How to Dry Pillows Without Tennis Balls

Get rid of that pillow funk by learning how to dry pillows without tennis balls!

Remove the pillowcase and fluff the pillow.

Drying a pillow without using a tennis ball is easy! All you need to do is remove the pillowcase and fluff the pillow. You can do this by hand or with a machine. Once the pillow is fluffed, place it in a dryer on the AIR ONLY setting for about 30 minutes. This will help to remove any excess moisture from the pillow and make it fluffier.

Place the pillow in the dryer on the air-only setting.

To dry your pillows without tennis balls, start by placing them in the dryer on the air-only setting. Then, add a few clean, dry bath towels to the dryer to help absorb moisture. Run the dryer for about 30 minutes, or until the pillows are fully dried. Once they’re done, fluff them up and put them back on your bed!

Add two or three tennis balls to the dryer.

If you have a lot of pillows, you may want to add two or three tennis balls to the dryer. This will help fluff them up as they dry.

Dry the pillow on the air-only setting for 30 to 45 minutes.

Pillows can take several hours to dry in a clothes dryer, even on the air-only setting. To speed up the process, put two or three pillows in the dryer at a time. Add a clean, dry towel to the load to help fluff the pillows as they dry. When the pillows are almost dry, add a clean tennis ball to each one. The tennis ball will help fluff up the pillows as they finish drying.

Remove the pillow from the dryer and fluff it again.

It’s easy to forget to remove pillows from the dryer, especially if they’re hidden behind a load of laundry. But pillows can become lumpy and misshapen if left in the dryer too long, so it’s important to check on them regularly. When they’re done, remove the pillows from the dryer and fluff them again. You may need to repeat this step several times to get the pillows completely dry.

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