How To Deke In NHL 22?

How To Deke In NHL 22? is a question that many gamers have. While the game does a pretty good job of explaining the basics, there are some more advanced techniques that can be used to score goals. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to deke in NHL 22 like a pro!

How To Deke In NHL 22?

The Importance of Dekeing

Dekeing is an important move to master in NHL 22. It can help you create space between you and your defender, allowing you to make a play or take a shot. Dekeing can also be used as a way to fake out your opponent and make them think you’re going to do one thing when you’re actually doing another.Learning how to deke properly can take your game to the next level.

What is dekeing?

Dekeing is a skill that every NHL player needs to have in their repertoire. It’s a move that allows you to get past a defender by faking one way and then going the other. It’s incredibly useful when you’re in a one-on-one situation with a defenseman and you need to get around them to create a scoring chance.

There are a few things that you need to do in order to successfully deke in NHL 22. First, you need to approach the defender at an angle. This will allow you to maintain control of the puck as you go around them. Second, you need to use your body to shield the puck from the defender. This will make it harder for them to check you and steal the puck. Finally, you need to make a quick move to the other side of the defender when they bite on your fake. This will give you an open lane to the net.

Dekeing is a difficult skill to master, but it’s one that can be incredibly useful in game situations. If you can learn how to deke effectively, it will give you a big advantage over your opponents.

Why is dekeing important?

In hockey, dekeing is an important skill that can be used to beat defenders and score goals. Dekeing is a move in which the player uses their stick and body to fake out the defender, making them believe that the player is going to go one way when they are actually going another.

Dekeing can be used in many different situations, such as when a player is coming in on a one-on-one with the goalie, or when a team is trying to score on a power play. It is also a great move to use when a player is facing a defender who is trying to block their shot. By dekeing, the player can avoid the defender and get a better shot off.

Dekeing is an important skill for all hockey players to learn, as it can be used in many different situations on the ice. If you want to improve your game, make sure you practice your dekes often!

How to Deke

Deking is an important move to make in the NHL 22 game. It can help you get past the defenders and get a shot on goal. If you want to learn how to deke, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll show you how to deke in NHL 22.

The Stick

There are two ways to deke in NHL 22 – using the right stick or by pressing the right bumper (RT on Xbox, R2 on PlayStation).

To deke using the right stick, simply flick the stick in the direction you want to go. The further you flick it, the more exaggerated the move will be. You can also double-tap the right stick to perform a quick deke.

Pressing the right bumper will also cause your player to deke, but this move is less precise than using the right stick. You can also hold down the right bumper to perform a spin-o-rama move.

The Body

In order to deke properly in NHL 22, you need to be in full control of your body. This means keeping your head up at all times and using your peripheral vision to survey the ice. The main reason why most players get deked is because they focus on the puck too much and they don’t see the player coming at them. So, always keep your head up!

Another important aspect of deking is having good hand-eye coordination. This will come in handy when you are trying to stick-handle around a defender. If you can’t control the puck well with your stick, then you won’t be able to deke around anyone.

Lastly, you need to be quick on your feet. This is self-explanatory; if you can’t move quickly, then the defender will catch up to you and take the puck away. So, make sure that you practice your skating skills and get better at moving around the ice before trying to deke someone out of their skates.

Different Types of Dekes

Dekeing is a move in hockey where the player uses his stick and body to fake out the defender and go around him. There are many different types of dekes, and each one has its own strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular dekes in NHL 22 and how to execute them.

The Forehand Deke

The forehand deke is probably the most common deke in the NHL. It’s when you stickhandle the puck to your forehand and then quickly move it back to your backhand before shooting. This move can be used in a lot of different situations, but it’s most effective when you’re trying to get around a defender who’s playing you tight on your backhand side.

To do a forehand deke, start by skating in on your forehand side. As you approach the goalie, reach out with your stick and poke check their glove hand. This will cause the goalie to open up their glove hand and prepare for a save, which will give you an opening to shoot.

Once you have the puck on your forehand side, quickly move it back to your backhand and take your shot. The key to making this move successful is to sell the poke check and make sure that you don’t hold on to the puck for too long on your forehand side. If you hang on to the puck for too long, the goalie will be able to close their glove hand and make the save.

The Backhand Deke

The backhand deke is one of the most basic types of dekes in hockey, but it can be highly effective if done correctly. To do a backhand deke, simply hold down the right stick and flick it to the left or right. This will cause your player to do a backhand move and hopefully benefit you in getting around the defender.

The Spin-o-rama

The Spin-o-rama is one of the most popular Dekes in NHL and is used by many of the top players in the world. This move starts with the player initiating a spin while holding the puck on their forehand. As they transition from their backhand to their forehand, they will drop the puck, which will allow them to shift their weight and change directions. This move can be used to create space for yourself or to fool an opponent who is trying to defend against you.

The Toe Drag
The Toe Drag is another extremely popular Deke that is commonly used by NHL players. This move starts with the player dragging the puck across the ice with the toe of their skate while they are moving forward. As they reach the opponent, they will transition the puck to their forehand and then lift it over the defenders stick and into open space.

The Fake Shot
The Fake Shot is a Deke that can be used to create space for yourself or to score a goal. This move starts with the player pretending to take a shot on goal. As they do this, they will pull the puck back with their stick and then quickly transition it to their forehand. This will often cause defenders to back off, which will give you more space to operate.

The 5 hole Move
The 5 hole Move is a Deke that is used to score goals in NHL 22. This move starts with the player holding the puck on their forehand as they approach the goaltender. As they get close, they will quickly transition the puck from their forehand to their backhand and then quickly lift it into the air and over the goaltender’s glove hand and into the net.


Now that you know the basic dekes, it’s time to take your game to the next level. Remember to practice in the offline modes before trying them in online matches. With a little bit of practice, you’ll be scoring goals and making highlight-reel saves like a pro in no time!

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