How to Get Better at Tennis By Yourself?

If you want to get better at tennis by yourself, you’ll need to practice regularly and make use of some helpful resources. This blog post will provide you with some tips and advice on how to improve your skills.


Set some goals- if you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never get there. Set some practical and attainable goals to work towards. For example, setting a goal to hit 100 forehands in a row may not be attainable at first, but setting a goal to hit 10 forehands in a row 10 times is much more doable.

Get a practice partner- although you may be practicing by yourself, having someone to rally with will make the time go by quicker and make hitting ball more fun. If you can’t find someone to practice with, try hitting against a backboard or hitting mini-tennis balls against a wall.

Work on your strokes- this is probably the most important tip on the list. You can practice all day long, but if your strokes aren’t solid, you won’t improve much. Make sure you’re using proper technique and focus on hitting the ball in the sweet spot of your racket.

Focus on your footwork- in tennis, 70% of the game is played below the waist. This means that having quick and nimble feet is essential to being a good tennis player. Spend some time each practice session working on your footwork drills. This will not only make you a better player, but will also help prevent injuries.

Play some matches- there’s no substitute for match play. Playing matches is the best way to simulate match conditions and to improve your competitive instincts. Even if you don’t have anyone to play with, you can still play matches by yourself. Just keep score and serving order and pretend like you’re playing someone else.

The Backhand

One of the most important strokes in tennis is the backhand. A good backhand can be a real weapon in your tennis arsenal, but it can be tough to master if you don’t have someone to practice with.

Here are a few tips on how you can improve your backhand by practicing alone:

1. Use a wall or a practice machine: If you don’t have anyone to hit with, you can still practice your backhand by hitting against a wall or using a ball machine. This is a great way to work on your technique and get some repetition in.

2. Focus on your form: When you are practicing alone, it’s important to focus on your form and technique. Make sure you are using proper form and taking the time to really focus on each stroke.

3. Use different types of balls: Another great way to improve your backhand is to use different types of balls when you are practicing alone. For example, you can use practice balls that are lighter or heavier than normal balls, or ones that have different levels of bounce. This will help you learn how to adjust your strokes for different situations.

4. Try different drills: There are many different drills that you can do to improve your backhand stroke. Try some of them out and see which ones help you the most. There are plenty of resources available online or from your local tennis club that can give you ideas for drills to try.

5. Get creative: One of the best ways to improve your backhand is to get creative with your practice sessions. Find new and innovative ways to work on your stroke. For example, try hitting the ball with different parts of your hand or using unusual grips. The more creative you can be, the better chance you have of improving quickly.

The Forehand

One of the most important strokes in tennis is the forehand. A strong forehand can help you win points and matches, so it’s important to learn how to hit a forehand properly.

There are two main ways to hit a forehand: with an open stance or a closed stance. An open stance is when your feet are pointing towards the net, while a closed stance is when your feet are pointing towards the back fence. Both open and closed stances have their advantages and disadvantages, so it’s up to you to decide which one you want to use.

Once you’ve decided which stance you want to use, it’s time to start hitting some balls. Start by hitting the ball in front of you, and then progress to hitting balls that are slightly off to the side. As you get more comfortable with your forehand, try hitting balls that are further and further away from you.

It’s also important to practice your forehand against different types of opponents. If you only practice against one type of opponent (e.g., always served to your backhand), you’ll find that you’re not as prepared when you face a different type of opponent in a match. So try to mix things up in your practice sessions and hit forehands against different types of opponents.

Finally, don’t forget to have fun! Tennis is a great sport and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t enjoy it. If you’re not enjoying yourself, then chances are you’re not going to play your best tennis. So make sure that you find time to enjoy yourself on the court, and your game will improve as a result.

The Volley

One of the best things that you can do to improve your tennis game is to practice your volleys. A volley is a shot that is hit before the ball bounces on the ground. Volleys are hit at different heights, depending on how far away you are from the net and how much time you have to react. Volleys can be hit with different amounts of topspin or backspin, depending on what you are trying to do with the ball. You can also hit volleys with different amounts of power, depending on how hard you want the ball to go.

The Serve

The serve is one of the most important strokes in tennis. A good serve can win you a lot of points, while a bad one can put you in a hole very quickly. Here are some tips to help you improve your serve:

-Start by practicing your serves without a ball. Just toss the ball up and hit it with the sweet spot of your racket. This will help you get the feel for the stroke.
-Next, practice serving with a ball onto a practice court or net. focus on hitting the ball in the same spot every time.
-As you get better, increase the speed of your serve and focus on making it spin.
-Finally, practice serving in real match conditions. This means playing against someone else or using a tennis ball machine. Try to replicate the conditions of an actual match as much as possible.

These tips should help you improve your serve and give you an edge on your opponents.


Tennis is a wonderfully social game, but sometimes you just can’t find someone to play with. Maybe your friends are busy, or you’re traveling and can’t find a partner. Or maybe you’re just shy. Whatever the reason, there are plenty of times when you might want to practice tennis by yourself.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to get better at tennis even when you’re alone. Here are a few ideas:

-Hit against a wall: This is a great way to improve your strokes and work on your accuracy. Just find a wall that’s fun to hit against (preferably one that won’t break anything if you miss!) and start hitting balls against it. You can even mark off targets on the wall to help improve your aim.
-Invest in a Ball Machine: If you’re serious about tennis, then a ball machine can be a great investment. They range in price from around $200-$2000, but they can be worth it if you use them regularly. Ball machines shoot balls at you automatically, so you can practice your strokes without having to stop and retrieve balls after every shot. They’re great for practicing alone or with friends.
-Take Lessons: Tennis lessons are always helpful, even if you’re not taking them with someone else. A good coach can help improve your technique and form, which will make you a better player overall. Lessons can be expensive, but they’re worth it if you’re serious about playing tennis.
-Practice Your Footwork: Footwork is an important part of any sport, but it’s especially important in tennis. Good footwork will help you get to the ball faster and put yourself in position to hit it more effectively. You can practice your footwork by doing drills alone or with someone else. There are also various footwork training aids on the market that can help improve your speed and agility on the court.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to get better at tennis even when you don’t have someone else to play with. So don’t let being alone stop you from practicing and improving your game!

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