How Do Esports Teams Make Money?

How do esports teams make money? It’s a question that is often asked by those new to the industry. In this blog post, we’ll explore the different ways that esports teams generate revenue.

How Do Esports Teams Make Money?


In order to answer the question of how do esports teams make money, one must first understand the business of esports. Esports is a relatively new industry that is based around the professionalization of video gaming. Teams are composed of professional gamers who compete in organized,usually online, gaming tournaments. These tournaments have grown in popularity and prize pools, which has attracted investment from a variety of sources including traditional sports organizations, venture capitalists, and big corporations.

The business model for esports teams is similar to that of traditional sports teams. They generate revenue through a combination of sponsorships, prize money, merchandise sales, and ticket sales. However, there are some key differences between esports and traditional sports that make the former more viable for investment. For one, the global reach of the internet allows for a far larger potential audience for esports events than traditional sporting events. Additionally, esports fans are generally more engaged with their favorite teams and players than traditional sports fans, leading to more opportunities for monetization through things like sponsorship and advertising.

sponsor an esports team?
There are several reasons why sponsors would want to be associated with an esports team. For one, it allows them to tap into the large and growing fan base for esports. This audience is highly engaged with its favorite teams and players, which makes them more likely to remember sponsors who are associated with them. Additionally, sponsoring an esports team can help build brand awareness and create goodwill among potential customers who might not be familiar with a company’s products or services.

How much do esport teams make?
This is difficult to quantify due to the lack of transparency in the industry and the fact that most teams are privately owned companies whose financial information is not publicly available. However, estimates suggest that the average revenue for an esports team was $5 million in 2018


Sponsorships are one of the most common ways that esports teams make money. Brands will pay teams to have their logo placed on team apparel, to be played on a stream during commercial breaks, or to have players talk about the product during interviews. As the industry continues to grow, we’re seeing more and more non-endemic brands sponsoring teams and events. While this is great for the exposure of esports, it does create a bit of a sponsorship Arms Race where teams are trying to outspend each other to attract the best talent.


Most esports teams make the vast majority of their money from advertising and sponsorship deals. These deals can be with the brands that make the gaming hardware and software that the team uses, or with more generalist brands that want to reach the young, male demographic that watches most esports.

Event organizers, such as the company that puts on the Dota 2 tournament The International, will also sell space on in-game billboards and other virtual real estate to sponsors. This is in addition to selling tickets and broadcasting rights to TV networks or online streaming platforms.

There are also some teams, particularly in South Korea, that are owned by telecoms companies or other businesses with a vested interest in gaming and esports. These companies see sponsoring a team as a way to reach out to potential customers who might be interested in their products and services.

Tournaments and Events

Tournaments and events are the primary source of revenue for esports teams. Players compete for large cash prizes, and a portion of that money goes to the winning team. Team sponsors also contribute to prize pools, and some tournaments are organized specifically to promote a particular brand or product. In addition to prize money, teams can also earn revenue through sponsorships and advertising deals.


Merchandise is a big way that esports teams make money. Fans love to show their support for their favorite teams by buying jerseys, hats, and other gear with the team’s logo on it. Teams also sell other merchandise like mousepads, phone cases, and even energy drinks. Some teams have even opened up their own stores where fans can buy all kinds of team-related merchandise.

Teams make a lot of money from merchandise sales because they usually get a large cut of the profits. For example, when a fan buys a team jersey for $100, the team might get to keep $60 or $70 of that. That might not seem like much, but when you add up all of the sales from all of the fans, it starts to add up!

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