How To Get An Internship With An NFL Team

How To Get An Internship With An NFL Team

So you want to intern with an NFL team? Here’s how you can make it happen.

How To Get An Internship With An NFL Team


The National Football League (NFL) is the highest level of professional American football in the United States, and is widely considered to be the top professional American football league in the world. Interning with an NFL team would be an invaluable experience for anyone interested in a career in sports.

There are a few ways to go about securing an internship with an NFL team. The best way is to have a strong academic record and a relevant degree, such as sports management or marketing. It is also important to have relevant work experience, such as working in a sports-related field or with a sports organization. Finally, it is helpful to have strong networking connections, as many internships are filled through personal recommendations.

If you have all of the above qualifications, your best bet is to search for openings on the NFL website and apply directly. However, even if you don’t have all of the ideal qualifications, you can still apply and hope for the best. The worst that can happen is that you don’t get the internship, but you will gain valuable experience just by going through the application process.

What Do NFL Interns Do?

For most of us, our interactions with the National Football League are limited to watching games on Sundays (or Mondays and Thursdays). But there are many people who work behind the scenes of America’s most popular sport. If you’re interested in a career in sports management, one way to break into the industry is by interning with an NFL team.

There is no “typical” day for an NFL intern, as responsibilities can vary depending on the department you’re working in. However, some common tasks may include helping to organize events, assisting with fan research projects, handling ticket requests, or working in the team’s marketing or community relations department. No matter what your specific duties are, you can expect to gain valuable experience that will help you in your future career.

If you’re wondering how to get an internship with an NFL team, the best place to start is by checking with your school’s career center. Many schools have relationships with professional sports teams and can help connect you with opportunities. You can also reach out to teams directly through their websites or by emailing or calling their offices.

While interning for an NFL team is a great way to start your career in sports management, it’s important to keep in mind that these positions are highly competitive and usually unpaid. If you’re not selected for an internship, don’t Despair – there are many other ways to break into the industry. Consider volunteering for a local sports organization or pursuing a degree in sports management from an accredited college or university.

How to Get an Internship with an NFL Team

If you want to get an internship with an NFL team, there are a few things you can do to improve your chances. First, research the NFL team you want to intern with and find out what kind of internships they offer. Next, send a resume and cover letter to the team’s human resources department. Finally, follow up with a phone call or email to show your interest in the position.

Applying for an Internship

There are a few avenues you can take to get an internship with an NFL team. The most common way people are able to find an internship is by using the NFL’s official website. You can also try looking on the websites of individual teams, as well as searching for football internships on general internship websites.

Another way to get an internship with an NFL team is by networking. If you have any connections within the NFL, whether it’s a family member or a friend, be sure to reach out and ask if they know of any current openings. You can also try attending football events and meet-ups; this is a great way to get your foot in the door and make some important contacts.

Once you’ve found a few potential internships that you’re interested in, the next step is to submit your application. Be sure to include all relevant information about your experience and skills, as well as why you’re passionate about working in the NFL. If you have any recommendations from previous employers or professors, be sure to include them as well.

The final step in getting an internship with an NFL team is to ace the interview. This is your chance to show that you’re knowledgeable about football and that you have the skillset required for the position. Be sure to dress professionally and come prepared with questions of your own.

The Interview Process

The interview process for landing an internship with an NFL team can be very competitive. There are a few key things that you can do to prepare for your interview and make sure that you stand out from the rest of the candidates.

First, research the team that you are interviewing with and be prepared to talk about why you are a fan and what you know about the team’s history. It is also important to be up-to-date on current news and events related to the team, such as recent player transactions or changes in the coaching staff.

Be prepared to talk about your experience with sports in general and specifically football. If you have played football before, mention your position and any statistics or accomplishments that you may have achieved. Even if you have not played football before, you can still talk about your knowledge of the game and your passion for it.

Be aware of any experience or skills that you have that could be relevant to working in the NFL. For example, if you have experience working in a customer service role, you could talk about how this would be beneficial in working with fans. Or, if you have experience working with event planning, you could discuss how this could help with coordinating game-day activities.

Finally, it is important to come across as calm, confident and professional during the interview process. Remember that the interviewer is looking for someone who will represent the team well and who they believe will be a good fit for the organization. exude these qualities during your interviews and show why you would be the best candidate for the job!


The National Football League (NFL) is the most popular sports league in the United States and is made up of 32 teams. Each team employs a number of interns to work in various departments during the NFL season.

If you are interested in working for an NFL team, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of being selected for an internship. First, research the internships that each team offers and make sure you meet the eligibility requirements. Next, reach out to your network of contacts and see if anyone can put you in touch with someone who works for an NFL team. Finally, make sure to submit a well-written and professional application materials.

If you follow these tips, you will have a better chance of being selected for an internship with an NFL team. Remember that internships are highly competitive and not everyone who applies will be selected. However, if you are passionate about working in the NFL, don’t give up – keep trying and one day you may find yourself working for your favorite team.

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