How To Dry A Wet Baseball Glove?

When your baseball glove gets wet, it’s important to dry it out properly to prevent it from developing a musty smell. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to dry a wet baseball glove.

How To Dry A Wet Baseball Glove?

Materials Needed

There are a few different materials that you will need in order to dry your wet baseball glove. The first thing that you will need is a clean, dry towel. You will also need some newspapers, and a few rubber bands. You will also need a warm, dry place to put your glove while it dries.

Baseball glove

A baseball glove or mitt is a large leather glove worn by baseball players of all age levels, from amateur to major league professionals. Gloves are also used by players of fast-pitch softball and slow-pitch softball. Modern baseball gloves have become more specialized since the early 20th century, with gloves designed for specific positions in the field. Early baseball gloves were made from horsehide and had no webbing between the fingers. They protected the hand more than they aided in catching a ball

Materials Needed:
-Baseball glove
-Paper towels
-Warm water
-Soft cloth


The first step is to stuff your wet baseball glove with newspaper. Try to get as much of the paper as possible into the webbing and fingers of the glove so that it can absorb as much water as possible. Once the glove is full, close it up and leave it overnight so that the newspaper has a chance to work.


If you’ve ever played baseball or softball, you know how important it is to have a good glove. A glove helps you catch the ball and gives you a better grip on the bat. But what do you do when your glove gets wet? Here are a few steps you can follow to dry your glove and get it ready for the next game.

Place the baseball glove on top of the newspaper

1. Place the baseball glove on top of the newspaper.

2. Place the ball inside the glove to help it keep its shape.

3. Fold the newspaper over the baseball glove so that it is completely covered.

4. Place the weighted object on top of the newspaper to help it hold its shape while it dries.

5. Allow the baseball glove to dry for 24 hours before removing it from the newspaper.

Let the glove sit until it is dry

Before you do anything else, set the wet glove down in a well-ventilated room and let it sit until it is dry. This could take a day or two, depending on the severity of the wetting and the ambient humidity. You can speed up the process by placing a fan near the glove, but don’t place it so close that it blows directly on the glove, as this could cause the leather to dry out and crack.

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