. There are a few factors to consider when making your decision, such as your favorite players, your preferred style of play, and your geographic location.

You might also want to think about which team you would like to see win the most. Do you want to see a team with a long history of success, or one that has never won a Super Bowl? There are plenty of great teams to choose from, so take your time and make sure you pick the right one for you.

Consider your geographical location

When choosing an NFL team, one important factor to consider is your geographical location. Depending on where you live, there may be an NFL team that is closer to you than other teams. For example, if you live on the East Coast, you may want to consider rooting for the New England Patriots or the New York Jets. If you live on the West Coast, you may want to consider rooting for the San Francisco 49ers or the Seattle Seahawks. By choosing a team that is closer to you, you will be able to attend more games and support your team more easily.

Consider your preferred style of play

When choosing an NFL team, it’s important to consider your preferred style of play. Some teams are known for their offense, while others are known for their defense. Consider which style of play you prefer before making your decision.

If you prefer a team that scores a lot of points, then you may want to consider an offensive-minded team like the New England Patriots or the Green Bay Packers. On the other hand, if you prefer a team that doesn’t allow opponents to score very often, then you may want to consider a defensive-minded team like the Seattle Seahawks or the Denver Broncos.

In addition to considering your preferred style of play, it’s also important to think about which teams you would enjoy rooting for. Do some research on each team and their fans to get a better sense of which team is the right fit for you.

Consider your favorite players

When you’re trying to decide which NFL team to root for, one of the things you can consider is your favorite players. Maybe there’s a certain player that you’ve always admired and wanted to see succeed. If that’s the case, then rooting for the team that he plays for might make sense.

You can also look at it from the perspective of which teams have the most players that you like. This can be a good way to help you make a decision if you can’t seem to choose between two teams. Simply compare rosters and see which team has more players that you like. Oftentimes, this can be a helpful deciding factor.

Consider your preferred NFL history

When you’re looking for an NFL team to support, it can be helpful to consider your preferred NFL history. Do you want to support a team with a long tradition of success? Or do you prefer a team that’s on the upswing? There are pros and cons to both approaches.

If you choose a team with a long history of success, you’ll be able to enjoy the collective pride that comes with being a fan of a winning franchise. You’ll also have access to a wealth of NFL content, from classic games and highlights to behind-the-scenes stories and player profiles. On the downside, you may have to deal with high expectations and disappointed fans if your team doesn’t live up to its historical reputation.

If you opt for a team on the rise, you can take advantage of cheaper tickets and gear, and you may even get the opportunity to watch your team in the Super Bowl one day. Of course, there’s also the risk that your chosen team could regress at any time, leaving you feeling like a bandwagon jumper.

No matter which approach you take, be sure to do your research before committing to an NFL team. Read about each team’s history, recent successes and failures, and get to know their star players. By taking the time to learn about your options, you’ll be sure to choose an NFL team that’s right for you.


In the end, it’s up to you to decide which NFL team is the best fit for you. Consider all of the factors that are important to you, from the team’s history and tradition to their current roster and coaching staff. Also think about where you live and whether you’d prefer to root for a local team or one from another city or region.

Once you’ve taken all of these things into consideration, it should be easier for you to narrow down your options and choose the NFL team that you’ll be cheering on for years to come!

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