How To Get Back In The Ring In WWE 2K20

WWE 2K20 is here, and if you’re looking to get back in the ring and compete for a title, you’re going to need to know how to get started. In this blog post, we’ll give you a rundown of everything you need to do to get started in WWE 2K20.

Pick Your Game Mode

You can get back in the ring in WWE 2K20 by picking your game mode. You can either do this by picking a match type from the main menu, or by going to the “Play” tab and selecting “Exhibition”. If you want to get back in the ring and pick up where you left off in WWE 2K20, you can do so by selecting “Continue” from the main menu.


Exhibition is the standard mode in every WWE 2K game. You can pick any type of match you want, set up custom stipulations, and compete against others in local or online multiplayer. You can also play through the MyCareer mode here, which we’ll touch on later.


In MyCareer you create your own superstar and take them through the ranks of WWE. You can determine their look, moveset, and attitude. You’ll also be able to choose which brand you want to represent! And as you defeat opponents, you’ll also level up your superstar, making them even more powerful.

WWE Universe

是 time to choose your game mode in WWE 2K20! If you want to be in full control of your WWE experience, WWE Universe Mode is the way to go. You’ll get to create your own shows, schedule matches, and determine the storylines that play out over the course of a whole year in the WWE. But if you’re looking for something a little more hands-off, we’ve got you covered there too. Check out our quick guide below on all the different game modes available in WWE 2K20!

WWE Universe Mode
In WWE Universe Mode, you are in control of everything that happens in the WWE. You’ll get to create your own shows, schedule matches, and determine the storylines that play out over the course of a whole year in the WWE. This mode is perfect for those who want to be fully in control of their WWE experience.

Exhibition Mode
Exhibition Mode is perfect for players who want to jump into the action without having to worry about any of the extras that come with universe mode. In this mode, you can set up any type of match you want and jump into the ring without having to deal with things like booking shows or managing rosters.

Towards The Ring Mode
In Towards The Ring Mode, you’ll create your own custom superstar and take them through an NXT season as they try to make it to main roster and become a champion. This mode is perfect for players who want to feel like they’re truly earning their spot at the top of the WWE.

MyCareer Mode
In MyCareer Mode, you’ll create your own superstar and take them through their career in the WWE. You’ll start off in NXT and work your way up through the ranks until you finally make it to main roster and become a champion. MyCareer Mode is perfect for players who want to feel like they’re truly earning their spot at the top of the WWE.

Create Your Superstar

You have the chance to get back in the ring and become a WWE Superstar in WWE 2K20. This year’s game gives you more control than ever before with the new Creation Suite. You can create your own entrance, moves, and finishers. You can also choose from a variety of existing WWE Superstars or create your own.

Male or Female

WWE 2K20 is one of the most popular wrestling games out there. In this game, you can create your own superstar and choose whether they are male or female.

Body Type

In WWE 2K20, you’ll have the ability to create both male and female Superstars. After you’ve chosen your Superstar’s name, gender, and attire, you’ll be able to select their body type. There are seven different body types to choose from for both male and female Superstars.

Body Type determines a Superstar or create-a-wrestler (CAW) model’s height, weight, muscle tone, overall proportions, and fat distribution. Male CAWs can have less than 0% body fat, whereas females cannot go below 5% body fat. Some Body Types are only available for certain Genders.


When you first start WWE 2K20, you’ll be able to choose from a preset list of Superstars or create your own. If you choose to create your own, you’ll be able to select their name, gender, and appearance. You can also give your Superstar a Preset Attire, which includes a set of predefined gear heights, sizes and positions, or Create An Attire, which lets you design your own custom gear.

There are dozens of different gear options available in WWE 2K20, and you can mix and match them to create your own unique look. You can also change the colors of each piece of gear, and there are patterns available as well. You can also save up to five different attires for each Superstar.


In order to get your custom superstar over with the WWE Universe, you’re going to have to have an entrance that wows the crowd. This is your opportunity to put your own unique stamp on your performer and ensure that they look and feel like a star.

When creating an entrance, you’ll first need to choose a theme. Are you going for something that’s serious and intimidating, or are you looking to put a smile on everyone’s face? Once you’ve got a general idea of the kind of entrance you want, it’s time to start thinking about the specifics.

What kind of music will you use? Will you have any pyrotechnics? What about special effects or visuals? And don’t forget about your ring gear! This is your chance to make sure that your superstar looks exactly the way you want them to.

Once you’ve got all of the details sorted out, it’s time to start putting your entrance together. The WWE 2K20 Creation Suite will give you all the tools you need to create an unforgettable entrance that will make your custom superstar look like a true champion.

Signature Moves

WWE 2K20 will feature a brand new Create-A-Superstar mode, which will allow you to create both male and female wrestlers. In this mode, you’ll be able to customize your superstar’s appearance, attire, and move set. You’ll also be able to create your own unique Signature Moves, which will give your superstar an extra edge in the ring.

If you’re looking to create the ultimate wrestler in WWE 2K20, then you’re going to want to learn how to create signature moves. Here’s everything you need to know about how to create signature moves in WWE 2K20.

When you’re editing your superstar in Create-A-Superstar mode, you’ll be able to access their Signature Move menu by pressing R2/RT on the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One. From here, you can choose from a variety of different movesets for your superstar, or you can create your own custom move by pressing X/A on the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One.

Creating a custom signature move is simple: just select the body part that you want your wrestler to attack with (left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg), and then input the buttons that you want them to press in order to perform the move. For example, if you wanted your wrestler to perform a clothesline with their left arm, you would select “left arm” from the menu and then input the button combination for a clothesline (square + X on the PlayStation 4 or X + A on the Xbox One).

Once you’ve created your signature move, it will be added to your superstar’s moveset and can be performed in matches just like any other move. However, keep in mind that each superstar can only have one custom signature move; if you try to create another one, it will replace the previous one.

Learn The Controls

After you select your superstar, choose an entrance, and confirm your loadout, you’ll be thrust into the thick of the action. In WWE 2K20, there are three ways to win a match: Pinfall, Submission, and KO. A match ends when one of these conditions is met.

Basic Controls

Every WWE 2K20 match starts the same way: with both Superstars in the ring, waiting for the bell to ring. Once it does, it’s every person for themselves! Here are the basic controls you’ll need to know to survive in a WWE match.

WWE 2K20 controls for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are mostly the same, with a few minor differences. We’ll note those below.

WWE 2K20 Controls For Xbox One And PlayStation 4
Both analog sticks – Move your Superstar
Left bumper (LB) / left trigger (L2) – Pick up/interact with objects
Right bumper (RB) / right trigger (R2) – Run
A / X – Grapple/Strike
B / Circle – Dodge
X / Square – Strike attack
Y / Triangle – Irish whip

Advanced Controls

WWE 2K20 features a brand new control scheme that is simpler and easier to use than ever before. The face buttons on the controller are now mapped to different attacks, and you can string together combos by pressing multiple buttons in succession. There is also a new dedicated dodge button, which will come in handy when avoiding enemy attacks. Here is a full breakdown of the advanced controls in WWE 2K20.

Face Buttons
A – Light Attack
B – Heavy Attack
X – Irish whip/grapple
Y -Throw/Grapple Break
D-Pad – Taunt Opponent

Left Bumper – Pick Up Opponent/Run
Left Trigger – Block
Right Bumper- Reversal
Right Trigger- Signature Move

Tips And Tricks

Use The Reversal System

One way to get back into the action in WWE 2K20 is to use the reversal system. When you are down on the mat and trying to get back up, you can press the R2 button on your controller (PS4) or the RT button (Xbox One). This will put your character into a reversal stance, and if timed correctly, you will be able to reverse an opponent’s move and get back into the action.

Take Advantage Of The Pin Meter

When you’re in a match, whether it’s a singles match or a tag team match, there will be a small meter at the bottom of the screen that starts at 3. This is called the Pin Meter and it goes up when you damage your opponent. The idea is to get the needle as close to the top of the meter as possible so that when you go for a pin, your opponent will be more likely to stay down for the three count.

You can also use this meter to your advantage in other ways. For example, if you want to set up for a signature or finishing move, make sure to fill up the pin meter first. That way, when you hit your opponent with your move, they’ll be more likely to stay down for the count and you’ll get the victory.

Use Specials And Finishers

One of the most important things you can do in WWE 2K20 is to use your special moves and finishers. Specials are powerful versions of regular moves that cost one rechargeable meter to perform, while finishers are even more powerful moves that cost two meters. You’ll want to use these as often as possible to take down your opponents.

Practice In The Gym

Now that you have WWE 2K20, it’s time to start training to get back in the ring. Here are some tips to help you get started. The first step is to go to the gym and start practicing your moves. You need to be in good shape physically and mentally before you can start wrestling again.

Play Through The Tutorial

If you’re starting up WWE 2K20 and want to get back into the ring as soon as possible, we recommend playing through the tutorials. Not only will this help you understand how to play the game, but it will also give you a good sense of the controls. After all, there’s nothing worse than getting in the ring and not knowing what to do.

Use The Training Room

The training room is one of the best places to get back into the ring in WWE 2K20. It is located in the MyCareer area and allows you to get some solid reps in against AI opponents. You can also use this space to brush up on your moves and combos. The training room is a great way to get some extra practice before heading into online or offline matches.

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