How to Clean Leather Tennis Shoes the Right Way

Don’t ruin your new white leather tennis shoes! Here’s how to clean them the right way so they’ll look great for years to come.


Leather shoes are a great investment. They can last for years and years if you take care of them properly. That includes regular cleaning to remove dirt, salt, and other debris that can damage the leather.

There are lots of different ways to clean leather shoes, but not all of them are created equal. You want to avoid methods that will strip away the natural oils from the leather or leave your shoes feeling stiff and dry. Instead, opt for a method that will clean your shoes deeply without damaging them.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to clean leather tennis shoes the right way. Whether you have white leather shoes or black leather shoes, this method will work great!

What You Will Need

Assuming you have a pair of white leather tennis shoes, you will need a few materials before you can start cleaning. Gather together:
-A small bowl
-A mild soap or detergent
-A clean, soft cloth
-A toothbrush (optional)
-Paper towels or an old towel (optional)

Steps to Cleaning Leather Tennis Shoes

cleaning your leather tennis shoes the right way will ensure they last longer. You can use a few household items to clean your shoes and make them look new again. Follow these steps to clean your leather tennis shoes.

Preparing the Shoes

The first step to cleaning leather tennis shoes is to remove any dirt or debris from the surface of the shoe. A soft brush can be used to remove any loose dirt, and a damp cloth can be used to wipe away any stains. If the shoes are very dirty, they may need to be soaked in a solution of warm water and mild soap for a few minutes before being scrubbed with a soft brush.

Once the shoes are clean, it is important to allow them to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Cleaning the Shoes

It is recommended that you clean your leather shoes at least once a month to remove dirt, sweat, and grime build-up. You can do this by using a soft, damp cloth to wipe the shoes down. You can also use a mild soap such as baby shampoo or dish soap mixed with water to create a sudsy solution. Apply the solution to a cloth and gently scrub the shoes. Rinse the shoes with clean water and dry them with a soft towel.

Finishing Up

After the shoes have dried, you can use a soft cloth to buff them and bring back their shine. If you want to protect the leather and keep it from getting stained or scuffed, you can also treat it with a leather conditioner or waterproofing spray.


Cleaning leather tennis shoes is a process that should be done regularly to prolong the life of the shoes and keep them looking their best. There are a few different ways to clean leather tennis shoes, but the method you use will depend on the type of leather and the level of soiling. In most cases, a simple wipe down with a damp cloth will be all that is needed to remove surface dirt and grime. If your shoes are more heavily soiled, you may need to use a mild leather cleaner or saddle soap. Once you have cleaned your shoes, be sure to apply a leather conditioner to help protect the leather and keep it from drying out.

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