How to Do a Serve in Tennis: The Basics

If you’re just starting out in tennis, you may be wondering how to do a serve. Luckily, it’s not too difficult to learn the basics. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through how to do a serve in tennis, step by step. By the end, you’ll be ready to hit the courts and serve up some aces!


Learning how to do a tennis serve is one of the most important aspects of playing the game. In tennis, the serve is used to start each point. The player who serves has an advantage because they can control how the point starts.

There are two main types of serves in tennis: the forehand serve and the backhand serve. The forehand serve is hit with the same hand that you use to hit a forehand shot. The backhand serve is hit with the same hand that you use to hit a backhand shot.

There are also two main types of grips that you can use when serving: the continental grip and the eastern grip. The continental grip is when you hold the racket in your hand with your thumb and first two fingers extended. The eastern grip is when you hold the racket in your hand with your thumb and last two fingers extended.

There are a few things that you need to do in order to hit a good tennis serve:
– Stand behind the baseline
– Use an appropriate grip
– Toss the ball up
– Hit the ball with an overhand motion
– Follow through after contact

The Grip

One of the most important aspects of correctly doing a serve in tennis is the grip. Without the right grip, you will not be able to send the ball where you want it to go. The most common grip for a tennis serve is the continental grip. To do this grip, start by holding the tennis racket in your non-dominant hand.

The Continental Grip

The continental grip is the most common grip used in tennis. To get into this grip, start with your hand stretched out in front of you, then curl your index and middle fingers around the bottom of the racquet so that they are touching. Your thumb should be on top of the racquet. Next, rest your ring finger and pinky on the side of the racquet. You can either let them dangle or hook them around the metal part of the racquet for extra stability.

The Eastern Grip

In tennis, there are two main types of grips: the eastern grip and the western grip. The eastern grip is the most popular grip among professional tennis players. It is also the preferred grip for serve and volleying. To do the eastern grip, simply position your hand so that your palm faces away from you and your thumb points towards the sky.

The western grip is not as popular as the eastern grip, but it is still used by some professional tennis players. It is generally used for baseline play. To do the western grip, simply position your hand so that your palm faces towards you and your thumb points towards the ground.

The Western Grip

The Western grip is the most common grip used by professional male tennis players. This grip is also known as a semi-western grip because it falls between the eastern and continental grips. The western tennis grip is used for all strokes except the backhand volley.

With the western tennis grip, you hold the racket with your knuckles pointing to the sky. You then place your palm on the bottom of the racket handle and slide your hand down until it rests on top of the beveled edge of the racket head. Your thumb and index finger should form a “V” shape.

The Stance

Before starting the serve, you must first assess which hand you will be using to hit the ball. You will also need to decide which side of the court you will be serving from. Once you have chosen your serving hand and side, you can then proceed to the stance. The most important part of the stance is to be balanced. You can achieve balance by placing your feet shoulder-width apart and keeping your weight evenly distributed on both feet.

The Open Stance

One of the first choices you’ll make when hitting a tennis ball is whether to use an open, semi-open, or closed stance. The main difference between these stances is the angle of your feet in relation to the net and baseline.

An open stance is when your feet are Parallel to the baseline and you’re pointing them towards the net. Open stances are used on wide balls that are hit near the singles sideline. The extra space created by an open stance gives you time to run around your backhand and hit a forehand.

A semi-open stance is when you have one foot slightly ahead of the other and both feet are pointing at an angle towards the net. This stance is used when the ball is hit somewhere between the middle and far side of the court. Hitting from a semi-open stance gives you slightly less power than from an open stance, but more directional control.

A closed stance is when both of your feet are parallel to each other but angled towards the center service line instead of the net. Closed stances are used on balls that are hit near the center service line on your backhand side. This stance provides extra power but can make it difficult to change directions if your opponent hits the ball deep into your court.

The Semi-Open Stance

The Semi-Open Stance is a wonderful compromise between the two more commonly used stances in tennis, the Open Stance and the Closed Stance. As its name suggests, the Semi-Open Stance is somewhere in between the two other well-known stances. This makes it a very versatile stance to use, as it gives you the options of both an Open Stance and a Closed Stance.

The first thing to consider when using a Semi-Open Stance is your footwork. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, with your dominant foot slightly behind your non-dominant foot. This will give you a strong base from which to hit the ball. You should also keep your knees slightly bent, as this will help you generate power in your shots.

From this position, you will have a lot of options when hitting the ball. You can hit it with topspin or backspin, depending on how you make contact with the ball. You will also be able to hit it cross court or down the line with ease. This makes the Semi-Open Stance a great option for both novice and advanced players alike.

The Closed Stance

When hitting a tennis ball, you can choose from two main types of stance: open and closed. A closed stance is when your feet are aligned parallel to the baseline, and an open stance is when your feet are aligned diagonally to the baseline. For most beginner players, it is easiest to start with a closed stance. This allows you to keep your weight more evenly distributed and makes it simpler to control the direction of your shot.

There are two steps to properly executing a closed tennis stance. First, align your feet so they are parallel to the baseline. You can do this by placing your non-dominant foot slightly behind your dominant foot. Once your feet are in position, slightly bend your knees and shift your weight onto the balls of your feet. This will help you maintain balance and control as you swing at the ball.

Practice taking small swings using a closed stance until you feel comfortable hitting the ball consistently. Once you have mastered this basic technique, you can experiment with different types of shots using an open stance.

The Swing

You’ve seen the pros do it on TV, and now you’re ready to give it a try yourself. But how? Tennis is a complex sport, and the serve is one of the most important and difficult shots to master. In this article, we’ll break down the basic steps of how to do a serve in tennis. Once you’ve got the hang of it, you’ll be ready to hit the courts and show off your skills.

The High-To-Low Swing

The high-to-low swing is the most commonly used serve in tennis. Beginners should start with this swing to get a feel for how to hit the ball. The goal is to hit the ball high so it arcs over the net and then comes down low into the service box.

To do this, start by tossing the ball high in the air. As it comes down, swing your racket up and hit the ball at the top of its arc. Follow through with your swing so that your racket ends up low and close to your body. This will give you plenty of power and spin on the ball.

The Low-To-High Swing

The low-to-high swing is the most common type of serve, and it’s a good place to start if you’re just learning how to serve. This type of serve starts with the ball low and moves up to the high point just before impact. It’s a good choice for beginners because it’s relatively easy to control.

To execute a low-to-high swing, start by holding the ball in your hand at waist level. Then, bend your elbow and raise your arm so that the ball is in line with your shoulder. From there, swing your arm up and around in a smooth arc until the racket is above your head. As you come down, make sure to hit the ball at the high point of your swing. Finally, follow through by continuing to swing your arm up and around after you hit the ball.

The Follow Through

After you’ve hit the ball, your racket will naturally continue moving forward. You want to “ride” this momentum and guide your racket up and over your body until it’s above your head. From there, you’ll bring it back down in front of you and to the side of your body that’s opposite your hitting hand (i.e., your left hand if you’re a righty).


As you can see, there are a few different ways to serve in tennis. The best way to find out what works best for you is to experiment with all of them and see which one gives you the most power and accuracy. Remember, the key to a good serve is practice, so don’t get discouraged if it takes a while to perfect your technique. With a little bit of time and effort, you’ll be serving like a pro in no time!

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