How To Flare A Baseball Glove?

Looking to take your baseball game to the next level? Flaring a baseball glove is a great way to improve your fielding skills. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to flare a baseball glove the right way.


Flaring a baseball glove is a vital skill for any player that wants to compete at a high level. A flared glove gives the player a greater surface area to work with, which makes it easier to catch the ball. It also allows the player to apply more pressure to the ball when they are throwing it, making it more likely to stay on course.

There are two main ways to flare a baseball glove. The first is by using your fingers, and the second is by using a tool. If you are using your fingers, you will need to make sure that your nails are trimmed short so that you do not damage the leather. Start by gently pushing out on the side of the glove until it starts to take shape.

If you are using a tool, you will need to be careful not to puncture the leather. Start by inserting the tool into the space between the thumb and forefinger. Gently push out on the sides of the glove until it starts to take shape. You may need to repeat this process several times before you achieve the desired result.

What You Need

All you need to flare a baseball glove is a baseball, a bat, and a flat surface. You will also need something to protect the surface you are working on, like a towel or piece of cardboard.

1. Place your glove on the flat surface, palm side up.

2. Place the baseball in the pocket of the glove.

3. Wrap your hand around the baseball so that your thumb and forefinger are on opposite sides of the ball.

4. Using the bat, apply pressure to the ball, pushing it into the webbing of the glove.

5. Continue to apply pressure until the ball is flush with the webbing or slightly protruding.

6. Remove the ball from the glove and check that the webbing has flared outwards, creating a wider pocket for catching balls.

Step-By-Step Guide

Do you have an old baseball glove that you want to give new life? Flaring a baseball glove is not as difficult as it may seem. With a little bit of know-how and the right tools, you can easily flare your baseball glove at home.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to flare a baseball glove:

1. First, you need to gather the supplies that you will need to flare your baseball glove. You will need a baseball, a leather conditioner, a soft cloth, and a lacing kit.

2. Next, you need to clean your baseball glove. You can do this by using a leather conditioner and a soft cloth. Once your glove is clean, you should be able to see the laces that are holding the pocket together.

3. Then, you need to start loosening the laces that are holding the pocket together. You can do this by using a lacing kit or by carefully cutting the laces with a sharp knife. Once the laces are loose, you should be able to pull the pocket open slightly.

4. Now, it is time to start flaring the baseball glove. To do this, you need to insert the baseball into the pocket of the glove and then start pushing outward on the ball with both hands. As you are pushing outward on the ball, you should also be pulling upward on the sides of the pocket. This will help to create a nice flared shape for your pocket.

5. Finally, once you have achieved the desired shape for your flared pocket, you need to re-lace your gloves and then apply some leather conditioner to help keep it supple and in good shape


We hope you enjoyed our tutorial on How To Flare A Baseball Glove. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to us. Thank you for reading!

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