How to Dry Tennis Shoes the Right Way

If you’ve ever wondered how to dry your tennis shoes the right way, you’re in luck. In this blog post, we’ll show you the best way to dry them so they last longer.

Before Drying

Hang your shoes from the laces over a chair or clothesline so that they can air dry. This will help them retain their shape and prevent the leather or material from warping.

Take the shoes out of the washing machine

Once the shoes have finished washing, take them out of the washing machine right away. If you leave them in the washing machine, they will start to mildew.

Take the insoles out of the shoes

By taking the insoles out of your shoes, you allow air to circulate to the bottom of your shoes and dry them more evenly. You also prevent your insoles from retaining moisture and developing mold or mildew. If your shoes are particularly stinky, you can sprinkle a bit of baking soda on the insoles before putting them back in the shoes.

Drying the Outside of the Shoe

The first thing you want to do is to remove any dirt or debris that might be on the outside of the shoe. This can be done with a soft brush or a cloth. Once you have removed the dirt, you can then proceed to the next step.

Use a towel to remove excess water

Use a towel to remove excess water. Rub the shoes gently with a dry towel, using circular motions. Avoid scrubbing the shoes too harshly, as this can damage the fabric. If your shoes are made of suede or another delicate material, blot them with the towel instead of rubbing.

Place the shoes in direct sunlight

One of the best ways to dry your shoes is to place them in direct sunlight. The heat from the sun will help to evaporate the moisture from your shoes. If possible, place the shoes on a drying rack or a towel so that they are not in direct contact with the ground. You should also stuff the shoes with newspaper to help absorb any remaining moisture.

Drying the Inside of the Shoe

Even if you don’t play tennis, you probably have a pair of tennis shoes. They’re versatile shoes that can be worn for a number of activities. But, like all shoes, they can get wet on the inside. If this happens, you’ll want to dry them out as soon as possible to prevent bacteria and fungus from growing. Here’s how to do it.

Use a hairdryer on the cool setting

One way to dry your shoes quickly is to use a hairdryer. Set the hairdryer on the cool setting and hold it about six inches away from your shoe. Move the hairdryer around so that it evenly dries the inside of the shoe. This method should only be used for shoes made of synthetic materials.

Stuff the shoes with newspaper

Stuffing the shoes with newspaper is a great way to help them dry quickly and evenly. Be sure to stuff them tightly so that the paper can really do its job. You may need to change the paper a few times as it gets wet.

After Drying

After you’ve air-dried your shoes overnight, the next step is to finish drying them in the sun. If it’s a sunny day, simply set your shoes out in direct sunlight for a few hours. This will help kill any bacteria and freshen up the shoes.

Replace the insoles

Once your shoes are dry, it’s time to replace the insoles. If you can’t remove them (some are glued in), just dry them separately. Slipping fresh, dry insoles into your shoes will make them feel like new again and help absorb any lingering moisture.

Put the shoes in a cool, dry place

Drying your shoes in a warm or hot place will cause the shoes to warp and the leather to dry out. Once your shoes are no longer wet, put them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or artificial light.

If you have a fan, you can point it towards your shoes to help them dry faster. Just be sure that the fan isn’t blowing directly on your shoes, as this can also cause them to warp.

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