How to Fight in NHL 17

Here are some tips to help you fight better in NHL 17. If you’re looking to drop the gloves and earn some points, read on.

Get to Know Your Controls

To be a good fighter in NHL 17, you need to know your controls. The left analog stick controls your movement, the right analog stick controls your punches, and the R2 button controls your kicks. You can also use the L2 button to guard yourself from incoming punches.


In NHL 17, there are three ways to control your skater on offense – using the left analog stick, using the right analog stick, or using a combination of both.

Using the left analog stick will allow you to control your skater’s speed and direction, while using the right analog stick will allow you to control your skater’s body. Using a combination of both will allow you to have the most control over your skater.

To shoot the puck, you will need to press the X button on your controller. To pass the puck, you will need to press the A button on your controller.

You can also use the L2 and R2 buttons on your controller to change your Viewing Angle. This will allow you to see more or less of the ice rink and can be helpful when trying to get open for a pass or shot.


To be an effective defenseman, you need to know how to use all of your controls. Defense in NHL 17 is mainly about using your body checking and poke check controls to disrupt the other team’s offense and take the puck away from them.

Your left stick controls your player’s movement, and you use the right stick to control your stick. To body check, push the right stick in the direction you want to hit the other player. You can also use the right stick to poke check by flicking it in the direction of the puck carrier.

The X button is your primary shot control, and you can use it to take a slapshot or a wrist shot. To take a slapshot, hold down X and then release it when the puck is in front of your player. For a wrist shot, just tap X.

You can also use the A button for passing and shooting. To pass, press A in the direction you want to pass. To shoot, press A while holding down RT.

The B button is your deke button, and you can use it to do special moves with the puck. To do a deke, press B followed by a direction on the left stick. You can also use B to protect the puck when you are being checked by pressing it repeatedly.

Finally, LT is your dump in/line change control. To dump the puck in from behind your own net, press LT. To change lines on offense or defense, hold down LT and then press up or down on the left stick

Understand the Game Modes

NHL 17 is a game that simulates the experience of playing hockey in the National Hockey League. The game has several different game modes, each with their own set of rules and objectives. The first step to becoming a good NHL 17 player is to understand the different game modes and how they work. In this article, we will give you a brief overview of the game modes in NHL 17.

Play Now

Play Now is the NHL’s version of pick-up hockey. You can play an exhibition game with teams, players, and rules of your own choosing, or you can sim through an entire season to see how your favorite team fares.

Be a Pro

NHL 17’s Be a Pro mode is the most in-depth career simulation in any hockey game to date. You create a player, carefully crafting their attributes and choosing their position before taking them onto the ice and striving to become a legend. You can even sim through the fights now.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to help you fight better in NHL 17. First, always remember to use your body to shield the puck. Second, try to keep your head up as much as possible so you can see where your opponents are. Third, try to knock your opponents off balance by using your stick or your body. Lastly, always try to stay calm and collected when you are fighting.

Playing as Different Teams

Different teams in NHL 17 have different strategies, and you’ll need to learn them all if you want to be a versatile player. The Dallas Stars, for example, are built for speed, while the Boston Bruins are morephyiscal. The Montreal Canadiens have great goaltending, and the Chicago Blackhawks boast a deep and talented lineup.

Here are some tips for playing as each team:

Dallas Stars: The Stars are all about speed. Their forwards are among the quickest in the league, and they have a mobile defense that can get up ice in a hurry. They’re also loaded with offensive firepower, so they can score goals in bunches.

Boston Bruins: The Bruins are one of the heaviest teams in the league, and they use their size to their advantage. They’re not afraid to playphysical hockey, and they’re very good at winning puck battles along the boards. They also have some skilled players who can put up points, so they’re not limited to just grinding out wins.

Montreal Canadiens: The Canadiens have perhaps the best goaltender in the NHL in Carey Price, so they don’t have to score a lot of goals to win games. They’re very good at shutting down opposing offenses, and they don’t give up many chances. They also have some skilled forwards who can put up points when given the opportunity.

Chicago Blackhawks: The Blackhawks have a deep and talented lineup that is capable of playing both ends of the ice well. They’re one of the most balanced teams in the league, and they’re very tough to beat when they’re firing on all cylinders.


Dekeing is an essential skill to master in NHL 17. It can lead to some beautiful goals, and it can also help you get around defenders. Here are some tips and tricks to help you deke like a pro.

The first thing you need to do is get comfortable with the controls. On Xbox One, the right stick controls the dekes, while on PlayStation 4, the left stick is used. Experiment with the different dekes and find the ones that work best for you.

Once you have the controls down, it’s time to start thinking about when to use them. The most important thing to remember is that dekes should be used as a last resort. If you try to deke every time you have the puck, you’re going to end up on your behind more often than not. Only attempt a deke when you’re sure you can pull it off.

A good time to attempt a deke is when a defender is committed to one side. If they bite on your fake, you’ll be able to go around them with ease. Another good opportunity is when you have a defender between you and the goalie. In this situation, you can use a between-the-legs move or a backwards move to get around them.

Finally, practice makes perfect. The more you play, the better you’ll become at deking. But don’t forget that there’s more to hockey than just dekes – sometimes the simplest play is the best play!


It is important to remember that not all players in NHL 17 will fight. If you are playing with a team of enforcers, then yes, there will be more fighting. But if you have a team of skilled players who are more focused on playing the game than engaging in fisticuffs, then the number of fights will be reduced.

The best way to get into a fight in NHL 17 is to anger the other team’s players. This can be done by hitting them hard, taunting them, or just generally being a pest. If you can get under the skin of the other team’s players, they will eventually take a swing at you, and that’s when the gloves come off.

Remember, fighting in NHL 17 is not about simply exchanging punches with your opponent. It’s about landing punches and then getting away before your opponent can retaliate. So focus on your striking and defensive abilities, and you’ll be able to hold your own in any fight that comes your way.

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