How to Cut Tennis Balls for Walkers

If you have a walker and want to make it more comfortable, you can cut tennis balls and put them on the legs. Here’s how to do it.


If you have ever wondered how to cut tennis balls for walkers, you are not alone. There are many people who have this same question, and the good news is that it is actually quite easy to do. All you need is a sharp knife and a little bit of time.

Here are the steps that you will need to follow in order to properly cut tennis balls for walkers:

1. Start by cutting off the top of the tennis ball. You will want to make sure that you cut it at an angle so that the top of the ball is smaller than the bottom. This will allow the ball to sit better on thewalker’s feet.

2. Next, you will need to make two cuts down the sides of the tennis ball. These cuts should be about an inch apart.

3. Once you have made those two cuts, you will then need to make a third cut that goes around the circumference of the ball. This cut should be about halfway between the first two cuts that you made.

4. Now, take your knife and start at one end of one of the cuts that you made earlier. From there, slowly start slicing your way aroundthe circumference of the ball until you reach the other end of that same cut. Repeat this process for all three cuts that you made earlier.

Tools Needed

In order to cut the tennis balls, you will need a sharp knife. A serrated knife works best, but a regular kitchen knife will also do the trick. Once you have gathered your supplies, follow the steps below to cut the tennis balls.

1. Cut a small hole in the top of the tennis ball. This will be the starting point for cutting around the circumference of the ball.
2. Insert the knife into the hole and start cutting around the tennis ball. Be sure to apply even pressure so that you create a clean cut.
3. Continue cutting around the tennis ball until you have gone all the way around.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each tennis ball that you wish to cut.


1. Start with a clean, dry tennis ball. If the ball is new, you may want to wash it first to remove any treatments or coatings that may be on the surface.
2. Use a sharp knife to make a cut along the circumference of the ball, about halfway through its thickness. Be sure to make your cut evenly so that the two halves of the ball are approximately the same size.
3. Turn the ball so that the cut you just made is facing downwards. Make another cut along the circumference of the ball, this time cutting all the way through so that the ball is divided into two halves.
4. Using your knife or a pair of scissors, make a series of cuts perpendicular to the first two cuts you made, dividing each half of the ball into thirds. You should now have six equal pieces of tennis ball.
5. For each piece of tennis ball, make two cuts perpendicular to all of the other cuts, dividing each piece into three equal strips. You should now have 18 equal strips of tennis ball material.
6. Take one strip and make a small slit in its center, about ½ inch long. This slit will be used to slide your strip over the end of your walker’s leg tubing.
7. Repeat step 6 for each of the remaining strips until all 18 strips have slits in their centers


We hope you found our guide on how to cut tennis balls for walkers helpful! If you have any other questions or tips on the subject, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

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