How to Get Autographs at NFL Games

If you’re a diehard football fan, you probably want to get autographs from your favorite players. Here’s a guide on how to get autographs at NFL games.


NFL stadiums are huge, and with thousands of fans attending each game, getting an autograph from your favorite player can seem like an impossible task. But with a little preparation and some planning, you can increase your chances of getting that autograph—and maybe even a photo with the player. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

-Do your research: Find out which players will be attending the game you’re going to, and make a list of the ones you’d like to get an autograph from. If you’re not sure which players will be there, check the team’s website or social media pages for announcements.

-Arrive early: Get to the stadium early so you can find a good spot near the player entrance. Many players will sign autographs for fans before they head into the stadium, so this is a great time to get one.

-Be polite: When you do finally meet your favorite player, make sure to be respectful and polite. Have your pen and paper ready, and don’t try to take up too much of their time—they’re probably trying to get ready for the game!

Do Your Research

Before you go to the game, do your research and figure out which players are most likely to be open to signing autographs. Look for players who have signed autographs at previous games, or who have a reputation for being friendly to fans. You can usually find this information online or by asking other fans.

Once you’ve figured out which players you want to try to get autographs from, make sure you have something for them to sign. A football is a good option, but anything that’s small enough to fit in a backpack or purse will work. If you’re going to be sitting in the stands, it’s also a good idea to bring along a Sharpie or other permanent marker so the player can easily sign your item.

When you’re at the game, pay attention to where the players are sitting on the bench. If they’re on the sidelines near where you’re sitting, they may be more likely to interact with fans and sign autographs. During halftime, many players will go into the stands to interact with fans, so that’s another good time to try to get an autograph.

If you’re lucky enough to get an autograph from one of your favorite players, be sure to say thank you!

Get There Early

You’ll have the best chance of getting autographs if you get to the stadium early. How early you need to be depends on the team, but for most teams, you should aim to be there 2-3 hours before kickoff. For some teams, like the Green Bay Packers, you may need to be there even earlier.

Dress Appropriately
While you don’t need to wear a team jersey to get autographs, it definitely doesn’t hurt. Wearing a jersey shows that you’re a fan of the team, and players are more likely to give autographs to fans than non-fans. If you don’t have a team jersey, try to wear something that shows your support for the team, like a t-shirt or hat.

Bring Something for the Players to Sign
It might seem obvious, but you need something for the players to sign! Bring along a football, mini helmet, photo or anything else that you would like autographed. If you’re planning on getting more than one autograph, it might be a good idea to bring along multiple items so that you don’t have to wait in line multiple times.

Be Polite and Patient

Approach the player you want an autograph from politely and with a smile. Don’t try to push your way through a crowd or jump in front of other fans. Be patient and wait your turn. You may have to wait a while, but it will be worth it when you finally get that autograph.

When you do get the player’s attention, be sure to thank them for their time. A simple “thank you” goes a long way.

And last but not least, don’t forget to enjoy the game!

Have the Right Supplies

To get autographs at NFL games, you’ll need to have the right supplies. Bring along a pen or two that will work on both glossy and matte surfaces, as well as a sharpie for any jerseys or other fabric items you want to get signed. You should also bring along a small notebook or cardstock to put the autographs on; this will make them easier to transport and keep safe. If you’re planning on getting autographs from multiple players, it can be helpful to bring along a photo of each player so they can easily be sorted later on.


The best way to get autographs at NFL games is to be in the right place at the right time. You can also try reaching out to players before or after the game, but it’s important to be respectful and not disruptive. If you’re a serious collector, you may want to consider investing in a ticket package that includes autograph opportunities.

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