How to Flashy Pass in NBA 2K22

In this post, we’ll show you how to make a flashy pass in NBA 2K22.


In NBA 2K22, there are two types of passing – the standard pass and the flashy pass. The flashy pass is a lob pass that goes over the top of the defense and into the hands of your teammate for an easy basket. It’s a great way to catch your opponents off guard and score some quick points. In this article, we’ll show you how to perform a flashy pass in NBA 2K22.

Flashing the Pass

In NBA 2K22, one of the most important things you can do is to learn how to flash the pass. This will allow you to take your game to the next level and make sure that you are able to get the most out of your experience. In this article, we are going to show you how you can flash the pass in NBA 2K22.

The Lob Pass

The lob pass is commonly used to pass the ball over the top of the defense to a teammate who is cutting to the basket. This type of pass can also be used on fast breaks to quickly get the ball up the court.

To do a lob pass in NBA 2K22, hold down the “Lob Pass” button (RT on Xbox One, R2 on PS4) and then use the left joystick to aim your pass. You can also add some touch to your lob pass by flicking the left joystick in the direction you want the ball to go.

The Bounce Pass

The Bounce Pass is one of the most commonly used types of passes in basketball. It is also known as the “Chest Pass”. To execute a proper bounce pass, the basketball should be held with both hands at chest level. The passer should then extend their arms out and snap their wrists to release the ball. The ball should be released towards the ground so that it makes a “bouncing” type of motion towards the receiver.

The Chest Pass

The chest pass is the most basic form of passing in basketball, but it’s also one of the most important. Here’s how to do a chest pass in NBA 2K22.

To do a chest pass, first make sure you have the ball in your strong hand. Then, extend your arm out in front of you and snap your wrists to release the ball. The ball should go straight to your teammate, and they should catch it at chest level.

If you want to add some extra zip to your pass, you can try a one-handed chest pass. To do this, simply release the ball with one hand while keeping the other hand on your hip. This will take some practice to get right, but it can be a great way to surprise your defender and get the ball to your teammate quickly.

Wrapping Up

Now that you know how to perform a flashy pass in NBA 2K22, you can show off your skills to your friends and dominate the competition. If you need a little extra help, be sure to check out our other NBA 2K22 guides for more tips and tricks.

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