How to Draw an NBA Youngboy Cartoon
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Learn how to draw an NBA Youngboy cartoon with step by step drawing instructions.
Sketch a stick figure of NBA Youngboy
Start by sketching a basic stick figure of NBA Youngboy. When you’re happy with the proportions, start adding in his features. Use circles for his head and joints, and triangles for his hands and feet. Add in his hair, clothes, and any other details you want to include. When you’re finished, erase any unnecessary lines and color in your drawing.
Give the stick figure a body
Start by drawing a stick figure with a large head. Then, give the stick figure a body by drawing two lines down from the head. These lines should be slightly curved to indicate the shoulders and chest. Next, add two sticks for the arms and two more for the legs. Finally, add some details like a shirt and shoes.
Draw NBA Youngboy’s signature hairstyle
Start by drawing a quick sketch of NBA Youngboy’s face. Then, focus on drawing his signature hairstyle. Try to make the individual strands of hair look natural and flowing. Once you’re happy with your sketch, go over it with a black pen or marker. Erase any pencil lines that are showing through. Finally, color in your drawing using crayons, colored pencils, or markers.
Add clothes to the figure
1. Start by drawing the figure with a pair of shorts and a tank top.
2. Then add shoes and socks.
3. Now add some clothes to the figure. A hoodie, a jacket, and some pants.
4. Lastly, add any accessories you want, such as a necklace, bracelet, or rings.
Draw NBA Youngboy’s tattoos
Start by drawing two circles for the eyes, then add a oval shaped nose. For the mouth, simply draw a line. Next, start to draw his hair. Remember, his hair is in cornrows.
To draw the eyebrows, simply make two curved lines above each eye. Now it’s time to add his earrings. Make two small circles inside each ear, then color them in.
For the tattoos, start with the “NBA” tattoo on his forehead. First, make two small dots for the ends of each letter. Then, connect the dots with curved lines. For the rest of the tattoos, simply follow the video tutorial below!