How To Clean The Inside Of A Baseball Glove?

Learn the best way to clean the inside of your baseball glove so that it is good as new and ready for game day.

Materials Needed

Before you begin, you will need the following materials:Rubber glovesDish soapWaterSpongeLaundry detergentOld toothbrush bucket

Dish soap

-1 old toothbrush
-Dish soap

Cleaning the inside of a baseball glove is important to remove bacteria and dirt that can cause bad odors. It is also necessary to remove any dirt or grime that can transferring to the ball and affecting its grip. To clean the inside of a baseball glove, you will need: dish soap, an old toothbrush, and water.


Water is the most essential cleaning tool, no matter what object you’re trying to clean. For cleaning a glove, start with some lukewarm water and a mild, soap. Wet the glove down, being sure to get in all of the nooks and crannies. Rub the soapy water into the leather, then rinse the glove thoroughly in more lukewarm water. If your glove is particularly dirty, you may need to repeat this process several times.


To clean the inside of your baseball glove, you will need a sponge and some water. Wring out the sponge so it is not dripping wet and then insert it into the glove. Gently rubbing the sponge around inside the glove, try to get into all of the nooks and crannies. You may need to use a little bit of soap to help loosen any dirt or grime that is stuck to the glove. Once you have finished scrubbing, rinse out the glove with clean water.


If you’ve been using your baseball glove for a while, it’s probably time to clean the inside. Here are a few steps you can follow to clean the inside of your baseball glove.

Wet the sponge with soapy water

Wet the sponge with soapy water: Use warm water and a mild dish soap. Don’t use too much soap, or the glove will be difficult to rinse clean.

Gently scrub the glove: Work the soapy water into the leather, paying special attention to any areas that look especially dirty.

Rinse the glove with clean water: Use a second sponge or a cloth to rinse all the soap out of the glove. Be sure to rinse away all the soap; if any is left in, it could dry out the leather and damage the glove.

Allow the glove to air dry: Do not put the glove in direct sunlight, as this could cause it to warp. Instead, just let it sit until it’s completely dry.

Rub the sponge all over the inside of the glove

1. Insert your hand into the glove and spread the fingers out.
2. Rub the sponge all over the inside of the glove, focusing on the parts that feel gummy or sticky.
3. Use a toothbrush to scrub any areas that are especially dirty or gummy.
4. Rinse the sponge and glove under cold water until the water runs clear.
5. Squeeze excess water from the glove and let it air dry overnight.

Rinse the glove with water

To get started, rinse the inside of your glove with lukewarm water to remove any dirt or debris. Next, dampen a clean cloth with lukewarm water and gently wipe down the entire inside surface of the glove. Pay special attention to any areas that look especially dirty or grimy.

Let the glove air dry

Open up the glove and let it sit in an open space until it is completely dry. Do not try to hurry the process by using a hair dryer or any other type of heating device. If you do, you could ruin the leather.

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