How to Get a Tennis Scholarship?

Learn how to get a tennis scholarship by following these tips and tricks. You’ll be on your way to playing tennis in college in no time!


If you’re a high school student who wants to play tennis in college, you may be wondering how to get a tennis scholarship. The first step is to understand that there are three types of scholarships: need-based, merit-based, and athletic. Need-based scholarships are awarded based on the student’s financial need, while merit-based scholarships are awarded based on the student’s academic or other achievements. Athletic scholarships are awarded to students who excel in a particular sport.

When it comes to tennis scholarships, most are athletic scholarships that are awarded to students who demonstrate exceptional skill in the sport. In order to be eligible for an athletic scholarship, you will need to meet the eligibility requirements of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) or the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA). These requirements vary depending on which organization you plan to compete in and whether you’re planning to compete at the Division I, II, or III level. Generally speaking, however, you will need to have a strong academic record as well as outstanding tennis skills.

If you’re serious about playing tennis in college and getting a tennis scholarship, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of being recruited by a college team. First, make sure you’re registered with the NCAA Eligibility Center or the NAIA Eligibility Center so that college coaches can contact you. Next, create a highlight reel that showcases your best tennis matches and make sure it gets sent to as many college coaches as possible. Finally, attend college tennis camps and tournaments so that coaches can see you in action.

By taking these steps and demonstrating your skill both on and off the court, you’ll be increasing your chances of getting recruited by a college team and ultimately landing a tennis scholarship.

Overview of the Tennis Recruiting Process

There are many things to consider when applying to colleges for a tennis scholarship. The recruiting process can be time-consuming and confusing, but it’s important to remember that there are plenty of resources available to help you through the process. This guide will provide an overview of the tennis recruiting process, including information on eligibility, timelines, and how to get started.

The first step in the tennis recruiting process is to make sure that you meet the eligibility requirements for NCAA Division I or II play. To be eligible, you must have a high school diploma or equivalent, and you must be enrolled in an accredited college or university. You must also maintain a certain GPA and take a minimum number of credit hours each semester.

Once you have verified your eligibility, it’s important to understand the timelines for the recruiting process. The earlier you start, the better your chances of being recruited by the college of your choice. For most students, the recruiting process begins during their junior year of high school. This is when coaches begin to take notice of potential recruits and when students should begin reaching out to college coaches.

If you’re interested in playing tennis at the collegiate level, there are a few things you can do to make yourself more attractive to coaches. First, make sure you have strong grades and test scores. College coaches want recruits who are academically successful and who will be able to maintain their grades throughout their college career. Second, focus on your tennis playing. Make sure you’re competing in tournaments and that you have highlights from your matches that coaches can watch. Finally, reach out to college coaches directly and express your interest in attending their school and playing on their team.

The tennis recruiting process can be confusing and overwhelming, but following these simple steps will give you a head start in the process. Remember to start early, focus on academics as well as athletics, and reach out directly to college coaches if you’re interested in attending their school. With some hard work and dedication, you can secure a scholarship and play tennis at the collegiate level!

The Three Pillars of a Successful Tennis Recruiting Profile

In order to understand how to get a tennis scholarship, it is important to first understand what college coaches are looking for in a recruit. While there are many factors that go into the recruiting process, there are three key pillars that are essential for any successful recruit: athletic ability, academics, and character.


Your academic record is one of the most important factors in the recruiting process. College coaches want to see that you are taking challenging courses and maintaining a high GPA. If you have the opportunity to take AP or IB classes, be sure to include those on your profile as well.


Athletics – To play tennis at the collegiate level, you need to be a good athlete. You don’t need to be the fastest or strongest player on the court, but you do need to have good stamina, agility, and hand-eye coordination. In addition, you should have a strong tennis game. If you’re a good athlete with a strong tennis game, you’re halfway to getting a tennis scholarship.

Academics – While athletics are important, they aren’t the only factor that college coaches consider when recruiting players. Your grades and test scores are also important considerations. To get a tennis scholarship, you’ll need to show that you’re not only a good athlete but also a serious student who is likely to succeed in college.

Character – College coaches are also interested in your character. They want to know if you’re coachable, if you work well with others, and if you have the kind of personality that will fit in with their team. If you can demonstrate that you have all of these qualities, you’ll be one step closer to getting a tennis scholarship.


A successful tennis recruiting profile page should have three essential pillars of information which include: 1) your playing resume 2) a video highlight reel and 3) candid character references. While most college coaches won’t spend more than a few minutes initially reviewing your profile, they are looking for these key elements before deciding whether or not to offer you a tennis scholarship.

Your playing resume should be an overview of your tennis accomplishments to date including any significant tournament wins, Jr. Grand Slam results, ranking changes, etc. Be sure to update your resume on a regular basis as you continue to add new achievements.

Your video highlight reel is one of the most important pieces of your recruiting profile as it will give college coaches their first impression of your playing style. Make sure that your video is high quality and showcases your strengths as a tennis player. If you don’t have any video of yourself playing, be sure to get some ASAP!

Candid character references are another key element of your recruiting profile page. These can be written testimonials from coaches, teachers or other adults who can attest to your character on and off the court. College coaches want to see that you’re not just a good tennis player, but also a good person who will represent their program well.

If you have all three of these pillars in place, you’ll be well on your way to creating a successful college tennis recruiting profile page that will help you get the attention of college coaches and earn a tennis scholarship!

The Tennis Recruiting Timeline

It’s never too early or too late to start thinking about getting a tennis scholarship.

Freshmen in high school should start by doing research and building a list of potential colleges that fit their academic, athletic, and personal criteria. They should then reach out to the college coach at each school on their list to introduce themselves and express their interest in the program.

Sophomores should continue to research colleges and narrow down their list to a Top 10. They should also begin attending college tennis ID camps and tournaments to get noticed by coaches. Junior year is when the recruiting process really ramps up. By this point, athletes should have a good idea of what type of college they are looking for and have a solid list of schools they are interested in attending. They should also be regularly attending college tennis ID camps, tournaments, and showcases.

During their senior year, athletes should be narrowing down their college list even further and making sure all of the necessary paperwork is completed for each school they are interested in attending. This is also the time to make sure you are on track to graduate with the necessary core GPA required by the NCAA or NAIA if you want to compete at those levels in college.

After graduation, athletes can take advantage of an extra year of eligibility by enrolling in a postgraduate program. This option is often used by athletes who were not recruited during their senior year or who did not meet NCAA academic eligibility requirements. While at a postgraduate program, athletes can improve their grades and increase their chances of getting recruited by competing against other students who are also trying to earn college scholarships.

How to Stand Out in the Tennis Recruiting Process

In order to get a tennis scholarship, you need to understand the recruiting process and what college coaches are looking for in their future recruits. The first step is to make sure you create a strong online presence that college coaches can find easily. This means having a strong social media profile as well as a website or blog where you can showcase your skills and accomplishments.

In addition to your online presence, you also need to make sure you’re actively pursuing opportunities to play tennis at a high level. This means playing in USTA tournaments, participating in junior clinics and training sessions, and attending college recruiting showcases. College coaches want to see that you’re dedicated to your sport and that you’re constantly working to improve your skills.

Finally, it’s important to remember that the college recruiting process is competitive, so you need to make sure you stand out from the rest of the applicants. One way to do this is by getting good grades in school and taking challenging courses. College coaches want to see that you’re not only dedicated to tennis but also that you’re smart and motivated in the classroom.


In conclusion, remember that each college is looking for a different type of tennis player. Therefore, it is important to do your research and target the schools that fit your playing style and academic profile. In addition to reaching out to the college coaches, be sure to utilize the resources of a experienced tennis recruiting company. They will be able to guide you through the process and increase your visibility to a wider range of colleges.

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