How to Draw WWE Superstar Sting

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to draw WWE Superstar Sting step-by-step.


If you want to learn how to draw WWE superstar Sting, you first need to do some research. Find some pictures of Sting that you can use as reference, and then take a look at how other artists have drawn him. This will help you get an idea of how to draw him.

Look up pictures of Sting online

One way to improve your sketches is to look up pictures of WWE Superstar Sting online. Doing this will give you a better understanding of his facial features and how they are shaped.

Find a picture of Sting that you like

The first step to drawing Sting is to find a picture of him that you like. If you don’t have a specific picture in mind, a quick Google search should do the trick. Once you’ve found an image that you’d like to use, print it out or save it to your computer so that you can reference it as you work.


In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw Sting in just a few quick steps, but first… Sting is a professional wrestler who is currently signed to WWE. He is considered one of the biggest stars in the history of professional wrestling.

Sketch out a basic outline of Sting’s face

Start by sketching out a basic outline of Sting’s face. Use a pencil to lightly draw the shape of his forehead, nose, cheeks, chin, and jawline. Next, sketch in his eyebrow line and eyes. Then, add his mouth and lips. Finally, draw in his hair.

Add details to the face

Now it’s time to add some details to the face. Start by drawing a small circle in the center of the head for the nose. Then draw a curved line under the nose for the mouth. Next, add two small triangles for nostrils. Finally, draw a curved line across the top of the head for Sting’s eyebrow.


Before you start drawing WWE Superstar Sting, it is important to sketch out a basic outline of the figure. You will want to sketch the general shapes and proportions of the character before adding any details. This will help you get the proportions and placement of the features correct.

Outline Sting’s body

Sting’s body is fairly easy to draw. Begin by drawing a rectangle for the torso and two circles for the head and pelvis. For the arms, draw two cylinders attached to the sides of the rectangle. For the legs, draw two more cylinders attached to the bottom of the rectangle. Finally, add details like hands, feet, facial features, and clothing.

Add details to the body

-Start with a big oval for the head and a smaller oval for the neck.
-Add two rectangles for the arms and two smaller rectangles for the hands.
-For the body, draw a big rectangle. For the legs, draw two smaller rectangles and tapering them down at the feet.
-Draw a cape by starting at the top of each shoulder and drawing a curved line down to the waist. Then, add a wavy line along the bottom of the cape.
-Finish up by adding details like facial features, costume details, and other finishing touches.


In this video we are going to learn how to draw WWE Superstar Sting. We will start with a pencil sketch and then add color. We will be using markers, colored pencils and crayons.

Choose colors for Sting

When it comes to choosing colors for Sting, there are a few things to consider.

First, what is the overall tone or mood you want to create with your drawing? Is it meant to be light and fun, or dark and serious?

Sting is mostly associated with the color black, so if you’re going for a darker tone, using black as your base color can help set that mood. You can then use lighter colors for highlights, or add in pops of color to create interest and contrast.

If you want to create a more light-hearted drawing, you can use brighter colors like yellow or green. Just be sure not to use too many colors, as this can make the drawing look busy and overwhelming.

Color in Sting

Sting’s basic Color is black and white. Use a lot of black for his body paint and Contrasting Colors for his face to make him look more scary. There are also some accent Colors you can use to add more detail.

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