How to Get an NFL Player’s Autograph

If you are a fan of the NFL, you may want to get an autograph from your favorite player. Here are some tips on how to get an NFL player’s autograph.


Whether you are a die-hard football fan or just enjoy collecting autographs, getting an NFL player’s autograph is a great way to show your support for the sport and your favorite team. While it may seem daunting, with a little planning and persistence, you can get autographs from some of your favorite players.

There are a few things to keep in mind when trying to get an NFL player’s autograph. First, be respectful and courteous when approaching the player. Many players are happy to sign autographs for fans, but they are often very busy and may not have time to talk. It is also important to have a sharpie or pen that the player can easily use to sign the autograph. Finally, be prepared with something for the player to sign. A piece of paper or a football are both great options.

With these tips in mind, here are a few ideas for how to get an NFL player’s autograph:

– Attend training camp: Training camp is a great time to meet players and get autographs because they are typically more relaxed and approachable during this time. Most teams hold training camp in the summer, so be sure to check the schedule for your favorite team in advance.
– Go to a game: Another great way to get an NFL player’s autograph is by attending a game. Players are typically available for autographs during pre-game warm-ups or after the game if you stick around near their locker room. Keep in mind that it can be tough to get close enough to players during games, so it may be best to try this method if you have tickets near the field.
– Meet players at events: Many players participate in events such as charity golf tournaments or meet-and-greet opportunities with fans. These events provide a great opportunity to meet players and get their autograph without having to fight for space at a game. Check with your favorite team or player’s foundation website for upcoming events.

What You’ll Need

To get an NFL player’s autograph, you’ll need to be prepared with the right items. First, you’ll need something for the player to sign. This can be a football, mini helmet, trading card, or photo. You’ll also need a sharpie or pen for the player to use. It’s helpful to have multiple sharpies or pens in case one runs out of ink.

In addition to the signing items, you’ll need to bring along something to get the autograph from the player. This can be a hard surfaced item like a clipboard or piece of paper. If you’re planning on getting multiple autographs, it’s helpful to bring along a binder or album to store everything in.

Finally, you’ll need to have some patience and be prepared to wait in line. Getting an NFL player’s autograph can take some time, but it’s worth it!

How to Get an Autograph in Person

If you’re looking to get an autograph from your favorite NFL player in person, the best bet is to attend a training camp, preseason game, or fan fest event. These are all opportunities where players will be interacting with fans and likely to sign autographs. You can usually find a schedule of events on the team’s website.

If you’re going to a training camp, try to arrive early and stake out a spot near the entrance where players are most likely to sign autographs as they enter. At preseason games, your best bet is to head to the sidelines before the game starts where you can catch players warming up. And at fan fest events, be sure to get in line for any autograph signings that are happening.

Have your item of choice ready to go—a football, mini helmet, photo, or card works well—and make sure it’s easy for the player to sign. If you’re bringing multiple items, consider having them all laid out in a row so the player can quickly sign each one. Have a pen ready as well; Sharpies work best for autographs on darker surfaces like footballs.

When you approach the player, be respectful and humble. Remember that they are taking time out of their day to do this for you, so don’t take up too much of their time by chatting or asking for multiple items to be signed. A simple “thank you” goes a long way!

How to Get an Autograph Through the Mail

The standard method for getting an autograph from an NFL player is to send a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) to the team’s facilities. Include a piece of paper with your name and address, as well as the player’s name, and put it all in an envelope. Then, address the envelope to the player c/o his team’s offices.

For example, if you want J.J. Watt’s autograph, you would address your envelope like this:

J.J. Watt
c/o Houston Texans
NRG Stadium
Two NRG Plaza
Houston, TX 77054

You can also include a short note asking the player to sign the enclosed piece of paper. It’s always polite to include a self-addressed stamped envelope, but there’s no guarantee the player willrespond. If you don’t hear back after a few weeks, you can try reaching out to the team’s customer service department to see if they can help facilitate getting an autograph from the player.

How to Get an Autograph at an Event

Sometimes the best way to get an autograph from your favorite NFL player is to attend an event that he is participating in. You can check with his team’s website or the player’s personal website to see if he has any upcoming appearances. If he does, try to attend the event and get his autograph in person. Many times, players will sign autographs for fans at these types of events.

How to Get an Autograph Online

If you’re looking to get an autograph from your favorite NFL player, there are a few things you can do. The first is to check the player’s website. Many players have information on their sites about how to obtain autographs. You can also try contacting the player’s agent or publicist.

Another option is to purchase an autographed item from a reputable online dealer. Be sure to check the dealer’s return policy and make sure you’re buying from a reputable source.

Finally, you can try attending a public appearance or event where the player will be signing autographs. This is often the best way to get an in-person autograph, but it can be difficult to track down players’ schedules.

Tips for Getting an Autograph

There are a few things you can do to increase your chances of getting an NFL player’s autograph. First, try to attend a training camp or preseason game. These events are typically more relaxed and players are more likely to be willing to sign autographs. If you can’t make it to a training camp or preseason game, try writing a letter to the player requesting an autograph. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope so the player can easily send you back an autograph. You can also try reaching out to the player on social media and asking for an autograph that way. Finally, remember to be polite and respectful when asking for an autograph, as players are more likely to oblige if they feel respected.


You now have all the information you need to get an NFL player’s autograph. Just remember to be respectful and patient, and you’ll be sure to get that autograph in no time. Who knows, maybe you’ll even make a new friend in the process.

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