How to Do a Behind the Back Pass in NBA 2K21

Check out this quick guide on how to do a behind the back pass in NBA 2K21.


In basketball, a behind the back pass is a movement where the ball is passed backward between the legs. This can be done while standing still or while dribbling. The behind the back pass is generally used to keep the ball away from defenders or to create space.

While it may look difficult, the behind the back pass is actually not that hard to execute. In this article, we’ll show you how to do a behind the back pass in NBA 2K21.

The Importance of the Behind the Back Pass

The behind the back pass is a move that can be used to great effect in NBA 2K21. By performing a behind the back pass, you can avoid defenders and find an open teammate for an easy basket. In this article, we’ll show you how to do a behind the back pass in NBA 2K21.

Steps to Take to Perform the Behind the Back Pass

In order to perform the behind the back pass, follow these steps:
1. Get the ball in your hands and hold down the “L2” button on your controller. This will give you more control over the ball.
2. Use the left joystick to position yourself away from your defender. You can use a few different moves to create space, like a crossover or spin move.
3. As you’re moving away from your defender, quickly flick the right joystick in the direction you want to pass the ball.
4.Release the “L2” button at the same time to make the pass.


In conclusion, the behind the back pass is a great move to use in NBA 2K21 if you want to catch your opponent off guard. It can be used to create space for yourself or a teammate, and it can also be used to make a difficult pass in traffic. If you master this move, you’ll be one step ahead of your opponents in the game.

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