How to Drop Shot in Tennis – The Must Have Guide

How to Drop Shot in Tennis – The Must Have Guide

Are you looking to improve your tennis game? Then you need to learn how to drop shot. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about this essential tennis move.

How to Drop Shot in Tennis - The Must Have Guide


In tennis, the drop shot is a very effective way to win points. It is a soft and low-powered shot that goes over the net and then drops down quickly, making it difficult for the opponent to reach.

The drop shot is most effective when your opponent is at the back of the court, as they will have to run forward to reach the ball. It can also be used as a surprise shot when your opponent is expecting a more powerful stroke.

There are two main ways to execute a drop shot:

The first way is to hold the racket in your dominant hand and use an underhand motion to hit the ball. This will result in a low and slow shot.

The second way is to hit the ball with an overhand swing. This will give you more power but less control.

What is the drop shot?

The drop shot is a very effective shot in tennis that can catch your opponent off guard. It is hit with backspin and just over the net, and drops quickly into the front court. This shot can be used as a surprise attack or to set up a winner.

There are two main types of drop shots: the offensive drop shot and the defensive drop shot. The offensive drop shot is hit when you are at the baseline and your opponent is at the net. This shot is hit with power and pace, and is used to surprise your opponent and put them on the defensive. The defensive drop shot is hit when you are at the net and your opponent is at the baseline. This shot ishit with less power and pace, and is used to force your opponent to come to the net.

To execute a proper drop shot, you will need to use a continental grip and swing low to high. You will also need to add spin by using your wrist. When hitting an offensive drop shot, you should aim for the service line or slightly behind it. When hitting a defensive drop shot, you should aim for the baseline or just in front of it.

The following are some tips on how to execute an effective drop shot:
-Use a continental grip
-Swing low to high
-Use your wrist to add spin
-For an offensive drop shot, aim for the service line or slightly behind it
-For a defensivedrop shot, aim for the baseline or just in front of it

When to use the drop shot

In tennis, the drop shot is used as a surprise tactic. It is executed by gently pushing the ball over the net so that it drops just over the opponent’s side of the court. The main purpose of the drop shot is to catch your opponent off-guard and force them to run forward to retrieve the ball. This can be an effective way to tire out your opponent or to win a point when you are in a difficult position.

The drop shot can be used in a number of situations, but it is most effective when your opponent is expecting a different type of shot. For example, if you have been lobbing the ball back and forth, your opponent may be positioned at the back of the court in anticipation of another lob. In this case, a well-placed drop shot can forcing your opponent to come forward, which may give you an opportunity to win the point.

Similarly, if you are playing against an opponent who likes to stay at the back of the court, a drop shot can be used to force them into moving forward. This can also be useful if your opponent is struggling with their footwork; by hitting a drop shot, you can force them into making sudden movements that they may not be comfortable with.

Finally, the drop shot can also be used as a defensive tactic. If you are being forced back by your opponent’s powerful shots, hitting adrop shotcan give you an opportunity to catch your breath and regroup for the next point.

How to execute the drop shot

A drop shot in tennis is an offensive shot that is used to make your opponent run to the back of the court. The aim is to hit the ball just over the net so that it bounces twice before your opponent can reach it. This can be a very effective shot if you are able to place it well.

There are two main ways to execute a drop shot:

The first way is to hold the racket in a continental grip and use a backhand stroke. The second way is to hold the racket in an eastern grip and use a forehand stroke.

To execute the drop shot using a backhand stroke:

1. Start by positioning yourself at the baseline of the court.
2. When your opponent hits the ball, take a small step forward and transfer your weight onto your front foot.
3. As you take your racket back, make sure that you keep your wrist firm.
4. When you make contact with the ball, aim to hit it just over the net so that it bounces twice before your opponent can reach it.
5. Try to keep your follow through low so that the ball does not go out of court.

The benefits of the drop shot

When used properly, the drop shot can be an extremely effective tool in your tennis arsenal. By using a soft and slow shot that just clears the net, you can make your opponents run to the other side of the court while you easily win the point.

There are several benefits of the drop shot that make it such a powerful weapon. First, the element of surprise can often catch your opponents off guard. Because the drop shot is not often used, your opponents may not be expecting it and will be caught off guard when you execute it.

Second, the drop shot is an effective way to tire out your opponents. If you are able to consistently force them to run back and forth across the court, they will eventually become exhausted, making it easier for you to win points.

Third, the drop shot is a great way to take control of the rally. By using a soft and slow shot, you can force your opponents to hit higher over the net, which makes it more difficult for them to keep the ball in play. This will give you an advantage and allow you to dictate the rallies.

fourth, The drop shot also forces your opponents to make mistakes . When they are forced to hit hasty shots or try for shots that are outside of their comfort zone, they are much more likely to make mistakes that will cost them points .

Lastly , The drop shot can be used as a defensive tool as well . If you find yourself on defense and your opponent is attacking with deep shots , You can use a drop shot to neutralize their attack and get yourself back into the rally .

While there are many benefits to using a drop shot , It is important to note that this stroke should be used sparingly . If you use it too often , Your opponents will quickly adjust and begin anticipate your shots . This will nullify any advantage that you may have had by using this stroke . Therefore , It is important to use the drop shot only when necessary And mix up your strokes so that your opponents never know what to expect next

The drawbacks of the drop shot

While the drop shot is an effective tool, it does have some drawbacks. First, the shot is very difficult to execute consistently. Even the best players in the world will miss this shot sometimes. Second, the drop shot is a high-risk, high-reward shot. If you don’t make it, your opponent will likely win the point. Finally, the drop shot can be very frustrating for your opponent. If they are not prepared for it, they may get angry and play worse.


As you can see, there are many different ways that you can use the drop shot in tennis. It is important to remember that this is a tool and not a magic wand. Use it when the situation warrants and don’t be afraid to mix things up. The drop shot can be an incredibly effective weapon in your arsenal, but only if you use it correctly.

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