How to Get Creases Out of Tennis Shoes in 5 Easy Steps

Here are five simple and effective ways to get rid of creases in your tennis shoes so they look good as new.

Materials Needed

You will need the following materials in order to get creases out of your tennis shoes: a hair dryer, a shoe tree, a clean cloth, and a tennis shoe brush. Follow these five easy steps and you’ll have your shoes looking good as new in no time!

Tennis shoes

In order to get creases out of your tennis shoes, you will need the following materials:
– A shoe brush
– A clean, dry cloth
– A hairdryer

Follow these simple steps to get rid of creases in your tennis shoes:
1. Use the shoe brush to loosen any dirt or debris from the surface of the shoes.
2. Rub the cloth over the shoes to remove any remaining dirt.
3. Turn the hairdryer on to a low setting and hold it about six inches away from the surface of the shoes. Slowly move the hairdryer back and forth until the creases are no longer visible.
4. Let the shoes cool completely before wearing them.


You will need some water to wet your tennis shoes. A bowl or sink will work fine. Make sure the water is not too hot or too cold. You don’t want to damage the material of your shoes by using water that is too hot.


You’ll need a bowl, some hot water, and a few tablespoons of fabric softener. Pour the hot water into the bowl and add the fabric softener. Stir until the fabric softener is completely dissolved. Then, submerge your tennis shoes in the mixture and let them soak for about 15 minutes.

Clothes hanger

The first step is to gather your materials. For this project, you will need a clothes hanger, a shoehorn, a spray bottle filled with water, and a towel. You will also need something to weigh down the hanger, such as a can of soup or a bag of rice.

Step One

Start by wetting a clean cloth with warm water. You can also use a mild soap on the cloth if your shoes are particularly dirty. Rub the cloth over the creased areas of the shoes until they are damp.

Fill the bowl with water

Fill the bowl with water, making sure it’s not too hot or too cold. You don’t want to damage the fabric of your shoes. submerge the shoes in the water and leave them for about 30 minutes. This will help to loosen the dirt and debris that’s embedded in the creases.

Submerge the shoes in the water

Fill a small basin or container with lukewarm water. If you’re dealing with a lot of creases, use a larger container or bucket. Submerge the shoes in the water, making sure all of the creases are fully submerged. Let the shoes soak for 5 to 10 minutes.

Step Two

Wet a washcloth with cold water.Step Three

Take the shoes out of the water

If you have wet shoes, the first step is to take them out of the water. Set them on a dry towel and let them air dry for a few minutes. If they are really soaked, you can also stuff them with newspaper to help absorb the moisture.

Place the shoes on the hanger

Now that you have your shoes and the hanger, it’s time to get started. Place the shoes on the hanger so that the laces are hanging down. If your shoes have shoe strings, you can tie them together to keep them from getting tangled.

Step Three

Stand the shoe on its heel. Place the sole of your other foot on top of the toe of the shoe you’re trying to stretch. Lean into the shoe and apply pressure with your foot until you feel the crease start to loosen.

Hang the shoes on the clothesline

Hang the shoes on the clothesline, laces hanging down, and let them air out for a few hours. The fresh air will help to remove any lingering odors from the shoes.

Let the shoes air dry

After you’ve removed as much moisture as possible, it’s time to let the shoes air dry. If you have a shoe or boot trees, insert them into the shoes to help them hold their shape as they dry. Boot trees are especially important for Tall boots and Wellies, which can be difficult to keep in good condition without them. Once the trees are in place, simply set the shoes in a cool, dry place and let them air dry overnight.

Step Four

With the shoe still wet, stuff it with a clean, dry towel. This will help the shoe to hold its shape as it dries.

Take the shoes off the hanger

Take the shoes off the hanger and place them on a firm, flat surface. If you have a shoe tree in each shoe, remove them as well. If your shoes have laces, untie them and remove them from the shoe.

Place the shoes in the sun

There are a few different ways that you can use the power of the sun’s rays to remove creases from your shoes. One is to simply place them in direct sunlight for a few hours. This will help to loosen the fibers in the fabric and make the creases less noticeable. Another option is to fill a spray bottle with water and spritz your shoes lightly, then place them in direct sunlight. The heat will cause the water to evaporate and help to loosen the fibers in the fabric.

Step Five

The final step is to take the shoes out of the freezer and let them sit for about an hour so that the creases can soften up. After an hour, take a cloth and gently rub it over the creases to help smooth them out. You can also use a hair dryer on a low setting to help remove any remaining creases.

Remove the shoes from the sun

The sun can cause the fabric of your shoes to expand, making it even more difficult to remove creases. If your shoes are currently in the sun, remove them and allow them to cool before you attempt to remove the creases.

Place the shoes on your feet

Now that you have your shoes and your supplies, it’s time to get started. The first step is to put the shoes on your feet. This might seem like an obvious step, but it’s important to make sure that you have the shoes on the correct feet before you start. Otherwise, you might end up with uneven creases in your shoes.

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