How To Determine Your Baseball Glove Size?

How To Determine Your Baseball Glove Size? – A blog post discussing the different ways to determine what size baseball glove you should get.

How To Determine Your Baseball Glove Size?

There are a couple of different ways that you can determine your baseball glove size. The first way is to measure your hand. You will need to measure the length of your hand from your wrist to the tip of your middle finger. Once you have this measurement, you can use the chart below to determine your baseball glove size.

The second way to determine your baseball glove size is to try on different gloves and see what feels comfortable. It is important to keep in mind that not all gloves will feel the same, even if they are the same size. It is important to find a glove that feels comfortable and gives you the range of motion that you need.

Hand Size Chart:
-8 inches or smaller = Youth glove size 6 inch or smaller
-8-9 inches = Youth glove size 7 inch
-9-10 inches = Youth glove size 8 inch
-10-11 inches = Adult small gloves sizes 9 or 10 inch

What Is The Relationship Between Glove Size And Your Hand Size?

One of the most important pieces of equipment for a baseball player is their glove. The size of the glove you need is determined by the size of your hand. There are a few ways to measure your hand for a glove. The first way is to measure the circumference of your hand. The second way is to measure the length of your hand. The third way is to measure the width of your palm.

Hand Size

To find out your hand size, measure the width of your hand above your thumb and below your pinky finger with a tape measure. Once you have this measurement, compare it to the sizes listed below to find the closest match. If you are between sizes, it is generally best to err on the side of a larger glove.

Hand Size
-Extra Small: 6.5 inches or less
-Small: 6.5-7 inches
-Medium: 7-7.5 inches
-Large: 7.5-8 inches
-Extra Large: 8 inches or more

Glove Size

There is no perfect answer when it comes to finding the perfect baseball glove size. While some people may prefer a smaller glove for more control, others may prefer a larger glove for more catch-surface area. However, there are some basic generalizations that can be made in terms of sizing your baseball glove.

First, it is important to understand the difference between hand size and glove size. Hand size is measured from the bottom of your palm to the top of your middle finger. Glove size, on the other hand, is measured from the tip of your middle finger to the bottom of your palm. In general, you should look for a glove that is about one half-inch larger than your hand size.

So, if you have a hand that measures 6 inches, you would want to look for a glove that is about 6.5 inches in size. Another general rule of thumb is that infielders should look for smaller gloves than outfielders. This is because infielders need more control and dexterity than outfielders who have more space to cover.

Of course, these are just general guidelines and the best way to find the perfect baseball glove size is to try on different gloves and see what feels comfortable for you.

How To Measure Your Hand For A Glove

To find your baseball glove size, you will need to measure the width of your palm. Place a measuring tape at the base of your hand and measure from the bottom of your palm to the top of your middle finger. Once you have your measurement, you can consult a glove size chart to find the right size for you.

Measuring The Length Of Your Hand

To start, extend your hand out in front of you, palm up and with your fingers extended and slightly separated. Use a soft measuring tape to measure from the tip of your middle finger to the base of your hand where it meets your wrist. The measurement in inches is your glove size.

Measuring The Circumference Of Your Hand

To accurately measure the circumference of your hand, you will need a flexible measuring tape. If you do not have a flexible tape measure, you can use a piece of string or ribbon and then hold it up to a ruler to determine the length.

Wrap the measuring tape around your hand at the widest part, which is usually right below your fingers, not including your thumb. Make sure the tape is snug against your skin, but not so tight that it cuts off circulation. Record this number in inches or centimeters.

You can also use your dominant hand to measure your non-dominant hand if you do not have a flexible measuring tape or if it is more convenient. Just be sure to write down which hand the measurement corresponds to!

How To Choose The Right Glove Size

Choosing the right baseball glove size is essential for players. A well-fitting glove will help you perform your best on the field. It is important to know how to measure your hand correctly to find the right glove size. In this article, we will walk you through the steps of how to determine your baseball glove size.

Consider The Age Of The Player

One of the main things you need to consider when purchasing a baseball glove is the age of the player. If you are shopping for a youth glove, then you will want to look for a smaller size. As a general rule of thumb, an infield glove for a youth player should measure around 9 to 10 inches in length. For an outfield glove, you will want something thatmeasures 10 to 11.5 inches.

If you are shopping for an adult baseball glove, then you will obviously want to choose a larger size. Infield gloves for adults should measure around 11 to 12 inches in length. Outfield gloves should range from 12 to 14 inches in length. Of course, these are just general guidelines and you may need to adjust the sizing based on the specific player’s hand size and position.

Consider The Position Of The Player

An important factor to consider when purchasing a baseball glove is the position of the player. each position requires a different size, style, and webbing of the glove.

For example, an infielder will need a smaller glove than an outfielder since they have to field more ground balls. A first baseman needs a glove with extra padding to help field those throws in the dirt. A catcher’s mitt is larger and has extra padding to protect their hand from fast pitches.

Additionally, the internetting of the glove also matters. A pitcher will need a different type of glove than an infielder or outfielder. A pitcher’s glove will have a deeper well and a closed webbing to better hide their grip on the ball from hitters.


Now that you know the three main types of gloves and the sizing process for each, you can go out and purchase the right baseball glove for your individual needs. Be sure to also take into account what position you will be playing, as this will also play a role in what type of glove is right for you. With so many variables to consider, it’s important to do your research before buying a glove so that you can be sure you are getting the best possible product for your individual needs.

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